The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1656: It's me, Wang Yan!

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The wind is a little bit fierce.

Blowing on people as if to scrape off their flesh and blood.

But Wang Yan's heart is hot.

Two years younger, he has been in **** for two years.

How dangerous is hell, even as strong as his son of flame. It is not an easy task to survive in a world where fierce races are full of monsters and mountains.

All along, the motivation to support Wang Yan to the present day comes from Wuya Ange.

That strange and beautiful life partner, but also the most affectionate life.

In fact, Wang Yan had already speculated that Sister An Ge should be the daughter of a demon god. But the intelligence has not been convinced for a day, and the heart will not be peaceful for a day.

Moreover, the core areas of the Demon God Territory are not anything that Wang Yan can do as he wants. Even if it is a semi-god-level strength, deep into the hinterland of the hostile demon god, it is purely to give people food.

But now the opportunity comes.

Hell meeting, let the young talents under the devil **** gather together in one place. Although it will still be different according to their respective camps, the camps they stationed in will also be different, but after all, Wang Yan will not need to venture into other demon gods' territories.


On a rugged mountain peak, Wang Yan wore a black body armor, and the red demon wings covered with innate demon patterns raised high, like a generation of invincible demon kings.

"Subordinates are here."

Wearing the exquisite bumpy armor, the pretty-looking dark elf Elsa knelt in front of Wang Yan on one knee, and Wang Yan was worshipped and loyal to Wang Yan. She understands that if there is no Lord Demon Flame, she has already become a slave girl of a certain demon lord, living a life as good as death.

But it was him, the great Lord of Flames gave her new life and respect. Even, at the expense of huge resources and secret techniques, she helped her to improve her bloodline and evolved to a legendary peak.

"You really have determined that your new deity goddess of the fallen demon comes from the plane of the earth?" Wang Yan's voice was a little trembling, and he wanted to look forward to it, but was afraid of disappointment.

Growing all the way to this day, little by little with An Ge, one by one, like an old photo, appeared in front of you.

Elsa solemnly said: "The subordinate swears that the new saint comes from the plane of the earth. And the strength is very powerful. The fallen demon His Majesty Samel is very spoiled for her, just like a daughter. It is said that in Her Majesty Samal's With teaching and spending a lot of resources, she has set foot in the demigod realm. "

Every dark elf is a qualified scout, and Elsa is one of them. What's more, she comes from the fallen demon. Going back to collect intelligence this time is even more pleasurable. Even, she secretly contacted a sister who grew up.

That sister was a maid and bodyguard under the Saints. It's just a pity that her sister is only a peripheral maid, and she has limited information.

But even so, a lot of information can already be determined.

"Semi-God Realm." Wang Yan murmured, with emotion in his heart, really worthy of Sister An Ge, the growth potential is really very powerful.

Elsa saw some loss in the Lord and couldn't help but gritted her teeth: "Lord, according to the information. The woman from the earth is very powerful. It was regarded as a secret card by the fallen demon His Majesty Samel. Here At a purgatory meeting, it will definitely pose a huge threat to the Lord, and his subordinates beg the Lord to assassinate the order. "

"Assassination order?" Wang Yan froze for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Elsa, how confident are you that you can kill her?" At this time, Elsa was not the same as the former Wuxia Amen The legendary peak-level strength makes her a master in the powerful hell.

And she is also good at sneaking away, coming and going without a trace.

Elsa's eyes flashed through a blaze of heat: "If you don't count your life and death, your subordinates have 30% confidence."

30% grasp is already very high. The opponent is a superpower who has set foot in the demigod realm, and is still under the protection of countless powerhouses.

"Send me into the barracks where the saint is stationed. How sure are you?" Wang Yan asked in contemplation.

Separated from Ange for too long, there is too much to say. After receiving her news, Wang Yan couldn't wait to meet her.

"The Lord wants to shoot in person?" Elsa was shocked and quickly advised, "It's too risky, please ask the Lord to think twice."

Looking at her loyal protector, Wang Yan was slightly moved. Perhaps the gathering of recruiting slaves from the beginning was to expand the power and allow him to gain a foothold in the terrible world of hell.

But as he got along for a long time, Wang Yan found that he gradually integrated into the world of hell. Elsa, Camus, Ablon, Zoe, and even the second mercy, became a part of his life.

"Relax." Wang Yan smiled happily. "I'm not stupid enough to go to the other's nest to assassinate a demigod demon king. I'm sure I can see her this time."

Elsa was a little excited: "Could it be that the Lord should be connected?" Although Elsa is now loyal to Wang Yan, she is not willing to fight against the fallen demon His Majesty.

"It's all right, right and wrong." Wang Yan's heart is hot, and he and Sister An Ge will certainly not become enemies. If you concatenate with one another in secret, it may work wonders.

Elsa throbbed, and after thinking for a while, he solemnly said: "The Lord is unparalleled in strength, and he has a certain degree of certainty to break into the chaos. But if you want to sneak in ... The breath and body of the Lord are too powerful ! "

The implication is that Elsa was disgusted that Wang Yan did not understand stealth.

Indeed, the Purgatory Demon Clan dominates all ethnic groups with their strong physical qualities, and they will do it if they refuse to obey. Whoever has the fist is the hardest and whoever has the biggest fist is the boss. Sneaking into things like assassination has never been in the style of purgatory demons.

"Hehe ~ I was underestimated by Elsa." Wang Yan's figure swayed, the body of the immense purgatory demon was twisted exaggeratedly, and his bones crackled.

Under Elsa dumbfounded, Wang Yan spent a few minutes, reversing the evolution of the bloodline, and transformed himself into the appearance of the earthman Wang Yan. Fortunately, Wang Yan's blood level is so high that even the Purgatory Demon Race can't compare.

This allows the reversal of bloodline evolution.

It hurts, it hurts.

The pain comes not only from the body, but also from the soul.

It is for this reason that Wang Yan was not too happy to go back and forth between the two bodies when it was unnecessary. It was too painful.

"Lord, Lord!"

Elsa also saw Wang Yan's true body for the first time. A demigod purgatory demon, who was a few feet tall and towering like a hill, turned into an earth man so miraculously.

The difference in size between the two cannot be counted.

"Shout!" Wang Yan slammed his fist, the burst of air burst, and there was an endless black gap indistinctly.

This is the true appearance of the four-dimensional space after the three-dimensional space is cracked.

It can be seen from this how terrible Wang Yan's power is at this time. With one punch, he could faintly shatter the three-dimensional space. Some half-step S-class strongmen on the earth who can rule the king, I am afraid it is difficult to stop him from punching.

"It's so strong!" Elsa on the side was shocked by the energy of her fist and was a little untenable. No, now is it a matter of entanglement? Lord, how could Lord become a human on the plane of the earth?

Elsa has already seen many human slaves on earth, and he is no longer stranger to people on earth.

"Some little secrets." Wang Yan waved carelessly, "Elsa, look at me now, is it okay to dive in?" Said, Wang Yan also exhibited the inheritance inherited from the teacher and mother. Breath.

Suddenly, some wonderful changes took place in Wang Yan. As if it were a leak-free body, there was no breath leaking all over him. Apart from being handsome and handsome, he could hardly feel the breath of the strongest in him.

It's like a big boy standing next to the earth and quietly standing there.

"It's a strong ability to converge." Elsa was amazed. "It's not worse than our dark elf's natural instincts. That's no problem, and 90% of his subordinates are sure to lead the Lord into the camp of the Virgin."

Every dark elf is a guru who sneaks away and holds his breath. Even she couldn't see Wang Yan's means, and no one else needed to mention it.

Elsa looked at the new version of "His Royal Highness" with curiosity, a little less domineering, but a little more sunny, making her look very comfortable.

To be precise, the appearance of human beings, especially the appearance of Wang Yan, is more in line with Elsa's aesthetic. They are about the same height, so Elsa does not have to look up.

"Elsa, if, I mean if." Wang Yan tentatively said, "If I were an earthman, how do you feel?"

The earth is a remote and legendary place in the perception of the entire **** people. It is rumored that the earth is very weak. If there is a chance, everyone wants to run the earth to plunder.

Elsa thought for a moment and said, "The loyalty to the Lord is not because the Lord is the purgatory demon. No matter what the Lord becomes, it is Elsa's lord. In fact, the servant is the Lord The ethnic group as a whole has no good feelings. "

No favor, it is already an euphemism for Elsa. It is undeniable that the Infernal Demon Race is a very powerful race, but the Infernal Demon Race is also synonymous with greed, fierceness, lust, and brutality.

Wang Yan was unwilling to deal with it, and Feng Danyun lightly said: "Elsa, take me to a walk around the Camp of the Fallen Virgin."

With that said, he took a step casually and disappeared into the space.

In the next moment, Wang Yan was already a few hundred meters away. Every movement is easy and smooth, and the shuttle space does not cause any slight ripples in space.

It is also evident from this that Wang Yan has reached the point of perfection in understanding the laws of space. Even compared to the racial abyss demon who is good at the law of space, it is not much to let.

Seeing this, Elsa turned into a faint shadow and blended into the night. Catch up like a wind and electricity, although it is hard to follow, but it can barely keep up with Wang Yan's speed.

The two approached the camp quickly.


Almost at the same time, in the camp.

Said to be a camp, but as a representative of the fallen devil, this camp is like a group of palaces that can move.

In the middle-most building, which is a few kilometers long and extremely luxurious, the black palace group, a woman wearing a black mask and a black robe sitting cross-legged on the altar, eyes closed confined to meditation practice.

Her breath is long and steady, and every time she inhales, the dark energy that fills the entire hall is swallowed by her whale. After a few minutes, she vomited lightly, and a squirt that was compressed to be like a substance was spit out.

Between the dark flashes of the altar, the turbid air was crushed and swallowed cleanly.

In a few moments, under the influence of the altar, the hall was filled with pure and powerful dark energy.

She sucked and sucked again.

From beginning to end, every tuna made her power seem more powerful. You know, with her terrible practice now that she has stepped into the semi-god realm, every trace of it is extremely difficult.

In exchange for other demigods, it would be a joy to be able to move forward a little bit after a long time.

And she could go further with the speed of the naked eye.

It can also be seen from this that the fallen demon god's endless love for her, resources seem to be piled up for her like no money, clearly showing a posture cultivated as a successor. Even the "Dark Divine Code" enlightened from the dark holy book was taught to her.

You know, the treasure of the dark council on earth, the "dark bible", one of the earth's five great exercises, is a simplified version of the "dark divine book". It can be seen how "Dark Divine Scripture" is such a miraculous miracle, it is an exercise that directly points to the gods.

And she also lived up to the expectations of the fallen demon god, and was promoted to demigod in a short period of time, suppressing all internal opposition.

Even if she wants to start a decisive battle tomorrow, she still seizes every minute to practice.

After a long time, until the energy in the altar was exhausted, she ended the practice of "Dark Gods", slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were very firm, and there was a little melancholy.

It has been a long time since he came to hell.

Secretly sent a spy to inquire about Wang Yan's whereabouts, without bringing him any news at all. After entering the hell, the son of the flames seemed to disappear completely, leaving no ripples.

Is it possible that he encountered danger in **** and was trapped somewhere? Or……

This is not impossible.

Wang Yan is indeed a stunning young man on earth, but where is hell? This is a terrible place where the sacred order is not as good as a dog and the legend walks everywhere. Even if it is a demigod, it is nothing but self-preservation.

It was at this moment that an unpredictable spatial fluctuation alarmed her.


With a hoarse voice, she yelled in Depraved Domain. At the same time, her powerful spiritual power had enveloped the space, and the incomparably dark magic surged into a terrible black magic flame.

The trick!

Already prepared.

"It's me ~" An earth Chinese voice sounded, "Wang Yan."

what! ?

The sudden sound shocked her, and she couldn't believe her ears. Wang Yan, did Wang Yan come to her? How is this possible? Could it be that the practice of "Dark God's Code" is too much, which has led to the fire?


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