The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1660: Ango

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"Oh, more fights and less fights." Wang Yan burned a fierce flame all over his body. With a wave of his hand, the flames in the sky ignited the dense forest in front, blocking the progress of those legendary guards.

With Wang Yan's current flame level, he has reached the level above the real fire of the sun. Not to mention igniting damp, virgin forests, even water can burn. The core of the flame is a bright white flame head.

One of the night demon clan guards not knowing how powerful it is, full of dark magic energy around him, as if putting himself on a layer of heavy armor, with thick skin and rough skin trying to break through the layers of flame.

But as soon as it rushed in, the sky's tongue of fire shrouded it like a living creature, and in just two breaths, the magical armor guarded by the night monster guarded the winter like the snow, melting quickly, transpiration, and losing solid The dark magic energy of the form is completely burned in the burning flame.


The legendary Night Demon clan guarded on the earth enough to dominate one side was swallowed by the flames of the sky, no matter how he struggled and rolled, he was burned to ashes in no time.


The remaining night demon clan guards and Prince Night Blade took a breath of air, their expressions both being amazed. What kind of flame is this, how could it be so scary? A legendary master is actually burnt to death.

Hellfire of Purgatory Demon Race?

No, **** fires are more reddish, while the flames are overbearing, with a strong evil, and there is also a smell of sulfur that cannot be hidden.

In fact, even Hellfire is generally difficult to reach the level of easily refining legendary powerhouses, not to mention ordinary purgatory demon kings, even those demigod demon kings who are known as pinnacles may not be able to do so.

Is it the holy flame of the kingdom of heaven?

The colors are very similar, they all show some white. Although the Holy Flame is powerful and has a wonderful effect against the dark energy, but when will such a powerful and overbearing force destroy the deadly power?

But this kind of flame, from the most yang to the strong, strong and upright, just like the emperor in the flame, exerting the power of the flame itself to the fullest.

"Beast, Your Highness wants you to die!"

Prince Nightblade was furious and similarly blazed flames. It's just that his flame is completely different from Wang Yan's, showing a dark color, and it's like a burning cloud in the sky.

This is the dark magic flame with dark magic energy as the core, and the principle is similar to the **** magic flame from the Dark Lady.

To Wang Yan's slight surprise, the power of Prince Nightblade's magic flame was not small, and it was nothing more than the Dark Lady's **** magic flame. The dark magic flame of the sky and the real fire of Wang Yan's sun collided with each other, engaged in battle, and swallowed and melted each other.

Although the overall power is one-of-a-kind, it suffered a lot from the collision and engagement, but in the end it contained the real fire of the sun.


The night demon clan guards, once again violently siege to Wang Yan, they want to avenge their dead companions.

"Oh, interesting."

Wang Yan was a bit impressed by Prince Night Blade. He was able to control such a dark magic flame of such a low level. It can be seen that not only his cultivation skills should be underestimated, but his talent is also a first-class existence among the young people in Hell.

At least among the purgatory demon clan, Wang Yan has never seen a talented youth of this level. The world of several devil kings is far worse than him.

"Some sleepy today, come back and play with you."

Now that Wang Yan has obtained the essence of the Wanshen Beast, he is temporarily unwilling to continue to struggle with Prince Night Blade.

"Want to go, can you go?"

Many night demon guards have surrounded Wang Yan, holding weapons such as swords, halberds, etc. in their respective hands. They are all legendary fighters, although heads-up is not a demigod opponent. Can be attacked in groups, not necessarily afraid of the demi-level strong.

What's more, there is also Prince Yeblan who has the same demi-god strength. As long as the big guy is entangled with him, Prince Yeblad will pick him up.

"Oh, it's up to you to keep me?"

Wang Yan sneered disdainfully, "Then let's have a good time."


In Wang Yan's real fire, seven figures slowly condensed, each of which looks similar to Wang Yan, but the body is an entity formed by the condensation of flames.

Flame avatar!

This is the fighting method developed by Uncle Cannon in the pure Yang Divine Skill.

Divide a few traces of spiritual power, condense a flame avatar to fight, the effect is quite good. At this time, Wang Yan's display was even more amazing. Seven, at the same time, could even condense seven flame avatars.

According to the truth, the more flame avatars that condense, the weaker each flame avatar will be. However, each of these flame avatars condensed by Wang Yan has a strong breath.

They are covered with white glass-like flame armor, each with different weapons such as swords, guns, sticks, and even the micro-expressions of each avatar are different.

Seven Flame Doppelgangers, each of which is on a legendary night demon guard.

The feeling of shouting and drinking, a group of avatars swarming upwards, is like Sun Wukong plucking the monkey hair, attracting a lot of monkey monkeys and grandchildren.

They are of extraordinary strength, even if they are guards against the legendary night demon tribes, they are not to be spared, and they fight each other with you.

at the same time.

However, Wang Yan's body was swaying, and a wave of water rippled in the space, slowly disappearing.

In the surrounding space, only his ridiculous voice was left: "Prince Nightblade, thank you for the Essence of Ten Thousand Beasts. I will look forward to thanking you after conquering the Dark Devil Goddess."


Prince Night Blade was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, but he did not dare to chase Wang Yan. Not to mention that they can't catch up, as long as he dares to catch up. Then the legendary guards he carefully cultivated will also be killed or injured at least three or four.

Those strange flame avatars are obviously lifeless, and when they started, they were all desperate tricks.

As a last resort, Prince Nightblade had to help his guards first and clean up those flamed flames. But even if he personally shot, the seven flame men also caused them a heavy blow.


At the last minute, all the flame people turned into bombs, bombarded, and almost destroyed a dozen kilometers of virgin forest.

The remaining seven legendary night demon guards were actually killed by two, and the rest were either light or heavy injured.

Angrily prince Night Blade roared angrily: "Where did that **** human come from? Check it out and find out for me. Your Highness is going to personally cramp him."

While angry, Prince Nightblade was also afraid of the suddenly emerging human being. His strength was too strong, and his means were endless. Not only is the flame control ridiculously strong, but even the laws of space are so good.

In addition to Prince Ye Blade's "anger", Wang Yan in this box had already run away without a trace. Relying on the induction of the flame avatars, he finally exploded a few traces of his mental powers at the same time.

This explosive power made Wang Yan wonder at all, one word, fierce!

In this short confrontation with Prince Night Blade, although Wang Yan was not sure that the goddess of the dark demon Mamen was Uya Ange, at least it was confirmed that Prince Night Blade's fellow was not simple, as if brewing some big conspiracy.

Ignoring him for the time being, there are opportunities to clean it up.

Next, it's time to go to the **** conference venue to attend the purgatory conference.


The morning sun finally came, and the Gemini Sun in the world of **** projected the glowing light again on this vast red earth.

The whizzing wind rolled up the red sand from the ground, blowing across it.

"Read all about it!"

A red spotted lizard hiding in an underground cave, probed the brain at the entrance of the cave for a while, and then drilled out.

These small reptiles, which are only two or three feet long, usually hide underground to avoid the cold at night. When they get to dawn, they will jump out of the cave and quickly find food.

After a long night of waiting, this little lizard covered with red horns was already hungry. It aimed at a blue-gray desert plant with silky tussocks and weeds, took short limbs, and flew past.

As long as the plant is drilled into a piece of dirt and motionless, prey will be sent to the door soon. Such a simple means of survival, it is already proficient in proficiency.

But at this moment, a large hoof and foot sound, like a mountain tsunami, rushed.

"Boom! Rumble!"

The ground was stomped by the sound of a large mount of riding, like a quake. The unlucky red-horned lizard, the hiding plant, was trampled on the foot of a certain **** dog by one foot.

Without the shelter, the little horned lizard was scared by the scene of almost thousands of troops in front of him. In a hurry, the little horned lizard has a belly and a tongue, and the whole lizard looks like a dead body for a few days, which is tiresome and has no appetite.

In this way, as the brigade lined up and seemed to whistle through the mountains, under the tramp of countless feet, this unlucky little horned lizard survived miraculously.

The little horned lizard, who was about to die, was half scared by his life. He stayed on the ground and slammed halfway, so that he would crawl up and run back.

But at this moment, in the eyes of the little horned lizard looking away from a distance, on the horizon full of rising sun, a towering meeting place, I don't know when, it has risen!

This is a very majestic building with magnificent magnificence. The whole body is made of gray-black basalt.

These come from underground lava movements, forming solid giant rocks, each weighing several tons. The hard and smooth appearance of the stone reveals a sense of ancient and majestic majesty, making this building look like a giant beast passing through the ancient wilderness, sitting on this endless red plain.

This large venue is also full of the world of hell, rugged and majestic architectural style, shaped like a rounded arena without a dome. From the visual observation on the ground, the height of the building is as high as dozens of floors. Covering a large area, it is difficult to compare with a dozen large stadiums on the planet.

According to preliminary estimates, in terms of the capacity of this majestic venue, millions of people can be easily accommodated!

But from all over the world in hell, there are far more than one million people pouring into this venue.

In order to show the force, to show yourself, and to make friends with the upper class, develop their own power. There are dozens of demigods on behalf of the three demon gods who are sent to the Hell Assembly. Almost every demigod demon king and prince noble with a head and face will squeeze their heads and participate in this grand event.

With the addition of these demigods, the lords and escorts led by this group of people, every force has gathered a team of millions.

Of course, these teams are stationed in their respective battalions, and the military serves as guards, and will not all enter the venue, but this is only an official representative.

Apart from these demigods and official representatives, those lords from all walks of life at the grass-roots level and a large number of merchants and people, as well as the local indigenous people, are innumerable.

Of course, not all of these countless ordinary people are eligible to enter the main venue of the Hell Assembly. However, this does not affect their enthusiasm for the Hell Assembly. For the vast majority of civilians and local indigenous people, even if they listen to the sound outside, feel the atmosphere, and enjoy the fun.

And once the gathered population increases, related businesses will emerge.

It can be said that around the main venue of the Hell Assembly, a busy and prosperous city appeared on this vast red plain almost overnight.

No, on the periphery of this majestic main venue, countless wooden houses and tents, beast riding fleets, and fires still burning smoke, have already covered a large area. And these little wooden houses and tents are still expanding outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Vendors selling daily necessities, food, drinks, weapons, specialty gemstones, etc. have already started selling on this morning.

If in the evening, you can also see various entertainment venues, listed in this gathering area for business. As for the women of all ethnicities who pick up guests privately, as well as the young men and women who seek each other for joy, there are countless here.

There is no way, where there are many people, there will be a lot of business. And here, under the main venue of the Hell Assembly, the heads of the parties meet, so according to traditional rules, no private acts are allowed outside the venue.

In other words, this is indeed the official place for the three demon gods to confront each other and fight for hegemony, but the three demon gods have no time to care for their feet, but provide a safe and peaceful living environment for those low-level creatures.

So here, even if it is just a humble Goblin, he can come to the people, sell goods, and earn him a small amount of money. Or spend a small amount of money and enjoy a good life.

Time passed.

Just outside the venue, the crowd was bustling, busy with their livelihoods, and waiting for the official start of the **** meeting. A team of thousands of soldiers and horses caught the eyes of this group of civilians.

"This, this is!"

"Awesome, hard, is it ..."

The civilians on both sides of the road immediately stopped the work on hand and looked up.

I don't know when, a civilian from the city of Liuhuo suddenly screamed in surprise: "He, he is the son of the demon god, His Royal Highness!"


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