The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1664: Princess Dark Song?

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"What is the origin of this Asmode? The audience outside seems to be more familiar with the Asmode than the Dark Lady."

In the player channel of the Purgatory Demon camp, Wang Yan asked Elsa inquisitively beside him. The Dark Lady was also summoned by the fallen demon Samel in the past two years, after careful training. It was not long ago that a few harassment battles were fought on the border of Demon Territory and practiced, which spread the fame.

But Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, is different. The scene is divided regardless of camp. Almost all the audience, when mentioning the name, subconsciously took a breath.

These small movements caused by fear can't escape Wang Yan's eyes.

In addition, Asmode slowly walked out, not obviously not exposed, very low-key, and even a trace of power fluctuations did not show up, which made Wang Yan more certain that this Asmode was definitely not as simple as it seemed. And the calm and calm temperament of the other party is a form of extreme self-confidence.

If he guesses right, this Asmode will even match up with the mighty Nightblade Prince, I am afraid he will not succeed!

"Your Highness Demon Flame, you don't know. Asmode is a very rare new generation of fallen angels. It is also the most outstanding of these rare new generation of fallen angels. It is deeply trusted by the fallen demon Samel."

Elsa, the dark elf, immediately reported after hearing Wang Yan ’s inquiry, “The reason why Asmode is called the head of evil spirits is because he has mastered the true law of death, which is very powerful. It is said that he was killed by him. Enemies will all become undead undead! "

"So cruel?" Wang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, just like the ancient Chinese saying on earth, people can't look different. In front of this Asmode, but from the outside, I really can't see it is such a vicious character.

"Boss, I have heard about this," the native confessed lord, who immediately volunteered for the report, said, "Did you see the flag-bearing lance that Asmode held?" Say that spear is a secondary artifact! As long as it is killed by that spear, the soul will be deprived! "

Asmode is a young general under the command of the fallen demon Samel. His fame and related information have already been circulated among the inhabitants of Hell, and the Lord of Confusion naturally heard about one or two.

"Second Artifact?" Wang Yan stared closely at the spear. If he didn't say it, he wouldn't even see it as a secondary artifact.

Obviously, the sub-artifacts, like his Bajin mirror and the childish warhammer, have been specially treated. As long as they are not used, they are an ordinary ordinary weapon, but once they are in the hands of the master, their power can be truly exerted. come out.

However, having a secondary artifact that has already recognized the Lord is enough to speculate that Asmode's strength is not trivial, and the fallen demon **** has invested a lot in him.

You know, even if it is a demon god, the secondary artifacts it can have are very limited. The generous gifts to his men are enough to see this Asmode, deeply valued by the fallen demon god.

"Then, that's a second artifact? Is there a flag? Can it still contain the souls of death? Isn't it possible ... to use the principle of cultivating evil spirit streamers?" Zhang Weidao is also everyone in this respect, and he quickly gathered close to Wang Yan to observe carefully. But I didn't see it.

Looking at it, it was just a reverse cross rifle with a page of triangular flags. Other special features, he really couldn't see Zhang Weidao.

"Amitabha, the poor monk can't see the depth, but his weapon is full of life, that is a killing blade." Wu Wujie also can't see the depth, but his vision can only determine the long shot. Superb, that kind of sub-artifact itself can't hide the murderous.

"His Majesty, do you want me to use the real eye to help you determine his true strength?" Zoe took out the real eye hanging on his chest. Obviously the head of the evil spirit Asmode, no doubt In addition to the Dark Lady, it is another strong competitor that is enough to danger His Highness.

"No." Wang Yan waved his hand. "Now the projections of the three major demon gods are on the scene. Don't use the real eye casually. I already understand his situation."

"Subordinates understand." Zoe nodded obediently.

Not only are the projections of the three demon gods present, but also the numerous demigods in the three demon domains are also present. If you use the real eye to probe the enemy ’s intelligence indiscriminately, once it is determined to interfere with the behavior of the **** meeting, it will cause a lot of unnecessary Trouble.

Although Wang Yan is not afraid, it is better to keep a low profile right now.

In the venue, the players of the Fallen Demon Realm continued to play.

As Asmode, the head of evil spirits, emerged from the entrance of the tunnel, his body followed with a whole heavy helmet and armor, and the death knight with imposing momentum.

The death knight and the lich, as the name implies, are the opposites of the holy knight and the holy priest unique to the kingdom of light. They are completely transformed from the dark magic energy facing death, a powerful warrior and wizard.

Among them, death knights are sometimes referred to as fear knights, undead knights, etc., but without exception, they are **** slaughterers with strong combat power.

Some of these death knights are voluntary, some are converted passively, but after facing death, and finally reborn, these death knights will retain the general appearance and roughly the same strength level as before, and some special individuals will also receive two times. Evolution, the strength will be greatly increased.

But once the transformation fails, it will become a walking dead without soul. Only the most elite part of the death knight will retain a clear consciousness and soul. This part of the elite death knight with a dark soul is the main force of the land battle under the devil Satan!

"Well, then, isn't that the Necromancer of the Dark Council, Gabriel?"

After Asmode and the Death Knights passed by, a pale, dark-skinned human wizard was suddenly recognized by Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie and others.

"I didn't expect this guy to come to hell, it seems that he has joined the camp of the fallen demon Samel." The goddess Shiva was also slightly surprised. Several human companions were present at the youth conference that year. Such an outstanding necromancer naturally remembers very clearly.

"Not to mention joining, he was originally a fanatical believer of the devil Samuel." Lydia, also a magician, said with dignity, "As a necromancer, I have to admit that his magic is very powerful. And He was because he met the son of flames, otherwise the ranking in the youth conference may be even higher. "

Lydia is a **** fan of the Son of Flame and naturally watched the game. Coupled with Gabriel's practice of undead magic, it can be considered as a member of the earth magic world, and she is also very familiar with such outstanding young strong in the magic world.

"It seems that your old friend also has an opportunity that belongs to him, and his strength is not below you." Wang Yan, as the son of the demon god, exclaimed.

Gabriel, the Necromancer, is the loyal subordinate of the Dark Lady, and is an old friend of Wang Yan. Although Wang Yan did not meet this old friend when he went to the depraved camp to visit the camp. But now it seems that the strength of this Necromancer has indeed grown rapidly.

Today, Gabriel, a tattered old robe, has been replaced by a pope-like noble robe, and the dazzling bone staff in his hand shows his identity and identity in the fallen devil. status.

Obviously, with his stubborn will and extraordinary talent, he has already won the appreciation of the fallen devil Samuel, and now it seems that he has also ruled a lich army, and he is very outstanding.

With the necromancer Gabriel, leading a lich legion walked slowly, and then came out of a dark blade legion composed entirely of dark elves.

The Dark Blade Legion is a special operations unit directly under the fallen demon Samel, Camus, Elsa, and Enzo, who were the senior generals of this legion.

At this time, the three of them looked at the Dark Blade Legion and walked past them, feeling a sense of pride and nostalgia in their hearts. However, they were determined to follow Wang Yan. Those days and their friends and relatives in the legion, it was only for them to miss.

After the Dark Blade Legion has passed, the next are some barbarian subspecies that the Dark Demon can transform, which has formed an alliance with some other races attached to the Fallen Demon God.

These multi-ethnic alliances are like the third echelon of Wang Yan. Although they have a certain combat effectiveness, they are more effective in consuming the enemy's vitality and assisting the main team to win the championship.

Also known as the Artillery Corps.

Finally, the participating teams of Fallen Demon Realm have fully entered the field, and almost everyone on the scene secretly marveled at the powerful combat power of the participating teams.

There have been many old audiences who have participated in several sessions at the scene, and the powerful demigod Demon King has found that this session of the Fallen Demon Team is already stronger than in previous years. I do n’t know how much.

Not to mention, these elite troops alone are more than enough to capture a city.

This made those old demigod demon kings who had participated in the **** conference very shameful. If they are attending this session of the **** conference, it is estimated that even cannon fodder is not counted.

However, the population of the Fallen Demon Realm is indeed much smaller than the other two. All of their participating teams have only seven teams in total, which is two fewer teams than the Purgatory Demon Force led by Wang Yan.

This is also the main reason for the fact that the strength of the Fallen Demon Realm is strong, but due to the problems of military strength and reproduction, it has not been able to really sit in the world of Hell.

"A bit interesting."

Seeing all the teams in the Fallen Demon Realm finish, Wang Yan and others waited, and the son of Lei Duo said, "The Fallen Demon Territory has been mysterious and unpredictable. I thought it was because they were a group of fighting fear guys. Okay. "

"The strength is good, but there are only seven teams. Our Purgatory Demon Race has nine teams. If we add substitute players, our strong men are nearly 30% more than them!" Yin Zhu grinned, "If you talk about strength, the guys in the Fallen Demon Realm, how can we compare to our great Purgatory Demon Race?"

The three great sons from the **** capital, and the team they led, had their own discussions.

In the eyes of them and many native blood demon races, purgatory demon races are the most powerful race in the world and the true master of the **** world.

No way, before the long history, they were indeed the aborigines of the **** world. In order to emphasize the dominance of the **** world, the purgatory demons always emphasized their sense of innate superiority.

However, to this day, the world of **** is no longer the place where the purgatory demon family dominates, and multi-ethnicity is an immutable fact.

Wang Yan did not participate in the discussions of those purgatory demons, nor was he interested in intervening in the disputes of the purgatory demons.

Because of his attention, he has shifted from the camp of the Fallen Demon Domain to the player channel of the Dark Demon Camp.

The participating teams of the Fallen Demon Realm have all played. According to the decision made by the three referees before the draw, the next party to play will be the Dark Demon Camp.

Since the Dark Demon camp is about to appear, will the Wuya Ange he misses appear?

Thinking that Wuya Ange is very likely to appear, Wang Yan could not calm down. Even the kind of impulse he had tried to suppress, his eyes were still full of expectations.

Seeing Wang Yan's emotions being so focused, the confusing Lord kindly persuaded: "Boss, do you care about that night-blade bastard? Mother, this boy is so bold and dare to try to rob us. If it is encountered at the conference, the lord will definitely With the boss, beat the guy fiercely! "

"Relax, Liang Ye's Liangzi has been tied up, and will never make him feel better." Wang Yan chuckled, "Dare to try to grab the lord's things, and then there is no one who is safe and sound."

In the virgin forest, Wang Yan has given each other a little lesson. The next step is to let the opponent feel the care of the Son of Flame on the playing field.

"There are please below, our powerful Dark Demon contestants, grand admission!"

While Wang Yan and others were still discussing the Prince of Night Blade, below the venue, the chair of the night demon clan suddenly announced with high-profile, that the entire dark demon camp immediately boiled.

The slogans of "dark magical power, covering the earth forever", "Her Majesty, immortal", "Daughter of Mamen, stunningly beautiful, unparalleled in the world" and so on, are endless, like mountains and tsunami, one after another.

There is no doubt that among the three demons, the dark demons camp, the folk style is undoubtedly the most sturdy one, so their enthusiasm is more enthusiastic than the fallen demons camp.

Suddenly, a strong energy wave came from inside the channel.


Wang Yan's eyes tightened immediately, his eyes slightly nervous looking at the exit of the Dark Demon Camp, his heart was full of deep anticipation.

It is Sister An Ge who hopes to appear.

Just under Wang Yan's strong expectation, a pure and extremely dark magic energy began to flow like the tide of the dike, and it immediately poured out of the player's channel.

The strong corrosiveness instantly cracked the solid ground, and all vitality was immediately seized by the dark magic power, which turned this land into an alternative environment full of dark energy.

This is also the dark magic power for the dark demon Mamen to survive.

"Is it really Ange?"

Catherine, the dark virgin who had already led the men and entered the venue, muttered secretly in her heart.

The scary thing about the dark magic energy is that it can transform all the energy in the world into the dark magic energy they need. And its powerful corrosion properties are very deadly for any life.

Speaking of this corrosiveness, in contrast to Wuya Ange's highly toxic, there are many similarities. Such a comparison also makes the Dark Lady guess a little more about whether Uya Ange is in the Dark Demon camp.

There is also Wang Yan who speculates, and he is also thinking about it, especially when he sees a large number of elite dark magical energy flowing like a tide, which is similar to the dark sky of Wuya Ange ’s original awakening.

If Uya Ange is likely to be in the Dark Demon camp, this may undoubtedly be very large.

"The first one to appear below is the honorable daughter of Mamen, Princess Ange!"


Just as the Dark Magic could corrode about a third of the field, a roar of mighty beast suddenly passed from the depths of the player's passage.

Immediately afterwards, people at the scene saw that the two powerful lions and scorpions, pulling a very distinguished golden chariot, were slowly walking out of the player's tunnel.

The chariot seems to be made of gold, and the whole is bright and colorful. There are sharp thorns on a pair of axles. In addition to a female demon driving, there is also a cool and beautiful woman like a goddess of war. Ge, proudly stood in the frame.

Seeing this cold and beautiful woman, Wang Yan's heart seemed to be hit hard, and the whole person was stunned.

The glamorous beauty above this arrogant chariot, with a graceful figure and graceful appearance, in addition to a dark golden soft armor, the dark robe that is covered with exudes a little dark golden light The stars in the night sky are all put on the body.

Seen from a distance, this cold and glamorous beauty looks like a goddess who walked with her head raised from the dark night. Especially at this moment, under the public attention, she set off her more noble and respected.

"Dark, Princess Dark Song? Difficult, is it ..."

Wang Yan became more and more excited. The cool and beautiful woman in front of her, the graceful posture and posture, it was so similar!

But the daughter of Mamen was in front of her, but she was called Princess Ange. "Dark" and "An" in Hell are not the same word, nor the same pronunciation, so they cannot be linked together.

In addition, what made him unable to make up his mind was the dark golden scorpion mask on his face.

This mask is not an ordinary prop. It is more exquisite in workmanship and full of magic than the dark maiden, which is only used to cover the face of humans.

Wearing on this cold and beautiful woman, she completely covered her own breath, and then the breath exuded from the magic power of the dark demon Mamen!

That is to say, this mask is related to the dark demon **** Mamen. As long as it is worn on the face, it will exude a huge demon god's power.

At this time, this majestic power seems to be integrated with the cold and beautiful beauty, and the mask's fierce and evil expression makes the cold and beautiful beauty add a bit of coldness and domineering when the power is high.

This use of foreign objects to increase deterrence is actually very common in the world of hell.

Because no matter the world of **** or the world of abyss, the more creatures living here in this highly competitive environment, the easier it is to evolve a more powerful and fierce appearance.

Over time, this concept derived from evolution has become a long-standing mainstream concept in the world of **** and abyss. In the view of the vast majority of races in these two worlds, if you are strong enough, then your appearance must be full of deterrence, so that the weak will be surrendered at first.

This point in the world of hell, from the indifferent demon god, down to the gruesome reptile, all in the deterrence of appearance, exhausted their thoughts.

For example, under Wang Yan, those terrible ogres and barbarians with tendons, these two fierce races, it is estimated that ordinary people who are stunned and daring can be directly scared to death. Even if it is a confusing lord with some big nerves, his burly figure and fierce appearance are also very deterrent. Put it in front of the weaker low-level, his appearance and momentum alone can also deter the audience.

So a race with a weak appearance, like humans, is naturally not a deterrent in the world of hell. Not only human beings, some races that are not big enough and look unsightly, often need some external props to enhance their power.

It's like the Dark Sage's soul-cutting scythe, and the powerful demigod level destroys the devil. There is also the cold and beautiful woman in front of him with the mask on his face, whose purpose is to deter many **** races on the scene.

This approach was indeed reasonable and without any problems, but it depressed him Wang Yan.

With this mask on his face, he can't see what he looks like, and even his own breath is completely covered. What should he do to Wang Yan?

How should he confirm the true identity of this cold and beautiful woman?

He can't always assume that the other person is Uya Ange because of the good shape of that cold beauty? Besides, the demon family, in addition to having some beast characteristics, is actually very close to humans.

In front of him, this cold and glamorous woman, wearing a mask on her face, wearing armor, and a robe, makes it impossible to determine whether she is a demon or a human.

Unable to confirm, Wang Yan could not confirm the cold beauty in front of her.

Although Wang Yan thought in his heart, this cold beauty is An Ge. But who dares to be 100% sure?

Unless some special methods are used ...

But if it is not handled properly, it will be regarded as an offense by the Dark Demon camp, especially the Dark Demon Mamen is still on the scene. Once it is big, it may cause a war between the two sides.

Desperate Demon God Samel who fought the battle between Purgatory Demon Realm and Dark Demon Realm will inevitably add another foot from this natural reason.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the party that ultimately loses out is definitely his Wang Yan and the purgatory domain he is in.

Speaking of that, the reason why he was able to sneak into the camp of the Dark Lady last night was also because he learned that the other party was a human on earth, that is, his own person.

Otherwise, Wang Yan broke into the boudoir of the other's heir, and there was absolutely no possibility of retreating. Even if he escaped, the fallen Demon God would personally lead the army to chase and kill, with unimaginable consequences.

But now, do you have to give up?

Such a good opportunity is already in front of you. You can easily confirm whether it is a valuable opportunity for Ange. Do you want to watch it and watch it slip away?

No way! No matter what, you have to be sure, otherwise how can Wang Yan feel at ease?

Wang Yan's heart has been entangled to the extreme. Although it is easy to cause disputes between the two devil gods and the two camps, it is not his style to make him wince.

Just as he was about to rush out of the player's channel and wanted to communicate with the "Dark Princess" further, an amazing scene appeared.

Wang Yan's footsteps haven't stepped out yet. Following the cold beauty, the guard who came out together almost didn't let his chin fall.

The same, it's exactly the same!

Followed by this cold beauty, there are dozens of maid guards who also control chariots and masks!

Not only that, these dozens of maid guards not only have the same mask to cover their faces, but also their hair color, figure, and even the charm of the charm!

Not to mention whether there is Uya Ange, even if Uya Ange is really in it, if it can be distinguished, it is really a hell!


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