The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1641: This meal is poisonous

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The Blackrock Demon King took his entourage, and thanked Dade behind Wang Yan, and visited him again and again. The scene was very enthusiastic.

"Black Stone, I will cooperate well with the Divine Son in the future, and the Divine Son will not treat you badly." Wang Yan also turned around at this time, looking at the Black Stone Demon King. A wave of tension for no reason.

"Yes, yes, I am the Blackrock Demon King, everything follows the arrangement of His Highness Demon Flame!" The Black Stone Demon King's heart burst into a spirit, secretly saying that this is for him to stand in Blackstone? In this situation, he definitely stands on the side of the devil's son.

The Black Stone Demon King is so conscious, and also makes Wang Yan more satisfied.

The reason why he would like to open a commercial road to Yanhu City after the Hell Conference is mainly because Yanhu City is actually built for the future of the earth.

In the near future, Yanhu City will become a city under the complete control of his Wang Yan. In that case, the interaction with the earth will be greatly deepened.

In addition, after waiting for the Hell Conference, both the Earth Defense Circle and his Wang Yan will face real challenges. By that time, the Earth Resistance Alliance and his Wang Yan will greatly increase the demand for resources.

There is no more way to obtain resources, and by then Earth Anti-Unification and his Wang Yan will fall into a passive state, and the combat power they can exert will also be limited.

In addition, according to the information of the Lord of the Confusion, the Black Stone Great City, located on the border of the hot sand desert, looks barren, and in fact has very rich properties. This place is similar to Chilian Huze, but unlike Chilian Huze, this vast desert area is rich in gems, minerals, as well as a variety of Warcraft monsters and a large number of exotic desert plants.

Not to mention these resources in the future, Wang Yan is now scarce even now. Just because the road is far away, full of hardships and dangers, so that here, like the previous Chilian Huze, it has become a semi-closed poverty-stricken place.

Next, as long as you can control the development of this area, Wang Yan and the earth will have endless benefits. Of course, these related matters no longer have to be bothered by Wang Yan himself. His men have gradually grown up and let them do it, which is enough.

"Master Demon Flame, this is the black stone city under him!"

When Wang Yan walked out of the hall, the Blackrock Demon King immediately followed him and introduced his city happily.

Wang Yan also stood on the edge of the tall teleportation hall and looked away. A desert city completely different from Shendu and Liuhuo City has been fully displayed in front of him.

This is a large city composed of black rocks and yellow sand. Urban buildings are dominated by black basalt. This solid black rock is produced by the movement of volcanoes and underground lava thousands of years ago. It is very common in this desert area. Used to build houses and palaces, that is powerful and strong.

At this time, Wang Yan and others stood at the top of the tens of meters high hall, and at a glance, the whole city was ups and downs.

Due to the infrequent rain, the criss-crossing streets of the city are basically rammed on the original sand. Looking down from a height, the yellow sandy streets, against the backdrop of black buildings, resemble a stream of rivers, full of exotic features.

There is a little vegetation here, but inside and outside the city, and on both sides of the street, you can still see many unique desert plants.

Their growth is high or low, the color is light green, or gray, and the appearance is very strange. However, in the towering black buildings and yellow streets, these plants can be embellished, so the whole city has a little more vitality.

If you look farther away, it is the Gobi mudflat filled with gravel and gravel.

Passing through this Gobi, it is endless, as if there is no end to the hot sand sea. There is a dangerous place where life is forbidden, and very few people will go deep into the hinterland of the sand sea.

However, compared to the dangerous desert hinterland, this border city is undoubtedly a beautiful oasis.

"Huh ... The scenery here is really nice."

The goddess Shiva looked far behind Wang Yan, and after taking a deep breath, she gave a pleasing sigh.

The air is dry and hot here, and even the yellow sand and rocks are the eyes, but although it seems barren, it is actually full of life.

For example, with the eyesight of Lord Shiva, you can easily find that there is a bluish-gray weed-like plant in the shadow below the hall of transmission.

In the middle of this weed, there is a little yellowish lizard hiding.

This little lizard is as if it is integrated with the roots of the surrounding plants. At this moment, a huge ant searching for food along the corner of the wall was approaching slowly not far away.

When the big ant just got close to the plant, the lizard immediately launched a lightning attack, biting the ant into his mouth and swallowing it happily.

"It's funny." It's been a long time since I saw such a quiet and peaceful city landscape. The battle-stricken goddess Shiva couldn't help but smile.

In desert regions, due to lack of water resources and harsh environment, the survival of prey and predators often revolves around scarce resources. Therefore, in this place, a small plant will develop into a unique set of biological chains.

In addition to her, several other female companions, as well as Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie, etc., all talked about this desert scenery with **** characteristics.

Among these people, especially the desert emperor Ganeses, this place made him feel cordial, as if he had returned to his former desert home, so he looked energetic.

"Huh, the roofs of this city are all pointed and hollow."

At this time, the brutal master who appreciates the city scenery is curious to ask. Although the house construction here is full of the ruthless and powerful style of the Purgatory Demon Race, if you look closely, there are still many different parts.

"Presumably this is the well-known Miss Brutality." The Blackrock Demon shouted to the hostess of the Red Brutality County, and then explained, "Miss Brutality doesn't know that there is almost no rain here, so there is no need to close the roof to avoid rain. The climate here is hot, and the roofs and walls are carved into hollow patterns, which is beautiful, heat dissipating and ventilating. It is also a feature of our place. "

The Black Stone Demon King smiled very friendly to everyone, and then walked to Wang Yan's side again, guiding: "His Royal Highness, here, please, your subordinates have prepared thin wine to catch the wind and dust for you."

Wang Yan nodded, and then a group of people walked out of the transmission hall and walked all the way to the palace of the Blackrock Demon King.

The palace of the Blackrock Demon King is tall and tall, making wide steps along the first-order black basalt, and walking up, you can deeply feel the ancient and grand style of this palace.

Perhaps it is a little less magnificent than the demon king's palace, but there is enough majesty to reflect the majesty of the devil.

"His Majesty, please here, please here."

The Blackstone Demon King fought all the way, like a slave.

Under his guidance, Wang Yan and others also walked into the cool and comfortable main hall, and everyone followed him to the throne, and then took their seats one after another.

Soon, a team of beauties of all ethnicities dressed in grey tulle, carrying exquisite fine wine and delicacies, entered the temple in succession. Then there was a passionate drummer, singing and dancing.

"Well! This meatball is so delicious!"

"Huh, is the taste of this fruit a cactus?"

"This wine ... wow! It's so warm, so choking!"

Wang Yan's men and their companions from the earth are enjoying the desert food for the first time. At this time, they seem to enjoy and novel, and they talk to each other easily.

After three rounds of wine, everyone was having a good time. Wang Yan turned to the Black Stone Demon King beside him and asked curiously, "Hei Shi, your dishes here are really good, especially the meatballs, which have a special taste and are very delicious . Talk about it, what is it made of? "

"Hey, thank you, Your Highness, Mo Yan for complimenting this. Our dish here is called Desert Meatballs, but our hot sand desert is the most representative dish!"

Seeing that Wang Yan was very satisfied with the dinner, the Black Stone Demon King was full of glory and quickly stood up as a host to start introducing, "Speaking of this dish, we can have a long history in our local area. The main material used is this A specialty of the desert, the desert worms are specially cooked with Shuxin grass! "


Shu Xincao was okay, but when he heard the word desert worm, Wang Yan was stunned for a while. At the bottom, Shiva Goddess, High Priest Berika and Zhang Weidao and other companions of the earth are all black.

Especially the accompanying female magician Lydia, she just fork a meatball, Tan mouth slightly open, just about to enjoy this delicious meatball again, suddenly heard the term "desert worm", she The whole person was stunned on the spot for a while, and the sandal mouth that had just opened was also frozen in the air, and he couldn't bite it.

Are you kidding me? This kind of meatball is actually made of insect meat?

And it looks like ... or a worm?

This, this, this kind of thing ... sure to eat? How can the key be so delicious?

"Desert worms are a ferocious and delicious good. As long as they go deep in the desert at night and throw a piece of **** meat in the sand, hundreds of thousands of worms can be attracted overnight. Haha, but if you are unlucky, it attracts the king insects, and those hunters will not come back. "

Black Stone Demon took a sip of wine and smiled, seeing Wang Yan and others a little stunned, so he kindly said, "Aren't you curious about the appearance of the desert worm? That's easy to handle. So you can see. "

"no, I'm fine."

Wang Yan waved his hand and said that if the ugly worm was brought up alive, it is estimated that the following women from the earth might not have to eat this meal again.

In fact, Shiva, Lydia and other companions of the earth have been in the world of **** for a long time, and all kinds of weird things have been seen, and their resistance has long been different.

At least tell them that they are eating insects, and although they refrain, they will not spit it out. Even if they continue to eat, they can eat it. After all, insect meatballs and live insects are two different things. But if they are really allowed to see this desert worm alive, it is estimated that their psychological defense line may be out of control.

But at the banquet, this desert meatball with desert worms and Shuxin grass, together with cooking, is really delicious, so that women such as Shiva and Lydia are struggling with a contradiction whether to eat or not to eat. .

"Black Stone, talk about your bar." Wang Yan lifted the glass and motioned, "Your wine is a bit different from the traditional hellfire spirits. Although the entrance chokes warmly, it makes people very relaxed after drinking. . "

"Yeah, yeah, this wine is hot and comfortable after drinking, and the whole person is a bit floating!"

"Old, no, old, boss, cheers!"

"This wine is so refreshing, we have a great drink tonight!"

Both Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie held their glasses and drank happily. Their faces were all smiles behind him. They didn't see the monks on earth. They should be clean and free.

"Haha, this wine is precious!"

Seeing the two little brothers drinking so happily, the Blackrock Demon laughed at the moment, "This kind of wine is brewed with the venom of the giant gray scale snake! That kind of snake, the venom is so fierce that one drop is enough to poison hundreds. Goblin slave! "

"I know this kind of snake."

Zoe, who was sitting below, took a sip of venom-brewed wine and slowly said, "The gray scale snake is a desert viper. Its venom has a very strong neurotoxin and can easily poison any prey. However, its venom can also be used for medical treatment, alchemy, spellcasting, or wine making. The fine wine brewed with this venom venom can make the drinker's nerves narcotic, thereby producing a strong sense of pleasure, which is a treasure in the wine. "

Zoe knew a lot about it, and later inherited the complete inheritance of Erhaus. It can be said that she is the encyclopedia of the world of **** around Wang Yan.

With Zoe's explanation, the Blackrock Demon King immediately smiled and clapped his hands and praised: "Haha, the people around His Majesty's Demon Flame are really outstanding. This wine is good, but the brewing process is very difficult. Will be poisoned and die, very troublesome. "

Hearing this, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, including Shen Tu Tian Lu, who was gurgling and sipping in a pot, was suddenly shocked on the spot.

The three people's eyes widened, and their hearts were even more turbulent.

What are you kidding? This wine is actually made from the venom of the poisonous snake? Let me go, this wine is more terrible than worm meatballs!

Zoe looked at the expressions of Zhang Weidao and three others with consternation and smiled, deliberately reminding: "You are still appropriate to use your abilities to drive away alcohol, otherwise you will drink more and more under the anesthesia of pleasure, The toxins in the body will also accumulate, and when the amount of toxins reaches a certain level, I am afraid that ... "

What, what?

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and Shen Tutian Road three people, their hearts suddenly tremble. According to Zoe's argument, the wine made from this venom, the more he drank, the more he drank, and the more he drank, the more the toxin accumulated in the body to a certain extent, wouldn't the three of them be finished?

Thinking of this, the three of them could not help but take a breath of breath, and the small heart jumped with a frenzy.

It's dangerous, really dangerous. If the three of them drink like this, wouldn't they be three legendary powerhouses poisoned by alcohol?

Not afraid of death, the key to this kind of death is too shameful!

"Don't drink, don't drink, drinking is wrong, drinking is wrong."

"Amitabha, the poor monk suddenly remembered that he was a monk. Our monk cannot drink."

"Uh, what's the use of drinking my physique? Now is the time when Shen Tutianlu contributes. I, I have to add some minerals first ..."

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shen Tu Tian Lu three people, despite the turbulence in their hearts, are also trying to maintain the face of the legendary peak strong.

Such an embarrassing scene made Zoe secretly smile, and then quietly whispered to Wang Yan, "Master Venerable Demon Flame, the venom of the gray scale giant snake, after being brewed into wine, the toxicity is almost eliminated, only There are traces of toxins, which can only bring people a sense of paralysis, which is far from fatal. A single round of toxicity, I am afraid that even a mouse will not be poisoned. If you drink too much, you will be anesthetized and will not wake up. Enough."

After listening to it, Wang Yan also smiled heartily, and said that the Hawk Banshee is really a cunning race. Zoe's remarks just turned out to deliberately frighten Zhang Weidao's people.

But if you think about it too, everyone in the Purgatory Demon Clan lives very badly. If the wine is really poisonous, who will drink it?

Besides, if this wine is really poisonous, it would give the Blackrock Demon King a hundred guts, and he would not dare to give him Wang Yan to drink.

Seeing is not broken, the banquet continues.

After everyone was full of food and drink, and enough chatting and leisure, the Blackrock Demon King also waved back at Wang Yan's instructions and chatted about the serious matter.

Wang Yan is now the son of the demon god, and he has a high weight. In the domain of purgatory, wherever he goes, he is only the master under the demon **** and above ten thousand people.

Therefore, he did not talk to the Black Stone Demon Rao circle directly to explain his intentions, and let the Black Stone Demon King keep a low profile, not to leak the wind, while fully cooperating with his actions.

Upon hearing this, the Black Stone Demon King nodded his promises and promised his promise to absolutely assist Wang Yan's actions.

In the world of hell, powerful Warcraft itself is a resource. The more powerful Warcraft, the higher the value. Coupled with their precious wealth accumulated over the years, once successfully hunted to a high-level monster, the wealth obtained is often beyond people's expectations.

Therefore, in the view of the Blackrock Demon King, the noble Lord of the Flame Flame is bored in the gods, and it is reasonable to want to come out to fight. It's just that this Highness Demon Flame, the target to be hunted, is not ordinary.

That's the legendary overlord monster. Before the birth of his black stone demon's father and grandfather, the overlord monster was entrenched in the hot sand desert. Over the ages, I do n’t know how many heroes, demon lords, and lords who want to track and hunt this legendary monster, but those who pay attention to it, without exception, all stay in the endless desert sand.

So much so that anyone who wants to hunt hot sand overlords in that sea of ​​sand is really like a fool.


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