The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1646: Give it a hammer first

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The brutal master immediately screamed out in panic. Her heart was all on Wang Yan. Now how can she not be alarmed when she sees such a thrilling moment?

Not only the brutal master of the county, but several of Wang Yan ’s men and companions at the scene took a deep breath subconsciously, and the pupils gradually enlarged with the giant claws slammed by the hot sand master.

Just kidding, this giant claw is majestic and strong, not to mention destroying the gold and jade jade. Look at that monstrous power, it is simply to open the earth! Being hit by this claw sweep, let alone being a demigod demon, would it be torn directly in half? If this is directly bombarded on their boss, will it still be?

"Finished, I, I am dying, I am dying ..."

The gray-toothed Jim, who is still hiding in the cave, still shivered and closed his eyes, as if the next person to die was him.

The atmosphere at the scene was awful, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

At this moment, almost everyone was tense and nervous. Only the high priest, Berika, who had caused the incident, had a smile in her mouth, a sly gaze, and an appreciative look of calmness.

Obviously, this mysterious and unpredictable Mayan high priest, once again in front of money, spared no expense to spend real money and peeped into the undisclosed heaven.


With a violent roar, the giant claws of the hot sand overlord swept away toward Wang Yan with a resource that destroyed Gula.

The ground piled with gold and silver treasures was instantly scraped off by a piece of life. Large pieces of gold and silver treasures flew up like a storm and tsunami. The hard rock cave wall in the distance, directly under the horrifying air current that swept the gold and silver treasures, the crashed rumbling, the broken rock fell, and even the whole cave shook with it.

In the cave tunnel in the distance, the two slightly weaker women, Brutal Master and Zoe, could not help but pale slightly.

Just now the hot sand overlord, the thunderous strong blow made the scene seem to have experienced a terrible earthquake. Even their legendary masters were somewhat unstable, not to mention Wang Yan ’s bombardment center. What a terrible great power to bear.

"Devil, Lord Demon Flame ..." Anxie County Master and others were anxious. At this time, the gravel was flying, and the entire cave was churning with choking dust. She could not see the trace of Her Majesty, she was in love with Her Majesty. It ’s impossible to know the safety of His Royal Highness now.

And on this side, after the hot sands overlord took a picture, he also woke up completely. It was slowly rising up the majestic body on the golden treasure pile, raising the dragon's head, and the mouth was a majestic roar.


The waves of majesty were like torrents and tsunamis, rushing in all directions with strong and compelling power.

Suddenly, the impact of the air waves, flying sand and rocks, large pieces of flying sand and dirt, and the treasures on the ground, all were washed up and down, flying everywhere.

In the process of roaring in the sky, the hot sand overlord's rough skin and **** hard armor immediately showed a piece of earthy yellow innate soil texture, and the fierce and aggressive atmosphere also surged at this moment.

The dense sand elements began to fly like gray mist, and began to gather on the surface of its body. Even the free sand elements in the surrounding air, and even the surrounding air itself, were trembling and shaking due to the roar of the hot sand overlord.

"My mother, this guy is really fierce ..."

At the edge of the cave tunnel in the distance, the confusing lord was dumbfounded, and the cold hair stood upright.

At this time, the hot sand overlord completely got up, far more majestic and fierce than when it was asleep. Among the huge karst caves, it is like a giant statue, staring at the Red Confused Lord and others.

The thick violent air is rising from it, and the terror power gradually spreading around is like a majestic mountain, forcibly pressed against the mind of the red lord.

This seemingly innate strength is the best embodiment of being a generation of overlords. The world of **** is weak and strong, and only true strength can be the king in this fiercely competitive world.

As a generation of semi-god-level overlords, Hot Sands Overlord has a rich ancient dragon blood, and now the Lord of Confusion, etc., is staring at it coldly, as if stared at by death.

This kind of horrible coercion that almost kills weak creatures directly and violently kills them. Where can the legendary lords such as the Confusing Lord be comparable?

If it were n’t for the confusing lords and others, the heart was full of energy. I ’m afraid that under the staring gaze of the hot sand overlord at this time, the heart was frightened and eventually collapsed, unable to resist death.

As for the confidence of the lords and other people, they naturally come from their boss, and they are now the son of the demon **** Mo Yan!

"It's not that I said you, why did you guys shoot without saying hello? I really don't understand politeness."

A lazy voice suddenly came from under the huge body of the hot sand overlord.

Hot sand overlord quickly withdrew his gaze, the dragon's head turned, looked down, his heart suddenly startled.

what happened? Why is that tiny purgatory demon still not dead? The point is that this tiny purgatory demon, looks actually unharmed, safe and sound!

How is this possible!

That's right, the person who just spoke is Wang Yan who is the son of the demon.

At this time, Wang Yan was not only safe, but also looked relaxed. He just stood in the giant pit that had just been blasted by the hot sand overlord. He bored his hammer in his hands and raised his head slightly, looking towards the hot sand overlord who was nearly a hundred times larger than him.


The Hot Sands Overlord didn't say anything, and raised a claw and slammed it down. It does not believe that all the small purgatory demon clan can still disappear out of thin air!


Under the huge claws, a mighty air wave immediately rolled up countless gold and silver treasures on the ground, spreading in all directions like a tsunami wave.

The unmatched power is better than before, and the whole cave shakes and trembles, and a large number of gravel rock pillars are shaken like raindrops.

Not far away in the cave tunnel, the Lord of Confusion and other people could not stand this time, so that they had to hold the wall of the cave to stabilize their figure.

"Aoao! Ooao!"

The roar and terror of the Hot Sands Overlord have passed along the numerous wind-eroded caves in the nest and passed outside the nest. In an instant, all the sand claw dragons near the entrance of the nest were frightened and screamed. The large groups of sand claw dragons began to gather quickly, but they were not called by the hot sand overlord. Overlord's old nest.

"Hurray ..."

The dust and mist filled, and the low-pitched roar of the hot sand overlord's throat. Its fangs were exposed, and its fierce eyes looked at the giant pit in front of it.

Before this strike power was better, and it was unexpected, violent, and its hot sand overlord did not believe it. The purgatory demon who dared to lead people into its territory could still fly away from its eyelids!

"Huhheh ..."

In a few moments, the tumbling dust gradually dissipated, and the fierce face of the hot sand overlord began to gradually transform into a wicked smile.

That's right, that small, flies-like purgatory demon must be dead! It was a paw, and it became a minced meat lively!

Not only the purgatory demon, but those intruders brought in by him, all died!

Ha ha ha, the hot sand lord sneered in his heart. In the past long years, such intruders died under its minions like this, I don't know how many.

These intruders, unaware of life and death, are self-righteous, stupid and blind, but dare to conspire for its hot sand overlord, and its endless wealth? It's ridiculous!

But the purgatory demon just now is much more powerful than the stupid intruders in the past. They can actually sneak people into its old nest, which is enough for them to be proud of.

Although I do n’t know how the purgatory demon tribe did it, the Hot Sands Overlord did not care, because all the ignorant intruders must be destroyed by it!

"Intruders who do not know life and death, dare to break into the territory of this overlord, and dare to talk politely with this overlord? Huhehe, really looking for death!"

The angry mood of Hot Sands Overlord finally got better at this moment. After the death of the purgatory demon, the next are the little bugs.

It glanced at the confusing lord and others, his mouth grinning a cruel arc, and the dim sum tonight had.

Hot Sands Overlord lowered his head again, slowly raised his right paw on the ground, trying to glance at the dead body of the purgatory demon.

However, at the moment when his gaze swept under his right paw, his pair of viper-like eyes suddenly shrank.

no one! How could there be no one?

Not only did it not see half of the figure, it didn't even leave a trace of blood, which made it surprised to the extreme.

Could it be that the tiny purgatory demon clan can still slip under its eyelids?

"Huh, you dumb dragon, who doesn't understand politeness, how many times do you want to say this to the Divine Son?"

The lazy voice came again in the ear of the hot sand overlord, "It's really annoying to start with someone else's words before they finish talking."

Hot sand overlord turned his eyes and his pupils shrank again.

The tiny purgatory demon actually lowered its eyelids, and it was still intact and intact!

Besides, listening to the tone, is he ...

The neck of Resha Overlord shrank back, bowed the huge dragon body, and stared at Wang Yan with vigilance in front of him, "Who are you? Son of God? Are you the one ..."

The voice of the hot sand overlord was rough and grand. He stared coldly at Wang Yan, and a bad hunch began to rise in his heart.

In front of him, this tiny purgatory demon, with a magnificent body and a magnificent temperament, the most important thing is that it is a hot sand overlord, and it can't feel the strength of the other party's power. The other party is like an air, silent, This is also the main reason why it cannot capture each other's whereabouts.

To be able to do so, it is obvious that special techniques are used, and the strength of the other party is definitely not under it!

At the thought of this, the hot sand overlord was a little flustered. Is this the purgatory demon in front of him, who is the legendary one?

The mention of the name of the devil's son can now be spread throughout the hell.

Its hot sand overlord is hiding at the border between the Infernal Demon Realm and the Dark Demon Realm. He has a lot of eyes and ears, and has constantly passed messages to it, in order to avoid the attention of outsiders, especially the attention of the three demon gods. It also has a lot of understanding.

Now that the son of the famous demon **** actually appeared in front of his eyes, is it trying to quietly become a god, and the purpose of dominating **** has been exposed? impossible?

"Who is this God Son, care about your farts."

Wang Yan flew up and down the fierce warhammer in his hand, and he humorously cynically, "But what the Divine Son wants to say to you is, your little life, the Divine Son received it!"

After all, Wang Yan's eyes were cold, and as soon as he grasped the childish warhammer, he raised his hand and threw it at the head of the hot sand master.


The warhammer was very immature. It was like a fierce beast, wrapped in an indestructible warhammer of sub-artifacts. It rolled up the hunting fire, and immediately hit the head of the hot sand overlord.


The childish warhammer smashed violently, as if it were an intercontinental missile blasted down from high altitude, and a continuous thick wave of fire burst from the main gate of the hot sand.

Thick layers of fiery clouds are like giant stones thrown into the sea.

The hot sand overlord who was concentrated in the front suddenly screamed, and the entire huge dragon body jumped up, and the majestic dragon head immediately fell back to the rear.


With a sound that seemed to shake the mountain, the hot sand overlord fell like a mountain, and fell to the ground. The gold and silver wealth that was lifted by the crash fell like raindrops.


Not far from the edge of the cave tunnel, confusion, cruelty, Zoe, Ablon and others, all "Oh" rounded their mouths, shocked inexplicably watching what happened in front of them.

One blow, only one blow! Their boss, Magic Flame, actually used only one blow to knock down the hot sand overlord who was only a hundred times larger than him!

How powerful is this in order to knock down the demi-class monsters that are as strong as hot sand overlords?

It is important to know that the Hot Sands Overlord is not an ordinary demigod-level monster. Even a demigod demon can hardly achieve this.

Beside the confusing lord, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others were also dumbfounded and surprised.

Everyone is secretly thinking, and the Pharaoh is too abnormal ~ right? Although it was very powerful before, I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated after being promoted to Demigod! This makes them young people who are also from the earth, how should they mix next?

Especially the desert emperor Ganeses, after witnessing the power that Wang Yan really showed, his heart was deeply shocked.

This is really the supreme means of clever work! The blow seemed random, but the powerful explosive power contained therein was unparalleled. Is this the strength of the demigod realm?

The desert emperor's eyes were gleaming and he was longing for it.

In such a powerful and prestigious state of demigods, he also wants to break through and get promoted!

"Why, what's going on? Mountains, mountains collapsed?"

Behind the crowd, the gray-toothed Jim hiding behind the rock in the tunnel, had his eyes closed, shivering, and looked like a big disaster.

But after hearing the loud rumbling sound, he couldn't help but open his eyes and took a look at the probe, then took a deep breath.

The overwhelming hot sand overlord was actually knocked down by the demon under the magic flame!

At this time, Your Highness Demon Flame, the magic wings behind her are magnificent, standing in the air, and the world's momentum is undoubtedly undoubted.

At this moment, Jim Sandman, the gray tooth, was completely overwhelmed by the overbearing appearance of Wang Yanwei, and secretly marveled in his heart, deserving to be the son of the devil! Look at this strength, I am afraid it has reached the legendary demigod?

With this strength, no wonder they dare to go straight to the dangerous nest of the hot sand overlord!

The people did marvel at Wang Yan's strong blow and marveled at it, but at the next moment, the hot sand overlord who had fallen over to the ground actually shook the mighty dragon head and stood up again.

Seeing it look ashamed and angry, it's unharmed!


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