The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1647: Thrift and thrift is a virtue

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"Wow la la ..."

After standing up again, the later hot sand overlord, a large crack appeared in the forehead, and then this layer of rock armor, which was composed entirely of sand, began to collapse and fragment, and a large piece of land fell to the ground.

"Hey, Lao Sha, is this Gu Long's body-protecting trick the same as you?"

Indira, the goddess of Shiva, stood on the edge of the cave tunnel and asked the emperor of the desert. At the same time, she was delighted, and secretly they were really right this time!

Obviously, such a powerful ancient dragon, the gene is absolutely strong enough, completely suitable for the blood of the desert emperor. In addition, this ancient dragon is also a sand attribute, and it is very similar to the desert emperor. Maybe because of this ancient dragon, the desert emperor can really force the desert emperor to break through to the demigod!

Once they can have one more semi-god-level strongman in their team, their strength will definitely increase by several percent, and there will be enough winning chips in the **** conference. For the future of the earth, it will also be a very powerful boost.

"It looks like it is really a kind of sandal armor."

Beside the Shiva goddess, the desert emperor replied, "If I am not wrong, the skin of this ancient dragon is actually a layer of sandy armor, and the defense level is still above me!"

"If you want to hurt this ancient dragon, you must break this layer of sand armor, and then even the old king, I am afraid it will be a hard fight."

Although the desert emperor has so much mouth, his eyes are shining, and there is no worry in his expression. On the contrary, strong fighting intentions and desires are emerging in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Lao Wang's plan, he really wished that he would step forward and fight with Lao Wang now.

Because as long as you get the essence of this ancient dragon's bloodline, then he has the hope of promoting the demigod!


On the other side, the hot sand overlord gritted his teeth and groaned in his throat.

It stared at Wang Yan fiercely, and Wang Yan also looked at it quietly. The surrounding atmosphere instantly dropped to the freezing point, and the entire cave was immediately disappointed.

After the hot sand overlord was beaten, there was no sudden counterattack for the first time, because it was already certain that the son of the demon **** had the power to reach the level of demigod. And the son of the demon **** is very powerful, and even its sand armor can be broken, this power makes it dare not underestimate.

An old monster like it, who doesn't know how long it has lived, has long since become a master. When it comes to a strong enemy, the best way is to wait for the opportunity, not to attack!

Wang Yan did not choose to attack and chase the first time, also because of this.

The attack just now, although he did not use his full strength, was also an unexpected crit. The result was only a layer of sand armor was destroyed, which shows that the strength of the ancient dragon is strong, and the defensive ability is beyond his expectations. .

In the face of such a strong enemy, it is very dangerous to attack rashly, and if you are a little careless, you will be hit hard. Therefore, the safest way is to wait for the opportunity.

For a time, the scene became silent, and even the low roar of the sand claw dragon outside the nest seemed to disappear.

There was only a one-on-one silent confrontation at the scene, and the sand and sand around the hot sand overlord, a slowly flowing grinding sound.

"This is a showdown between the strong ..."

Zhang Weidao murmured secretly, and the people who remained on the edge of the tunnel watched the confrontation between Wang Yan and the hot sand overlord in silence.

It's not that they don't want to help the offense, but in this relatively small environment, facing the ancients who are strong and demigods is really too dangerous. If they are not careful, they will be killed directly because of the lack of space.

Therefore, the beam of this head-on battle against the hot sand overlord fell on Wang Yan, and several of them have another important thing to do, otherwise their loss will be great.


Wang Yan and Hot Sand Overlord moved at the same time.

The cunning Hot Sands Overlord first attacked Wang Yan with a piece of flying sand controlled by Shennian. Wang Yan subconsciously ducked sideways, and the result fell into the trap set by the hot sand overlord.

In an instant, the hot eyes of the hot sand king Longyan flashed, and Wang Yan, who opened his mouth to move sideways, bit off.

With a cry, the big mouth of the hot sand overlord and the rough and rough dragon teeth seemed to contain enough deterrent force to tear the sky. At the same time, the smelly and strong wind that followed, even with a hurricane-like suction, rushed straight ahead to Wang Yan.

This attack is like a broken bamboo, even if it is a steel warship blocking in front, I am afraid that it will be smashed by it, not to mention Wang Yan's flesh and blood.

However, Wang Yan's reaction was very rapid, the magic wings behind him flashed quickly, and the whole figure disappeared in place instantly, and it was already tens of meters away when it appeared again.

This trick is the special ability that Wang Yan obtained from the pair of demon wings. Later, through bloodline evolution, this part of the ability was completely integrated with himself, and Wang Yan also realized the very rare spatial law.

Later, as Wang Yan was promoted to Demigod, this part of his ability was also more relaxed by him. He can easily avoid the two claws of the hot sand overlord before. It is precisely under the effect of the breathing technique that he uses the teleportation space ability at the same time, and now it is the same.


The Hot Sands Overlord's teeth interacted, and the one shot fell empty, but it was not annoying, but instead gave a roar of excitement, "Boy, die!"

It turned out that the sand attack and bite just now were all feints, and the insidious and malicious hot sand overlord had long expected Wang Yan to dodge, so the real killer was its thick long tail with bone spurs!

I saw that the hot sand overlord did not lose his cast in a single bit, immediately turned around in place, and flicked it towards Wang Yan.

At the end of the long tail of the hot sand overlord, there is a thick bone spur like crystal. At this time, this bone spur is emitting a bright yellow light. It is the important organ used by the hot sand overlord to store and guide the energy of the earth. An important weapon used as a hammer to kill prey.


The tail hammer with a strong sound of breaking the sky, the sand element burst out, and the tip of the tail that swept away almost torn the space.

However, at this time, Wang Yan, who was in crisis, had just teleported to an end, the old force had just gone to the new force, and he had unavoidable in the face of the successive crit.


Along with the loud noise of the sky, the dense elemental soil mist exploded in an instant, and at the same time, a space-like oscillating wave followed by a turbulence in the air.

The crowd at the edge of the cave tunnel took another deep breath, dumbfounded.

One by one sighed in the heart, this is the death fight between the demigod level powerhouses, which seems to be just a moment, actually full of fatal and dangerous!

As for the safety of Wang Yan, they also care about it, but they believe that the boss who has repeatedly created miracles will definitely not be killed so easily.


A bright red flame immediately ignited on the ground covered with mist.

The large smog of the earth element was immediately dispelled by the flames, and everyone looked at them, and their boss Wang Yan stood proudly and unharmed!

At this time, Wang Yan was bathed in fire, and the scorching flames of **** brought his original great shore to the height of his extraordinary power. At the same time, a translucent border in front of him was covering his body completely.

Although Wang Yan has just been unable to avoid it, the enchantment of the second artifact eight mirrors can not be broken so easily.

The powerful effect of Bajijing is that the stronger the user's ability, the stronger its ability to defend against enchantment. At the beginning, Wang Yan was only a legendary peak, and he used the eight mirrors to resist the two crits dominated by Yanhu. Now that Wang Yan has been successfully promoted to the demigod state, his strength is no longer comparable to the past. The defensive enchantment formed by the Bajin mirror, even if it is the full-strength crit of the hot sand overlord, it is difficult to crush it.

However, at this time, Wang Yan has discovered that the invisible enchantment produced by Bajijing actually produced a slight crack under the hammer blow of the hot sand overlord's tail hammer, which shows that the hot sand overlord, an attacking and defensive ancient dragon overlord, has the ultimate strength. How terrible.

Similarly, Wang Yan could not help but sigh. If this kind of overlord-level beast is placed on the earth in ancient times, it would be a legendary monster that destroys the world. In the next battle, he must be serious and not careless.

"Oh, you beast, you are a traitor. If it weren't for the gods' preparations, I'm afraid it would really ruin your black hand."

Wang Yan looked up again, and with this single look, he directly let the oversized hot sand overlord feel cold in his bones.

The hot sand lord stared at Wang Yan with fierce fierceness, but his heart was already insulted.

It has traversed this hot sand desert for thousands of years. It has encountered countless strong men, and countless strong men died under its minions. But in front of it, such a calm and strong man, only the son of the demon god.

In addition, the most horrifying thing is that this Demon God's son can easily receive its tail hammer crit on the front, which is enough to prove that this Demon God's son is not only stronger, but also far stronger than his predecessors. .

Based on this alone, the Hot Sands Overlord understands that today it meets the strong man, a strong man who must resort to full combat!

"Hululu ... **** boy, you must die today!"

The hot sand overlord gritted his teeth, his huge body began to bow slowly, and the thorns on the spine were even rooted up. The fierce appearance almost doubled its size! With this, the powerful might was exuded, and it increased to the extreme.

If the previous battle with Wang Yan was only a tentative attack, then taking it will require a full-fledged death battle.

Not far away, the edge of the cave tunnel, confusion, cruelty, and Zhang Weidao, all face was grim. The guillotine gray tooth Jim, even paralyzed, had difficulty breathing, and his face became purple. As if to suffocate at any time.

There is no way to resolve the death battle. The fierce atmosphere of the hot sand overlord, exuding the terrible coercion, seems to have reached a certain extreme on the eve of the end. Although this coercion was not directed against Chi Dao, Chi Abuse, Zhang Weidao and others, and also the Chi Dao Lord and others knew that they still had a boss to support them, but the face of the superior was derived from instinct Fear, they couldn't help the heart throbbing, shudder.

Not to mention Jim, the weak guillotine, grey tooth. If it was n’t for him before he came, he was already fully psychologically prepared, and there were other people beside him to share the pressure for him. Under the violent power of Hot Sands Overlord, he was killed directly to death.

"Interesting, interesting."

Wang Yan sneered aloud, "This God Son wants to see, how can you stupid dragon kill this God Son today."

After all, Wang Yan stepped hard under his feet, and the layers of flames immediately rose up. He was like a cannonball that launched into the sky, with a thin flame tail, and shot straight toward the hot sand overlord in front.

However, Wang Yan stepped so hard, the premature destruction, but it hurt the money of the high priest Berika.

It turned out that Wang Yan's foot went down, and I was afraid that no more than a thousand pounds of gold and silver coins would be melted under high temperature. The tragedy is more than that. A lot of magic crystals are mixed in these gold and silver coins. The magic crystal was also detonated because of Wang Yan's flames, and even some high-grade treasures around him were destroyed.

It must be said that in this cave full of gold and silver treasures, Wang Yan's foot is of high value and is difficult to estimate.

"Ah, alas! Boss, you can get a little lighter, but it's all money underneath!" High Priest Berika covered her chest with grief, as if Wang Yan had not stepped on the foot but the treasure but her. Weak caution seemed to come.

"Amitabha, Miss Berika is okay. It doesn't matter if it's a little. There are still a lot of treasures in the cave anyway." The five-hearted kindhearted and kindly persuaded, but was immediately sorrowful.

"What does your monk know? There are so many treasures in this cave. Isn't it less money?" Belika looked at all kinds of gold and silver treasures that turned into liquid and even vapor, and immediately squinted. , Sorrowful and compassionate, "You think about it, how much money do you have to replace that treasure with your Chinese country's RMB? How much young and beautiful lady do you have to find in the nightclub with that money? Oh, forget, You are a monk, you do n’t need to find a young lady. "

"Poor, poor monks do not quit, quit ..." Wu Bujie originally intended to explain that he has already stopped refraining from quitting, what else do he have to worry about? But before he spoke, he suddenly realized how much money the Pharaoh's foot was worth?

Not to mention going to the nightclub to find the young lady for drinking wine, even if you buy the whole nightclub, is it enough?

Sin, really sin ... Amitabha! He really wanted to shout out loud at this time, Pharaoh, it is wrong to waste money, you go out and fight!

At this time, there are more than five abstinences, and other companions have realized that even if the money is too much, it can not be wasted, diligence and thrift is a virtue, even if it is for a beautiful young lady, this money can not be burned!


At this time, Wang Yan didn't hear the call from the inside of these companions. He had already fought with the hot sand overlord to the top of the cave.

The fierce battle of one person and one dragon triggered a violent shock like a mountain tsunami. The entire cave and mountain are shaking, and the momentum is as big as the sky is falling apart, shaking the world.

"Awesome, really awesome! This **** hasn't been so happy for a long time, come and come, take the trick!"

Since being promoted to the Demigod Demon King, Wang Yan seldom went all out to fight like this, and even lacked a powerful opponent like the Hot Sands Overlord. At this time, there was such an opportunity, Wang Yan's natural war intentions increased sharply, and the more war the more courageous.

madman! This overlord actually encountered a lunatic!

In the face of the furious and furious Wang Yan, the Resha Overlord suffered a lot in his mouth, and he even scolded inwardly.

It never dreamed that a purgatory demon could actually face up to its ancient dragons. How strong is this in order to achieve this level?

Coupled with the tunnel entrance over there, and many companions of this purgatory demon race, it seems to be waiting for opportunities. It seems that this purgatory demon, not only wants to seek the wealth of its hot sand overlord, but also wants its life?

With such a thought, the burden in the heart of the hot sand overlord is increasing, and the identity of the other party makes it quite scrupulous, which undoubtedly greatly increased his sense of crisis.

So it secretly ruthlessly felt in his heart. Today, no matter what, he must solve this Purgatory Demon Race and his companion, and then leave this place far away, the farther the better, anyway, this place can no longer stay.

At this point of thought, the hot sand overlord swept away Wang Yan, raised his dragon head, and suddenly roared up to the sky. A burst of breathtaking sound waves immediately began to spread in all directions with rolling energy and visible element sound waves.


In a short time, the sand claw dragons that had gathered at the periphery of the nest had heard the call of the hot sand overlord, and they all screamed like a mountain and a tsunami.

At the next moment, countless sand claw dragons began to flow into this nest like a tide.

"Huhehe ... Intruders who do not know life or death, your death time is up!" Resha Overlord Dragon Eye Yin Zhu, in front of its countless people, these intruders will all be torn into pieces!

However, at this time, instead of feeling the slightest fear, Wang Yan raised his lips slightly, and secretly came the opportunity!


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