The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1657: Wang Yan! go to hell

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It was indeed Wang Yan who entered her palace.

Wang Yan was like a swimming fish. He stepped out of the gap in the space, and his feet gently landed on the ground. Looking at her back, he was shaking both physically and mentally. After more than two years, he finally saw her again.

Sister An Ge!

Wang Yan's throat was surging. These three words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out. Every bit of memories of An Ge in the heart, and the woman sitting in the altar, blended into one.

"Wang Yan!"

The Dark Lady transformed the language of Fallen Demon Territory into Earth Chinese, her delicate body trembling and her voice hoarse, "Really, are you really?"

At this moment, she dared not look back.

I'm afraid this is a dream. Once I look back, the dream will be fragmented.

"It's me." Wang Yan walked towards her step by step, her tone of voice distorted a little, "You are not dreaming, nor are you in an illusion. I am Wang Yan, and I have found you very hard."

Suddenly, the Dark Lady Catherine felt a sense of being surrounded by happiness. Wang Yan was really the son of flame Wang Yan. He, he even tried to find himself?

God, god.

Does he really love himself in his heart?

But, but ...

Just when Catherine's heart was beating wildly and her mind was chaotic. Her shoulders had been hugged by him, and a good smell of pure Yang breathed out, fueling her chaotic emotions.

Her cheeks were hot, and she had almost forgotten her resistance. Her delicate body fell boneless on his muscular chest, and only a trace of reason left her weakly “resisting”, as fine as mosquitoes, “Let, let go Drive me. "

"Do not let it go, I won't let it go." Wang Yan put his arms tightly and hugged her tightly, greedily sucking the refreshing taste of her body, "You know, I think about you day and night, finally I found you, and I will not let go. "

The passionate love words made Catherine almost fainted. It turned out that the son of flame really liked her so much. A little rebellious heart has disappeared without a trace.

In the next moment, Wang Yan had lifted her chin and turned, and their lips were deeply imprinted together.


It was like a thunder blasting into Catherine's brain, and she was so full of electricity that she had no energy at all.

Kiss, is this the taste of kissing?

If possible, Catherine wanted to kiss him for life.

Her arrogance, her resistance, were all torn apart in this kiss. She shouted deep inside, Son of Flame, I accept your love. Even the fallen demon Samel cannot stop us from being together.

"I can't help it, I want you." Wang Yan whispered like a demon in her ears, "I have been abstinence for you for more than two years. Just to find you, ruthlessly Punish you without saying goodbye. "

Indeed, after Wang Yan became a purgatory demon, he was always in abstinence, which was actually a very difficult thing. The genes of Purgatory Demon Clan have a wild and instinctive instinct.

And around him, there are top beauties of all races.

Catherine's head was even more dizzy, son of flames, he, he was courting? How can this be? Her heart has just accepted his love, how can the process be so fast?

But another thought in her head rose again. No matter what, he did it for himself, even if it was nothing to him. From now on, the child of flame is her Catherine's man.

Catherine, Catherine, isn't this what you have always expected?

Moreover, this is not on the earth, this is in hell. Everyone is in hell, she is broken even in life and death, and still insists on this little restraint for what?

What responded to Wang Yan was Catherine's more intense reaction.

The two were rolling in the altar.

Just now Catherine had convinced herself to withstand all the violent winds and rain from the Son of Flame.


"Huh?" Wang Yan said strangely. "Why is it smaller than before?"


Catherine's body was shocked, somewhat inexplicably. Suddenly, she had an ominous hunch and asked in a low voice, "What do you call me?"

"Sister An Ge." Wang Yan said of course, and said doubtfully, "Is the food in **** bad?"

Ann! song! sister!

Wuya Ange!

Catherine's head swelled, and a feeling of shame and outrage broke out deep inside her.

"Don't care anymore, just be younger." Wang Yan decided to temporarily abandon the root-seeking reasons, as he said, he must punish Sister An Ge fiercely, "Sister An Ge, I'm coming."

While Wang Yan was preparing to pounce on "Sister An Ge", a dark energy that was extremely pure but contained a terrifying explosive force condensed into a ball and slammed mercilessly on his chest.


Wang Yan flew out like a shell and hit the wall of the temporary palace fiercely. Rao is a sturdy building material with cracked spider veins.

The violent exploding energy is raging in the hall like a storm, and the ghosts are roaring like the end of the world.

Wang Yan swallowed the **** smell in his mouth and was horrified: "Sister Ange, you!" He couldn't believe it, but Wu Ya Ange would do it for himself.


At the altar, a grumpy woman's voice raged, "Son of flames, open your dog's eyes and take a closer look. Who is your Ange sister?"

Under the dark energy like a dark mist, a woman who was not tall but leaned out slowly. The most amazing thing is that her slender jade holds a giant sickle that is totally out of proportion to her figure.

The giant scythe was grisly, exuding black energy of palpitations, and a grievous soul wrapped around the scythe, reaching out madly and grabbing in the sky, making a cry like a crying wolf and howling.

Wang Yan's eyes widened a little, even though the woman was wearing a mask, she could still judge from the image and temperament she showed, it was indeed not Wu Ya Ange. But who is she?

Suddenly, Wang Yan shook his body, and a name suddenly appeared on his mind.

Isn't it?

She she she, how could it appear in the Fallen Demon Realm? Also became the saint of the fallen demon Samel? The most important thing is that he mistakenly thought that she was Sister An Ge, and she did a lot of indescribable things between her male and female friends.

Wang Yan's mind was dazed, and this was a big trouble.

"Misunderstanding, all of these are misunderstandings." Wang Yan's scalp numb, and he smiled quickly, "Dear Miss Catherina, we have something to say."

Even if Xiuwei reached the level of Wang Yan, he still felt the strong coercion brought by the Dark Lady Catherine, especially the giant sickle in her hand, which made Wang Yan feel terrified. It's no ordinary thing.

"Misunderstanding, you are misunderstood." The Dark Lady was even more furious. She waved a sickle in her hand, and attacked Wang Yan under the special effect of howling ghosts. The voice was cold as ice, "When you hold this Saint girl indecently, Why didn't you say it was a misunderstanding? "

That sickle was very powerful. Before the sickle arrived, thousands of energies rushed to Wang Yan. It seemed that the endless tentacles entangled him, and it seemed that the dead souls of countless injustices dragged him with his hands, trying to drag him into the water and greet the same fate.

Competing masters, this is between a few centimetres. Switching to a slightly weaker powerhouse, even if entrapped by those negative energies for a few seconds, is enough for the Dark Lady to reap his soul hundreds of times.

But after all, Wang Yan is not a cat or a dog. The pure Yang Zhenyuan in his body surged a little, and his body blazed like a blazing flame. Those flames are pure to the sun, they can burn all evil.

A moment, just a moment.

Those negative energies like bone maggots were burned completely, and innumerable grievances and tears could be heard.

After breaking away, his thoughts moved, his right foot slipped back slightly, his body broke through the space, and moved to hundreds of meters away, easily avoiding the dark Saint Lady's angry blow.

"Pure Yang is really fire, nothing is burnt, it is really amazing." The dead lady's deadly scythe was easily broken, and her anger was even worse.

Her sickle stroked the sky, tearing open the space, and the endless dark energy was madly dumped, turning into a dark and dark flame dragon to sweep to Wang Yan.

As soon as he saw the black cold flame dragon, Wang Yan smiled: "Hour Royal Highness has forgotten my nickname? I'm called the son of flames. Even playing with me, is this giving me a head?"

Wang Yan ’s magnificent mental power suppressed the fire dragon formed by Hell Black Flame and his voice was filled with majesty: "Different magic flames, don't stop me."

Under normal circumstances, Wang Yan's rules governing the domain of flames unfolded, and those low-level flames would never dare to attack him. He is the king of flames, the lord of fire.

However, the giant dragon condensed by Hell Demon Flame only stopped slightly under the suppression of Wang Yan's Fire Law. He continued to open his teeth and dance his claws, rushing towards Wang Yan more aggressively.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yan was shocked.

The Dark Lady is not a strong expert specializing in playing with fire. The **** demon flame she displayed can even get rid of the control of his law of fire? This is simply challenging Wang Yan's common sense.

Although Mo Yan is a flame burned by negative energy, it is also a kind of flame after all.

No reason?

Could it be that the level of this **** magic flame has reached the level of being close to the gods?

Without too much time to think, Wang Yan hurriedly waved a pure flame to the sun, which also turned into a flame dragon.

One black and one red fire dragons collided together, fighting fiercely, flame energy fragments flying around. Worthy of being the son of flame, the flame dragon that Wang Yan condensed at hand is still a little better and has a certain upper hand.

But even so, Wang Yan was still surprised.

He practiced the "Pure Sun Divine Power", one of the five great powers of the earth today, and it is the same as the "Great Light" and "Dark Bible" and other powers. It is still above the other powers in terms of single-headed lethality. Today, he has even cultivated the pure Yang Divine Skills to the ninth level of consummation, rising to the point of no promotion.

Not all Chunyang successors can practice the ninth floor. In fact, since the inheritance of Lv Zu to the ninth floor, there are only a few who can cultivate to the ninth floor, including Wang Yan and Cao Jinglue. Mentoring.

However, Wang Yan is even more powerful than Master Cao Jinglue. The power of flame alone has actually surpassed the level of pure sun and reached the level of the sun. In the vast universe, under normal circumstances, some fire deities are only the sun level.

It is also because of this that Wang Yan has taken the road to pure Yang to the end, and if he wants to go one step further, he has to rely on his own opportunities to grow up.

It is for this reason that Wang Yan was shocked by the power of the Dark Lady's **** magic flame.

Inevitably, her practice of Hell's Devil Flame comes from a higher level? For example, the legendary "God of Darkness" created by the legendary demon **** Samel?

"Son of Flame!" The Dark Lady saw her **** magic flame was suppressed, and the momentum was even colder. She waved the soul-cutting sickle again and cut it off to Wang Yan. "Today the Saint Girl wants you to come and go."

Such a strong momentum also aroused Wang Yan's dissatisfaction, and raised it with his hand, and the fiery fire hammer appeared in his hand. Qi Linghuo was half-virtualized into a spirit of flame, and opened claws to the dark maiden, as if clamoring. The master suppressed her, hammered her, and let her take a good look at the master's powerful and overbearing wind.

"His Royal Highness is extraordinary." Wang Yan chuckled. "Unfortunately, with these skills, I want to stay with me. I'm afraid it's not enough."


The soul-cutting sickle and the fire hammer collided fiercely, and the energy fluctuations dissipated swayed back and forth within the entire hall, almost destroying the entire temporary palace.

Undoubtedly, such dramatic energy fluctuations disturbed the Dark Lady ’s guards, and they surrounded the hall one after another, arranging formations to rush inside.

"All scattered."

The voice of the Dark Maiden swayed back and forth near the temporary palace, full of majesty, "Don't disturb this Saint Maiden's cultivation."

Today, she has a very high status in the Devil's Devil's Domain. She has been regarded as the heir of the fallen Devil God Samiel. The words she said are naturally very good, and no one dares to object.

Especially the guards near her palace are all her immediate guards.

The guards receded like a tide with a single order, without any unnecessary opposition.

Dismissed the irrelevant people, the dark maiden's clear and deep eyes, continued to stare at Wang Yan, the jade arm waved lightly, the soul-cutting scythe lightly drawn an arc in the air, and her eyes lit up. Six-pointed star array.

In an instant, the six-pointed star array burst into a black light, and then the space was cut, forming a black swirling magic eye.

A monster crawled out of the black devil's eyes, his body was magnificent, and his arms and legs were rocky lumps. The most amazing thing is that it has an evil goat-like head, and its huge eyes radiate blood.


The chain dragged on the ground.

The huge claw demon stared at Wang Yan fiercely, as if looking at an enemy who hated him.

"Buffhorn the Devil Claw?" Wang Yan's eyes rolled round, slightly surprised. "It's so strong that he's already a semi-god."

"Damn child of flames!"

The sound of the claw demon Baffer roared and said: "The shame you raised on this king, I want you to return it one by one today."


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