The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1659: Meet the Night Blade again

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The camp of the Dark Demon, shrouded in a huge dark formation, looks like a huge monster that treats others.

Looking outside, the whole world was dark and misty, full of dense and highly erosive magic mist.

This kind of highly toxic magic mist with the unique dark demon Mamen is quite unfriendly to other races. The less powerful creatures will enter, and soon will be dissolved by the eroded flesh and souls will be destroyed.

This is why the site of the Dark Demon Mamen is the most mysterious and unpredictable place among the three demons of Hell. The demon **** Mamen has spent countless years and divine power, and has created a place suitable for its ethnic reproduction in hell.

Faced with such a battle, the dark elf Elsa said helplessly: "Lord, I really have no choice this time." Infiltrating into such a ghost place is better to command the army to fight hard.

Wang Yan worked to explore the spiritual power inwards, but was also blocked by the thick magic fog, and could not invade too far. In the dark fog, God knows how many terrible defensive guards are hidden.

"Forget it, let's withdraw it first." Wang Yan said rather helplessly, as strong as his demigod demon who broke into it, it was just a dead word.

Anyway, the Hell Conference is about to start, and then it will be time to observe whether the other party is Uya Ange.

Just when Wang Yan and Elsa sneaked away and sneaked away, preparing to secretly leave the camp of the Dark Demon. Suddenly, there was a dark fog surging ahead, and then a team of people quietly left the camp.

Among the team of men, the one headed is a magnificent young demon. He is wearing a set of black scale armor. The black pupil is as clear as obsidian. He looks a bit similar to the purgatory demon and the abyss demon, but his body is slightly longer The skin was grayish-white, and the cruel light gleamed in the cold eyes.

Behind him is a team of guards who are also the night demon clan, all of them are vigorous, with a legendary strength, and a terrible breath of masters.


The ancestors of the night demons were also purgatory demons, but since they turned to the dark demon mamen, they gradually evolved into the current night demons. Compared to the hot and sulphurous world, they are now more adapted to survive and evolve in the realm of the dark demon.

The Night Demon Clan has grown into the first race under the Dark Demon Mamen, and its overall strength is very powerful.

The secret of Wang Yan's eyes was slightly slack, he had seen this young Demon Clan Demon King. It was the night demon clan who was fighting with the hot sand overlord not long ago, what is the night blade prince?

His strength is not bad, and he has a lot of elite soldiers.

Even Wang Yan is full of threats. The last time he met, Wang Yan was almost cut off by him. The courage is really fat, knowing that he is the son of the devil, and dare to rob.

Wang Yan's eyes were cold and he didn't rush up immediately

If you encounter it in another place, you will have to settle accounts with him.

After Prince Nightblade led a team of guards out of the Dark Demon Camp, they did not stay, but moved quietly to the west.

"Lord, what's next?" Elsa's eyes showed a sense of fear, the name of the night blade prince was huge, and he was already a demigod-level strength at a young age. It is said that even the dark demon His Majesty He valued him very much, and vaguely thought of him as an heir.

But I'm afraid it's hanging now.

Information from all sources revealed obscurely that the dark demon Mamen was cultivating his daughter as heir.

The mood of this night blade prince is probably very complicated.

"Oh ~" Wang Yan sneered. "This night demon kid, sneaking around in the middle of the night, guilty of traitor. Anyway, everyone is the enemy, let's go and see, maybe we can find any chance."

Elsa murmured secretly in her heart, as if the two of us weren't wandering around in the middle of the night.

The two joined one after the other and merged into the night, tracing towards Prince Yebla and his entourage.

Although the other party intends to disappear, the dark elf Elsa is a generation of masters who are sneaking to follow. The two chased along the way, but they did not find the other party.

After a long time.

The other party turned around and sneaked into a primitive jungle.

In the world of hell, the primitive jungle has always been a dangerous and fierce place, and the general expedition squads are afraid to run wild. However, Prince Yebla and his entourage were extremely powerful.

The demigod demon king's breath only showed a little bit, and made all kinds of murderous creatures tremble and retreat.

Reaching the depths of the jungle, a rare place.

Prince Night Blade pulled out a strangely shaped bone flute, and the bone flute sounded deep and thick, as if a peerless rogue was roaring intimidatingly.

Wait a moment.

A few tall shadows appeared in the depths of the jungle. They all wore thick black robes and seemed extremely mysterious.

The black robe headed, even if the breath is converging, can vaguely feel the palpitation pressure from it. Its true strength is probably no less than that of Prince Night Blade.

The world of **** is worthy of the terrible plane with three demon gods sitting in it, and the rare demigod-level strongman on earth is haunted in this world. In a small primitive jungle, with Wang Yan snooping on the side, there are three demigod kings.

Of course, even in hell, the demigod is not a cat or a dog. Every demigod is also at least one hegemonic character.

"His prince." The voice of the black shadow was low and thick, and he said in Hell's common language, "You have prepared what the instinct prepared," said, and took out a black bottle and handed it over.

"That's it?" Prince Yeblan wrestled, somewhat dissatisfied.

The first shadow said: "His Royal Highness, don't underestimate this bottle of Ten Thousand Beast Essence, but it comes from a god-level Ten Thousand Beast. Don't talk about dealing with the area's demigods, even if a **** is in the trick, in a short time Will be at your disposal. "

Prince Yeblad's eyes lit up and he took the essence of the Ten Thousand Beasts: "Yeblade thanks to the special envoy."

Ten thousand beasts?

Wang Yan, who was lurking not far away, was a little surprised. What is that ghost thing? Is there that species in hell? However, even if Wang Yan couldn't figure out what this was, it did not prevent him from guessing what conspiracy and tricks Prince Yebla must use this bottle of essence.

"The ambassador wished His Highness the Prince a success." The first shadow said, "If the first plan can be successful, it will save a lot of our alliance." So, for the first shadow and his subordinates, fluttering Disappeared.

They walked very strangely, and even Wang Yan's strength and knowledge could not perceive how they went.

The most important thing is that Wang Yan thinks they are very strange. It is neither like the race ruled by the three gods of hell, nor the race of the abyss demons.

It is now.

A night demon clan guard behind Prince Nightblade said, "His Royal Highness Blade, please forgive your subordinates for their shallow knowledge. I don't know what these ten thousand beasts are? What are they so good for?"

The rest of the guards also showed curiosity. Seeing that His Highness Prince Nightblade attaches great importance to this thing, obviously it will not be anything simple.

In fact, not only them, but even Wang Yan, who was hiding in the dark, was very curious about this thing. Ten thousand beasts? Sounds like something weird.

Prince Yeblad pondered for a while and explained: "It ’s no wonder you do n’t know that Ten Thousand Beast is actually a lonely galaxy beast, and it is also very rare in the universe. Legend has it that there are countless tentacles, and it is very natural. I like to capture all kinds of females for indescribable activities. The most exaggerated is that it will secrete a liquid to make those females go crazy. What effect, do you understand ... Listen to the envoy, any end Beasts will conquer endless females and serve them, and they are all willing. "

There was silence all around, as if everyone felt like they had cast the wrong baby. If he could become a galaxy with thousands of beasts, what a perfect person, no, beasts.

Even Wang Yan, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked. Is there still that wonderful monster in the vast galaxy? However, how does it sound similar to Shen Tu Tianlu?

That guy, wouldn't it have awakened the blood of Xinghe Wanshou Beast? Well, it makes sense, it must be. Wang Yan seemed to have determined the facts and secretly nodded his head. He turned around and asked Dean Yunzhi to test the gene sequence for him and study it carefully.

Poor Shen Tu Tianlu didn't even know it at all, and was already identified by Wang Yan as the blood of Xinghe Wanchu Beast.

After a long while, only one of Prince Yeblade's guards was shocked and said, "Isn't this a low-level rare species in our dark demon realm, is it a beast?"

Another guard scolded: "The beast is only a low-level Warcraft, how can it compare with the great ten thousand beasts?"

"In fact, the rare magical beast is originally a descendant of the bloodline of the Xinghe Wanshou Beast. However, because the bloodline is too thin and the strength is not strong." Prince Night Blade seems to have studied the Wanshou Beast recently and said, " In fact, most of the descendants of life on the plane come from the vast Xinghe River. For our night blade clan, the bloodline on the ancestor is from an ancient demon **** who broke into the galaxy and fell on our plane. However, we compare Those arrogant purgatory demon clan, stupid and dark abyss demon clan, the blood of our night demon clan is more rich and noble. "

The night demons are unwilling to admit their race, but they are just a branch of the purgatory demons. They think that the reason why they will be separated is that the blood of the clan is thick, which is different from the idiot of the muscles of the purgatory demon who are more developed than the brain.

A guard at Prince Yeblad grinned strangely: "Your Highness has this bottle of Essence of Ten Thousand Beasts. That pretending goddess will certainly not be able to run out of the palm of His Highness. By then, she must be crying and crying I beg your Highness for favor, hehehe ~ "

The rest of the guards also gave a big laugh that men only understood, and their mouths were filthy.


Prince Yeblah snorted and took a small bottle of Essence of Ten Thousand Beasts with a sneer. "This prince has always disdained this method to deal with women. However, Her Royal Highness is an exception. Now the big event is coming, and this prince has no patience Consume with her again. "

Dealing with His Royal Highness?

When Wang Yan heard the news in the dark, his brows frowned darkly.

Now the Dark Lady is convinced that it is not Uya Ange. Then mysterious life is very likely to be the daughter of the goddess Ange, the daughter of the dark **** Mamen.

The highness of the goddess in the mouth of Prince Yeblad is probably Uya Ange.

Perhaps it was Wang Yan who made the mistake himself, but in this case, he could not let the Prince Laozi Zibla succeed. Otherwise, wouldn't it be like Uncle Cannon, with green clouds floating on his head from time to time?

"Elsa." Wang Yan said to his loved one, "This is a command. You give me a lurking honestly. Without my command, you can't move half a point."


Elsa was horrified, as if she had some bad feelings, "You, you, what do you want to do? Don't, don't be impulsive!"

In fact, Wang Yan has always been a very calm person. He refused to take risks and made mistakes. He did everything with diligence. But this time, Wang Yan was impulsive, completely impulsive.

After arranging Elsa, Wang Yan shook his figure and shuttled into the space. With his current understanding of the laws of space, it is as if a fish has entered the water surface, and it is as easy as it is at home.

It was only a moment, he appeared in front of the Prince of Night Blade like a teleportation. The whole person seemed to be virtual, and it seemed to be virtual, which was completely unpredictable.

Prince Night Blade is also a brilliant genius. When Wang Yan suddenly appeared in front of him, he reacted, his pupils shrank, and he yelled: "Who are you, so bold."

After all, instinct punched him. The powerful magic energy can be gathered into a single moment and bombard Wang Yan like a landslide and tsunami.

"Oh, I am your father." With a real human body, it is very small in front of the Night Demon Prince.

But Wang Yan's self-confidence is unparalleled. As soon as he grabbed it, he grabbed the essence of the ten-clawed beast in the hands of Prince Night Blade, and by the way, ironically, he also showed a deeply contemptuous expression.


In an instant, Prince Yeblan punched Wang Yan with a powerful punch.

But his punch was like hitting cotton wool, with no focus. Under the collision of huge magic energy and air, the dissipated energy spreads in all directions, like a silver bottle exploding and mercury pouring into the ground.

At the same time, Wang Yan's voice was spreading in all directions: "Hey, hey kid Ye Ye. With you still want to break your wrist with your dad? Jie Jie, find out your dad first and then say.

Such words, stopped in the ears of Prince Yebla, naturally exploded.

"Awesome space law." Prince Night Blade was furious, "but you still want to hide this prince.

Prince Nightblade deserves to be a wizard of the Night Demon Clan. He took out a halberd filled with black light and went to the void a little bit.


That blow was like clicking on a node in space, and the terrifying energy burst. Wang Yan's figure sneaking in the folds of space was also exposed in an instant.


Prince Night Blade roared cruelly and furiously.

The guards under his command roared and attacked Wang Yan. Each of them is a confidant cultivated by Prince Night Blade. Throughout the world of hell, they are all outstanding talents and strengths.

Suddenly, Wang Yan brought endless pressure.


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