The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1663: Head of evil spirits

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From the moment he appeared, the whole venue suddenly became silent and solemn, and even the terror and depression caused by the other two demon gods seemed to be put in a solemn solemnity because of his appearance.

"Your Majesty welcomes you to the venue!"

"Fallen Demon Realm, immortal!"

Countless members of the fallen demon realm on the scene met on their knees together. Their enthusiasm and piety were more enthusiastic than those of the other two camps.

This is another powerful aspect of the fallen demon Samel. The way he ruled his subjects was not just a military conquest and fear, but another method, usually called faith, for death and silence. The belief of extinction!

Speaking of which, the gods who are most proficient in this method must of course count the light gods of the light kingdom. He undoubtedly exerted this means of controlling people's hearts to the fullest. The belief that the Holy See, including the earth, has taken root in many worlds.

It is for this reason that the God of Light is the most powerful among the gods. Even if Samuel betrayed the kingdom of light, he could not shake the status of the kingdom of light.

The fallen demon Samel also uses this to learn how to strengthen his rule. Therefore, the subjects of the Fallen Demon Realm have maintained a high degree of faith, which is also an important reason why the demon **** Samuel has a small population but strong cohesion.

"Humph, there is nothing to show."

Devil God Satan looked at the solemn fallen Demon God Samel who made the meeting place, he snorted very uncomfortably, and secretly humorously said, "Samuel, in addition to making mysteries and fooling those ants, what else can you do? ? "

"Oh, why is it mysterious? The God is bringing them the true meaning of death, letting them understand what is true eternity and immortality." Samuel the devil sneered a sneer and sneered with an unscrupulous echo. With your beast-like wisdom, how can you understand the true meaning of death? "

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean."

Demon God Samel's sneer made Satan's crimson face change into an iron-green face, and the two eyes suddenly met fiercely.

"Two weak guys, if you really have the ability, let the real body come and decide the male and female! The **** does not mind becoming your arbiter." Looking at the two demon gods confronting each other, the dark demon **** Mamen looked proudly and spoke There is nothing but meekness.

Speaking of it, it is not that Mamen deliberately favored the big one. If in terms of age alone, Tamar is undoubtedly the oldest among the three demon gods, so his tone is full of condescending gestures.

But when it comes to the real body, the demon **** Samel and the devil **** Satan are really a little afraid.

Because who knows if the opponent has prepared any tricks to deal with himself? Once the real body fell, they would have no power to return to the sky and could only die.

Not to mention that the demon **** Samar and the devil **** Satan did n’t dare. In fact, even the dark demon **** Mamen did n’t dare to let himself appear easily.

Able to reach the level of the gods, it is a great chance that there is nothing in the hundreds of millions. Every **** in the universe is the supreme existence that overrides all life. While possessing near-eternal power, these gods often take their lives very seriously, and will not easily expose themselves to danger.

Even the **** conference of the highest specification like this, they just came to the scene by projection.

In addition, the three demon gods were scrupulous about each other and contained each other. This is also an important reason why they dare not come in their true bodies.

"Oh, you are an arbiter." Satan, the devil, narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Mamen old thief, I think you want to see us fight hard, can you sit down and gather the fisherman?"

On the other side, the fallen Demon Samel also turned his gaze, casually taunting: "Dark Demon God Mamen, huh, huh, I have heard rumors that you are almost done, how? The life hasn't reached the end yet?"

"The weak have listened to the rumors. Speaking of the fallen demon Samel, you were seriously injured by the old and bright dogs, Satan children, and the gods. Is that injured now? Will you already be ill and cannot be cured?

Dark Demon Mamen's expression didn't care, but instead sneered. But in fact, a hint of worry flashed through his eyes.

Sometimes rumors are not groundless, and his dark demon, Mamen, dared not show any signs of weakness. When the Dark Demon Mamen is the strongest, he can cross the universe at will and fight with many gods, even if he encounters the powerful God of Light, he dares to face it.

Today, he looks like an old dog with a broken heart compared to the original.

Fortunately, everything will change next. Because he has continued the blood, An Ge, his baby daughter, the blood is so thick, it is even better than when he was young.

Thinking of this, the Dark Demon Mamen's momentum was particularly strong.

"And you, child Satan, I heard that you were deceived by the believers you cultivated on earth? You also left an arm there? Ha ha, the magnificent purgatory demon **** is really powerful."

After the fallen demon Samel was finished, the dark demon Mamen laughed at Satan the deity.

At this moment, the strong side of the dark demon **** Mamen was displayed to the fullest, and the fallen demon **** Samel and the demon **** Satan were all pointed at the painful place, and the three parties were suddenly struggling with each other. In the eyes of each other, it seemed that fire would burst out.

The fierce confrontation of the three demon gods made the atmosphere dignified to the extreme. The whole venue was silent, with millions of spectators dared not show up in the atmosphere.

Although none of them could hear the dialogue between the demon gods, the horrifying pressure caused by the majestic confrontation of the three demon gods, for most of the audience at the scene, is the same for the end of the world.

"Well, Mamen old thief, Samel, don't talk nonsense, let's let the young people compete on the field!" Shaoying, a devil's eyes flashed in the eyes of the devil Satan, "Fortunately, you guys can't do anything. Guys, see the power of our Purgatory Demon Race! "

"Oh, it's exactly what the original God intended." The fallen demon Samel sneered. "This is also what the original God wants to give you."

"Child Satan, I hope that your cheap son, picked up, will be as confident as you when he arrives on the battlefield."

The dark demon **** Mamen Tiger turned his eyes and looked at the devil gods Satan and Samer with dignity, "And you, Samer, let our heirs see you on the battlefield!"

The three demon gods talked fiercely to each other, each looked at each other fiercely, and then each fell to their exclusive seats.

In fact, the three devil gods all understand that they will not have any results if they continue to confront each other.

Over the years, this has always been the case.

As long as there is another demon **** in the world of hell, they can't decide the true victory or defeat. Otherwise, the last demon **** will take advantage of the fisherman and completely control the world of hell.

Of the three great demon gods, who would like to fight desperately by themselves, but in the end was picked up by the other party, collecting land, collecting wealth, and receiving the harem?

But at this moment, the three-legged state is really too long, too long, and even these three demon gods, they have no patience and no strength to pass away.

So that this time they swear at the power of the law and break the current stalemate.

Perhaps, the real period of change in the world of **** is at this **** conference!

The original projections of the tall and majestic bodies of the three demon gods began to shrink slowly, and finally came to the top of the venue, which was set up for them.

These three stands are set up at the top of the three camps. After the Demon God has arrived on the stands, he can easily overlook the entire venue.

As the three demon gods exuded and Shenwei gradually dissipated, countless audiences at the venue finally let out a long sigh of relief, and a lot of cold sweat overflowed behind and behind many people.

In addition, the projections of the three major demon gods are still present, and countless audiences on the scene have stretched their roots in their hearts, and they dare not even make the slightest mistake.

"Hell Conference, officially started!"

After the projection of the three demon gods, the three referees who stayed in the center of the venue immediately announced the start of the conference.

Warm cheers, as well as various dazzling performances from the three camps and various races, as well as various colorful sacrifices and blessing ceremonies, began to stage colorfully.

At this time, the rest area of ​​Purgatory Demon Realm.

Wang Yan drank the wine in his hand, then slowly stood up, looked at the many men beside him, and said, "Let's go, it's time to start."

"Yes Yes!"

Many of his companions were stunned for a while, and then they all made a powerful cry.

The reason why they are stunned is that they have just been immersed in the divinity of the three demon gods, and their hearts are full of shock.

After all, the three demon gods gathered together, and the power exuded was too terrifying. Even if they are confusion, cruelty, and Zhang Weidao, who have reached the legendary peak, they will still feel the pressure of near suffocation.

Even the desert emperor who has been promoted to the demigod realm still feels his smallness under the divinity of these three demon gods.

This is just the power exudes from the projection of the demon god. If one of the demon gods comes down and shows his full strength, all the people present together, I am afraid that he can only resist the sigh.

This is the terrible place of a god. They and Wang Yan and others are very different life forms. It can be said that each of these three demon gods is beyond the limit of life, integrated with the absolute law between heaven and earth, and overrides the supreme existence of all life in the world.

In the eyes of these ordinary creatures, they are like the vast sky above the head, the endless universe is generally eternal and great, making everything in this world look up to.

But can feel the divine power exuded by the three demon gods. In fact, it is also a good thing for Wang Yan and others.

Wang Yan's men and companions, after experiencing the deterrence of Shenwei, the pride has somewhat converged, which will be of great benefit to their next battle.

Especially Wang Yan, who can personally feel the power of other demon gods, also makes him feel his own shortcomings. He knows very well that no matter in **** or other areas, he can only keep himself invincible if he keeps getting stronger.

At the same time, when he felt the power of other demons, it undoubtedly sounded the alarm for him.

The next step is not just to face the very powerful opponents and the encirclement and suppression of the two demon gods in the **** meeting. In the near future, the earth world must also face the abyss demon Kaos, and the invasion of the abyss demons.

These are the crises he and his companions have to face.

Especially for the current **** conference, if he cannot win the championship, I am afraid that there is no chance of connecting to face the abyss crisis, let alone looking for Ange and strong himself.

Wang Yan led people into the rest area of ​​the Purgatory Demon Race, by which time all the participants of the Purgatory Demon Race were ready to go.

Standing in the forefront of the team are the three worlds of Lei Duo, Chi Luo, and Ji Yin, followed by the third echelon composed of the sons of the three demon kings, Chi Lie, Chi Gu, and Chi Yan, and other participants.

This team, together with Wang Yan as the main force, has a total of nine teams. There are thousands of main players and candidates, which is larger than the other two forces. many.

Such a well-staffed team with strong combat power can already be regarded as quite elite among the forces of the three demon gods. This is also Satan, the devil, who dared to swear promises to the other two demon gods.

"You, follow me!"

Wang Yan glanced at many participants on the scene, and after receiving a powerful response, he led everyone to turn around and walked towards the entrance of the conference.


"There are please below, our great Fallen Demon contestants, solemnly enter!"

"Fallen Demon Realm, immortal!"

At the center of the venue, the female fallen angel host of the Fallen Demon Realm raised with one hand, and hundreds of thousands of audiences in the Fallen Demon Realm immediately shouted like a mountain and tsunami.

These spectators of the Fallen Demon Realm, one by one, were extremely excited, and together with the lifeless death knight, they all shouted excitedly, striking the rusty armor with their swords.

The Hell Conference is not only a way for the three demon gods to compete, but for the people of the three demon domains, it is also an important way for them to look at their country and fight against hostile forces and races.

It's like a large-scale sports event in the earth world. It's just that the **** conference in the **** world is full of **** violence. Everything speaks with pure force. The contestants will either win or die. Such a cruel elimination system also makes the inhabitants of **** who admire force and the strong full of enthusiasm.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the viewers of the Fallen Demon Realm, the audiences of the Dark Demon Realm and the Infernal Demon Clan seem much more indifferent, but this time it is a good opportunity to observe the strength of the opponent.

"Look at me, and then they are the opponents we are going to fight."

At the exit of Purgatory's Demon Channel, Wang Yan's eyes became serious, and all the men and contestants behind him looked seriously, all eyes on the exit to the opposite Demon Devil.

There is a demon **** sitting in the three demon domains, and the participating teams trained by the demon **** can be said that none of them are weak, and everyone knows this well.

However, Wang Yan's gaze sometimes aimed at the Fallen Demon Realm, and sometimes at the camp of the Dark Demon Realm on the other side.

The general lineup of Fallen Demon Realm, in fact, he already has some understanding. Compared with this, he is looking forward to the appearance of the Dark Demon Realm, hoping to see the daughter of the Dark Demon Mamen soon.

"I'm coming!"

"The team of the Fallen Demon Domain is out!"

Suddenly there was a series of discussions in the meeting place. Wang Yan looked around and saw a dark and cold dark energy magic energy, like a carpet spreading out from the contestant's passage.


"Kaka Kaka!"

Where the dark energy demon qi passed, the ground instantly became ice, and even the warm atmosphere on the scene seemed to be frozen because of the deadly air emitted from the dark energy devil qi.

Just when everyone was attracted by the rich dark energy of death, a harsh chain dragged it suddenly from the silent player channel.

"Wow la la ..."

The piercing iron chain dragging sounds gentle, but in silence it seems as though the torture tool is rubbing, which is horrifying.

The audience of the Fallen Demon Realm was more excited. The two audiences of the Dark Demon Realm and the Infernal Demon Realm looked at the player's channel, but they couldn't help but express their deep fear.

For death, any living creature is full of instinctive fear, but they live to death.

Sure enough, with a heavy footstep, a humanoid monster with an antelope head and a very strong body, with arms and body covered with iron chains, gradually emerged from the player's passage.

The comer is Bafa the Devil of the Horned Devil!

The destruction of the claw demon king Bafu is the alien demigod demon under the fallen demon Samel. He not only has a terrifying physical strength, but also can cast a terrible **** fire and roast the soul of the soul.

He is the fallen demon Samel, in order to recruit the dark maiden Catherine, to give the dark maiden a close servant. The devil Samuel personally engraved the soul contract, and today the claw devil Bafu is destroyed, always guarding around the dark virgin.

Sure enough, after the camel demon king Buff came out, a human girl wearing a delicate battle armor, wearing a mask and wearing a soft mask, was controlling a nightmare with beauty and evil, calming the atmosphere Slowly walked out.

There is no doubt that this seemingly delicate girl actually hides the killer. It is the brand new spokesperson personally hand-picked by the fallen demon Samel, the Dark Saint Catherine!

Although at this time she wore the armor and the skirt, as elegant and noble as the nobles, no one dared to underestimate her at the scene. Because at this moment, the black flame of the giant sickle gently lifted by her fingers, which was lifted by her fingers, was deeply tucked into the heart of everyone who witnessed its sharp edge. .

The soul-cutting sickle is precisely the sub-artifact for the dark saint maiden by the fallen demon Samel, who personally used the crown tree of the dark holy tree! The power of this sub-artifact is the same as that of the Darkest Holy Tree, even if the people on the scene have no knowledge or knowledge of the goods, but the horror power exuded by this sickle is enough to deter all the souls of the scene!

"Yo, look at this material, I am afraid it is not from your life root to the dark holy tree?"

Above the venue, the dark demon Mamen chuckled provocatively, "I am afraid that it takes a lot of divine power to use so much at once?"

"It's just a branch to the dark sacred tree. How much power does the energy cost to the gods?" The fallen demon Samel dismissed the anti-smile, "It's you, the powerful dark demon Mamen, you should not cherish it. Divine power, even decent things are reluctant to pass on to your daughter? If this is the case, then you can't win the Catherine of God. "

"Daughter of God, can't win that weak human? Hahaha, Samuel, what are you kidding!" Dark Demon Mamen smiled and smiled suddenly, "Samuel, don't say you got it That human woman. Even Satan ’s child, his son who blows up to heaven, may not be the opponent of the goddess! "

"Hehehe, Mamen old thief, you are really as rampant as ever." The demon **** Satan smiled dumbly, then the magic pupil turned, staring coldly at Samuel and Mamen. "Despite your pride, the **** wants to see , How did your heirs of flowery exhibitions win the Son of God! "

In the view of Satan the devil, his son Moyan is the strongest being, and his demonstrated strength and potential far surpassed that of Satan.


The fallen demon Samel, the dark demon Mamen snorted one after another, all secretly said: Let's see!

The three demon gods are secretly accumulating power, and the confrontation between the three is becoming fiercer, but the players below continue to play. This is an extremely rare opportunity to show your own strength and make the enemy awe.

The nightmare beast under the dark virgin crotch is a unique Eudemons species in the Fallen Demon Realm, the body is like a horse with a horn, but the coat is black, the mane is like fire, and there is a pair of black feathers behind the evil spirit. Wings, if it is in a fighting state, this mysterious Eudemons, four feet will also ignite the dark green fire of hell, which can cause quite serious physical and soul attacks on the enemy.

At this time, the nightmare controlled by the Dark Lady is the king of the nightmares. It is equipped with silver armor, gorgeous and noble, and it complements the temperament of the Dark Lady himself. The two gradually walk out. While attracting the audience to marvel at the side, it also reflects her mysterious and evil beauty. .

And as the Dark Lady walked out of the passage, a group of fallen angels with the same graceful temperament showed off their black wings, followed closely behind.

These fallen angels slowly and quietly in the air, the picture is picturesque, revealing a beautiful tension.

These fallen angels have men and women, but they are all dressed in black dazzling mighty armor. They have fair skin and cold eyes. They hold the cold cross lances of Hanmansensen in their hands, and the dark ink wings are raised high behind them. A copy of the Angel of Tomorrow.

But compared to the Angel of Light, the fallen angel feels the opposite.

Despite their elegance and beauty, these fallen angels are covered with a dark and dark atmosphere, and their eyes are filled with creepy sharpness. Even because there were so many fallen angels appearing at the same time, the scene actually became silent again because of people's fear.

It is as if the absolute silence in this world is synonymous with them, and it is said that every fallen angel is the reaper of the soul.

Suddenly, the scene was boiling again.

"Then, that's ..."

Just as countless spectators were on the scene, while still mourning the fear for the Dark Lady and her army of fallen angels, a character that made them even more terrified appeared.

"He, he is ... the head of evil spirits, Asmode!"

Yes, he is the most outstanding young general under the command of the fallen demon Samel, Asmode, the head of the undead!

Countless spectators at the scene sucked in cold air, with terrified eyes.

A luxurious armor, a fallen angel with six wings on his back, riding another nightmare beast with fire, slowly pacing gracefully from the player's passage.

If by human standards, Asmode's appearance and figure are almost perfect to be impeccable. And temperament is introverted, gentle, with dark curly hair half covering the forehead, light blue eyes below, looks deep and gentle.

But under this calm and mysterious appearance, it seems like a deep sea, dark and icy, not deep.

If this guy is put on the earth, it is estimated to be popular among thousands of girls.


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