The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1642: Hot sand desert

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Speaking of which, he Black Devil King is not a kind of counsel, he is not afraid of facing the overlord-level monster, but this son of the demon god, His Highness, only brought such a few men, and the supplies are not at all.

If in such a state, you venture into the sand sea and hunt the legendary hot sand overlord, it is impossible to succeed. If something unexpected happens in the middle, he will not be able to afford to die because of his death.

"His Royal Highness, Hot Sands Overlord is not a small character. Its strength in the sand sea is strong, and several demon kings may not be able to take it down. And it also controls many monsters in the sand sea, and there is no strong one. Army and supplies, it is difficult to capture it in the sand sea. "

The Blackrock Demon King frowned, his face showing a difficult color, but then turned his face and patted his chest to ensure, "However, you can rest assured, Your Royal Highness, the army and supplies will be held on my black stone, the black stone under my command. The army is also a battle-hardened veteran, and it is completely enough to deal with the hot sand overlord! "

As the saying goes, the Blackrock Demon King is still worried.

In the desert sand sea, the hot sand overlord is like swimming in the sea, let alone catching it, ordinary people can't even search its shadow. Moreover, this legendary monster is very cunning, and the small forces have passed, and it is completely to give food.

If the laborers moved the team into the past, the cost is huge. Not to mention, the cunning monster will immediately disappear without a trace when the arrival is wrong.

In the end, more people and horses can only be confused in the endless sand sea. They will eventually become the prey of the hot sand overlord, which will gradually be consumed by hunters until the whole army is wiped out.

There are too many such examples in history. Those who attempted to hunt the hot sand overlords did not end well in the end.

This is where the Blackrock Demon's worries lie. Now, His Highness does not know where he heard the rumors. He wants to conquer the legendary monster and the fierce and hot sand desert.

It is not a matter of his prowess and his army, who accompanied the past to play in the past. But in the end, no matter whether the trace of the hot sand overlord was found, or the trace of the hot sand overlord was not found, it may eventually annoy the son of the devil. By that time, he, the Black Stone Demon, had no good fruit.

Just when the Blackrock Demon was thinking about it, would you like to give a suggestion to this Demon God's son, and make a preventive shot first?

However, Wang Yan raised his hand calmly, and said indifferently: "You don't need your team, you just need to provide supplies for the Divine Son and logistics support."

"No, you don't need a staff?"

The Blackrock Demon was slightly stunned. At first, he thought he had heard it wrong. Then he quickly reminded him kindly, "His Royal Highness, the Hot Sands Overlord is no different, but it is the legendary overlord-level monster. Here, whereabouts cannot be determined, and if there are fewer people, there is no way to deal with that ... "

But before he finished speaking, Wang Yan stretched out his hand to interrupt: "You don't have to worry about it."

"Yes Yes."

The Blackrock Demon nodded again and again, and now His Highness, the son of the Demon God, insists on this. What else can he say? Can only do it.

But it was strange to say, that night, according to the order, he sent supplies to Wang Yan's bedroom.

Good supplies such as food, water, medicine, and desert necessities were actually asked to send thousands of copies!

This terrified the Blackrock Demon King again. If it wasn't for the other party's incomparably son of the demon god, he would even think that the other party was deceiving him.

In this way, one night passed.

Early the next morning, Wang Yan and others were escorted by the Blackrock Demon King and boarded a Demon-class battleship, flying all the way at low altitude, and slowly flew deep into the hot sand desert.

Wang Yan, with a few men and his companions, still looked relaxed and comfortable.

On the contrary, the Blackrock Demon King and his men's lieutenant generals were all cautious, as if they were under great pressure. Therefore, the Blackrock Demon King does not just use his own Demon Master ship for Wang Yan to travel. After the main ship, there were five full transport airships, full of troops, and accompanying guards.

The fleet seemed to be a boat cruising slowly on calm water, and there was a quiet surrounding.

The weather is very pleasing, the sun is shining, and the pedestrian has not encountered a desert storm that is enough to roll up gravel and destroy the rocks.

The ground line is unobstructed. Below the fleet, black basalt and various colors of Gobi stone, with the natural entrapment left over from the years, are exuding a warm glow under the sun.

Although the weather is hot, this sight falls on people's eyes, but it has a different beautiful beauty.

These basalts and gobi stones are mostly special stones formed by fire eruption, geological movements, groundwater or wind erosion, which took thousands of years to form. Some are agate, chalcedony, petrified wood and other high-end jewels regarded as treasures by the earth. Some locals can even unearth a whole piece of gold in this Gobi Desert!

This is the advantage of the rich minerals in Hell World. Of course, this area is rich in precious stones. What is more precious is that in this desert and Gobi, more high-end magic energy materials, crystal sand and dust can be discovered.

Therefore, in this desert area, a profession specializing in searching for gems and exploring the desert came into being. Local natives engaged in such occupations, and some adventurers who desire wealth, are usually called gem hunters, or hot sand scavengers.

They wander in this desert all day long. While taking their lives to gamble, they can also harvest all kinds of gems in exchange for the living materials they need under the conditions of Warcraft and harsh natural environment.

This time, Wang Yan's guide was a local nomadic people, sand dunes.

The rat-man is a kind of ricket, like a rat, and there is a long-tailed humanoid race behind him. For generations, he has survived from the cracks of the powerful world of hell.

As the name suggests, the dune squirrel is a branch of the squirrel that has adapted to the desert environment during the long years. Its main talents have also changed because it has lived in the desert all the year round. Their close relatives are the gray squirrels living in the city sewers.

The gray horned squirrel is good at stealing and inquiring about information. The confusing lord found this through the gray squirrel's small news, as well as the sand dune squirrel who guided Wang Yan.

Now with Wang Yan, the gerbil man sitting in the inner cabin of the battleship, named Grey Tooth Jim, is a hot sand scavenger.

It is said that he was looking for treasure in the desert alone, exploring all the way, and accidentally reached the old nest of the hot sand overlord. He may be a fan of money and has a lot of courage. With the talent advantage of the race, he roughly constructed a rough sketch of this nest outside the old nest of the hot sand overlord.

Originally intended to steal things, the Resha sandlord was too powerful, and the horror power exuded unintentionally, scared him so much that he did not dare to go deep.

So after he came back, this rough sketch of the old nest became one of the items he sold, but no one believed him. But in the end the rumor brought this adventurous Ratman Scavenger to Wang Yan.

"Your name is Grey-toothed Jim? I heard you have entered the hot sand overlord's den?"

Wang Yan handed the glass of wine to the guild guide in front of him, and at the same time looked at the guinea pig.

It was found that the gerbil man named Grey-toothed Jim had a face similar to humans, but his fur was all the same color as sand. In addition, wearing a sand-proof grayish yellow cloak with a hood, if you let him stay on the dunes or the Gobi, as long as he does not move, I am afraid that no one will find him a living creature.

However, although Wang Yan's attitude was good at this time, he did not release coercion, but it still brought great pressure to this lowly-identified ratman.

"Yes, yes ... I, I mean, yes, yes! Your sacred Son of God, small, small, really, really went in!"

Gray-toothed Jim grinned his pair of yellow teeth, but only Nono answered. At this time, under the watchful eye of Wang Yan, as well as many of his various men and companions, he was trembling nervously, not even dare to drink the wine Wang Yan handed him.

"Don't be nervous, as long as you do things well for Ben Shenzi, Ben Shenzi will not treat you badly."

Wang Yan said, took out a beautiful magic crystal coin, "As long as you can lead us to arrive safely, this is yours, and after this is done, the Divine Son will have a reward!"

Seeing the magic crystal coin, gray-toothed Jim's pair of small eyes were straightened, and the small heart jumped wildly.

For him, this magic crystal full of pure energy, but a high-end currency only available to noble lords, the value of this piece alone is higher than his income in the Gobi Desert for half a year!

A while ago, if it was not on the Gobi near the border, he could not find any good things. He didn't have to risk his life and went to the hinterland of the hot sand desert to try his luck.

But now, wealth is close, how could he not be excited?

"Your Highness the Son of God, rest assured! This desert is just like the small backyard. The small must bring the Highness of the Son of God to safety!" Grey tooth Jim swears vowedly, his eyes keep staring at the Magic crystal coin.

"Not only to bring it safely, I need all the information about the hot sand overlord, and at the same time ensure that it will not attract the attention of the dark demon scout troops." Wang Yan's eyes dropped, and his expression became serious.

Grey-toothed Jim's heart sank instantly, and the sense of greed that had just risen in his heart was instantly frightened by the horrible sense of crisis.

"His Highness, the Son of God, please rest assured, the little one knows how to do it! The little one must do things for you!"

Under the pressure of Wang Yan, Grey Teeth Jim hurriedly slid off the chair and knelt down on the ground. The whole person was nervous and solemn.

"Hold it, this is for you."

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan threw the magic crystal to him, and at the same time put away all the pressure that had been exposed.

Now Wang Yan is already a son of the Devil God. As long as he leaves the safe area, he is in danger. To be sure, as long as there is a chance, the forces of Dark Demon and Fallen Demon will surely try to kill him. In addition, the hot sand overlord is not easy to deal with, there is no perfect solution, and it is very easy to make mistakes.

Now that there is a local indigenous native as a guide, his chances of success will undoubtedly increase greatly.

"Thank you for your gift! Your little one will do your best! You must do your best!"

Grey-toothed Jim quickly grasped the falling magic crystal with both hands, and his inner joy and nervousness made him rush again and kowtowed with gratitude. But it was only at this time that he gradually relaxed, only to find that his vest was sweating somehow.

This made him unable to conceal, the son of the demon **** deserves to be the son of the demon god, this terrible oppression, even the black stone demon king can not compare with it.

Being able to be seen by His Highness Demon Son, Demon God's Son, Grey Tooth Jim was already very thankful. As for the purpose of His Highness Hunting Lord of Hot Sands, it was no longer within his consideration.


Time passed.

The Blackstone Fleet, from their capital, until, at night, finally flew across the border of the Gobi, officially flying low into the hot sand desert.

During the day, the hot sand desert like a stove burns. At night, the temperature drops suddenly. Wang Yan and a few men stand on the deck of the battleship. He can even see that many places on the deck have formed white frost.

Moreover, the night when the temperature dropped suddenly, it became lively in the desert.

Facing the bright moonlight, Wang Yan can see that the whole desert below is full of predators and prey scenes.

During the day to avoid the hot sun and animals and insects, they have climbed out of the hiding cave. The huge temperature difference at night and the condensed water also bring precious vitality to this arid place. Not only rare plants are needed, but all insects, beasts and monsters are needed.

So a heated cycle of the biological chain began to unfold in front of everyone.

"Hey, Lord Mo Yan, look, the sand below is moving!"

At this time, the brutal master who accompanied Wang Yan to enjoy the scenery suddenly pointed curiously under the deck.

Wang Yan and several other companions turned around and looked down, and found that fast-moving sandbags bulged in the desert below, as if something was surging below.

"That's sand bugs, desert worms! They are the most powerful predators in the desert night!"

The Sandhill Ratman who was behind everyone added that Grey-tooth Jim added that he seemed to be full of instinctive fear of the surging sandbags.

Sure enough, the gray-toothed Jim's voice had not fallen.

Among the many moving sandbags below, one of them suddenly burst out a big mouth and instantly bitten a belly of a **** dog hunting for food in the desert!

The **** dog was too late to moan, so he was dragged under the yellow sand by this cruel mouth, and blood was sprayed on the sand dunes instantly.

Such a **** and brutal predator shot made Wang Yan and others on the deck really see it. He and several companions from the earth could not help but secretly sigh. The cruel creature like the desert worm is really terrible!

This insect looks like a **** large intestine, covered with folds and blue-grey markings, the skin looks soft, but it is extremely tough. The most terrible thing is that its head is actually a three-petal mouth covered with sharp teeth! Once bitten by such a big mouth, I am afraid there is absolutely no possibility of breaking free.

The desert worm that just hunted the **** dog, Wang Yan initially estimated that the body length is at least about ten meters, and the physical strength has reached at least the B level stage. And the adult **** dog that also reached the B level stage was just instantly killed by it, which shows how powerful the predator in this desert is.


"Roar! Aw!"

As the attack of this desert worm began, the desert worms began to rush out of the sand and bite their prey.

For a time, quicksand burst, worms roared, teeth interacted, and the sound of prey roared one after another in the night desert.

Under the offensive of a large group of desert worms, whether it is snakes, poisons, lizards, or **** dogs that belong to the predator class, they are generally eaten by the desert worms and eat in the belly.

There are hundreds of desert worms surging below, not to mention hundreds of them, ranging in size, only a few meters in size, and weak in strength. I carelessly talk about food for other beasts. The larger ones are more than ten meters long, and even dozens of meters long! The strength is also strong, and the nature is cruel to a certain extreme.

Not only do they prey on prey, **** the same kind of mouth, some desert worms that don't get food, they even open huge mouths to their companions and directly kill the same kind!

The most terrible thing is that there are several large desert worms that burst out from under the desert, and they will directly attack the low-flying warships.

That bite went up, biting the bottom of the Demon-class battleship, "creaking", very incompetent.

This terrible worm, so terrifying and fierce, is really unfolding at this moment.

Of course, how can these low-level sand worms bite the Devil-level battleship? However, the Blackrock Demon still ordered to increase the flying height, because the teeth of the desert worms have corrosive venom, they will also spit venom, and they have been contaminated with these venoms for a long time. Even the Devil-class battleship, the hull will be damaged by corrosion.

After the fleet raised the altitude, the surroundings fell silent.

However, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others were still immersed in the killing feast just now.

"My goddess, that kind of bug is the meatball we eat?" Zhang Weidao wiped his cold sweat and muttered, "This kind of bug is too cruel? Is it hard to recognize the six parents?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk suddenly realized that it is still our hometown of the earth, beautiful and peaceful." Wu Bujie also sighed at the Buddha, and the kind of insects, the word brutality, was brought to the extreme. In contrast, the lions and tigers on the earth are all gentle kittens.

"The kind of bugs are ugly and terrible, but the desert meatballs made are really delicious." Shen Tutianlu scratched his head, and the nature of the rough man began to play. dish.

"Don't say it's delicious!"

Speaking of eating desert worms, the goddess Shiva suddenly glared at Shen Tu Tianlu.

The insects below are too bloody, too cruel, and too ugly. When I thought of the dinner she had eaten before, it was the meat of the insects.

Not only the goddess Shiva, but the high priest Berika, together with the two women from the earth, also stared at Shen Tu Tianlu with full of resentment, terrifying the latter's neck, quickly shrunk to I dare not speak aside, for fear of annoying these three aunts who can not be provoked.

"Uh, obviously it's delicious." Lord Chew puzzled on one side, "Why does this bug look like, as long as it's delicious?"

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." The brutal lord gave him a glare, "I don't know that human women are very weak? Do you think they are as rough as you?"

"If you don't say it, don't say it." The deluded lord shrugged helplessly, saying that the human race is obviously very strong, but it is so weak in such small things.

After staring at the Red Confused Lord, the Brutal Sovereign once again looked at Wang Yan with a longing look on her face. Liudu is so accommodating, it's too good!

Well, she feels like a virtuous wife, she has been moved by herself.

Nothing happened overnight, when the sky was lit again, Wang Yan had come to the real hinterland of the hot sand desert.

Once the fleet is here, it can no longer fly.

Because according to the guidance of the desert ratman gray tooth Jim and the rough map, the hot sand overlord's lair is ahead!


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