The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1630: Not an artifact

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"Master Demon Flame, our two old guys, can also assure you that this machine fully meets your requirements."

The True Eye and the Book of Stars are being placed on the workbench next to the machine. At this time, Wang Yan's inquiry was heard, and the two master-level spirits who were staying in them also appeared and paid tribute to Wang Yan.

Under the leadership of Wang Yan, these two artisans with vast amounts of knowledge have brought together a great deal of knowledge here. Then, by the hands of Alchemist Master Hill and Alchemist Zoe, realize them one by one.

It has to be said that this is a cooperation with boastful meaning, and a masterpiece that combines the skills of the earth and hell, which is enough to make these two artifacts and Hill, and Zoe proud.

Seeing the masters Hill and Zoe, and the two instrumental spirits so confident, Wang Yan immediately stabilized.

Twenty consecutive days and nights without eyes closed, all relying on Zoe's medicinal preparation to solve his lack of loyalty and dedication, Wang Yan was quite moved. It should be known that even if Hill is a legendary powerhouse with outstanding strength, under continuous high-intensity work, without rest and supplements, it will be too much.

"It seems that you have done your best. Master Hill first introduced me to introduce this machine and your preliminary debugging results." Wang Yan showed a satisfied face, but he paid more attention to the real effect of this machine.

"That is of course, of course."

There is no doubt that this machine came from Master Hill. At this time, he walked beside Wang Yan with his beard, and said with a smile, "This machine is divided into three parts, and different materials are also used. For example, here, alloys made of mixed materials such as Xingte iron, Dunjia steel, and grain phosphor powder are used. "

Dunjia Steel is a dark gray high-density metal in the deep mountain veins of Hell World. Its output is very scarce, and it has good ductility and energy conductivity. Rhythm phosphorus powder is an expensive alchemy material that is extremely repulsive and has the special characteristics of decomposing objects.

As for the star meteorite, Dunjia Steel and Zinc Phosphorus Powder are much rarer. Because the star meteorite is not a product of the **** world, but the precision iron refined from the meteorite falling outside the region.

However, not all meteorites can be refined, and not all of the iron can be called star meteorite, so it also makes this material rare and expensive from start to finish. To the point.

But once the star meteorite is refined, this top-notch metal is not only extremely dense and extremely heavy, but also contains special energy, which is the ultimate energy-conducting metal. The equipment weapons made of this material have extremely high strength and excellent energy conductivity. The starting point must be a second holy artifact. If the craftsman's craftsmanship is better, then the holy artifact comes out.

Today, one of the three elders of the Satanic Parliament, the great sword of the demon king, the main material is the star meteorite. This shows how precious this top metal is, and it is not something that ordinary people can touch and use.

Wang Yan is now arranging this machine made by master refiner Hill, in order to ensure high conductivity and high stability, the amount of star meteorite used is very exaggerated. If the amount of star meteorite alone is used, I am afraid that it has already been more than ten times more than the epic sword of the great demon king!

The price of such a large amount of star meteorite can no longer be estimated from the market price, and in many cases, even if it is rich, it cannot be bought.

Of course, now Wang Yan can afford it. He relied on the identity of the son of the demon god, and the large amount of gifts he had received before, and even went to the treasure house of the devil **** Satan halfway through, rubbing a little bit, which barely supported the casting of such a machine.

"Senior Demon Flame, this part is very precise. It uses crystal sand, gold Wuling, gold crystal glaze and other high-conductivity materials."

After being said by Master Refiner Hill, Wang Yan finally understood that these glass-like bottles, jars and various conduits were actually refined with so many precious and rare energy-conducting materials.

In fact, I want it to be the same. What Wang Yan needs is a high-energy impact strength that can withstand the highest level of strength in the world, but also has the strongest ductility and energy conductivity in the world. Can it bear it?

Therefore, it is necessary to use the top rare materials found in this world.

Not only that, because the objects that need to be decomposed and optimized are different, it is necessary to increase the corresponding wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and erosion resistance. At the same time, it is necessary to consider various factors such as compressive, tensile, and impact resistance. So many additional materials and engravings of magic inscriptions and formations have to be added.

In this way, coupled with testing and research and development, the precious materials consumed have already become more expensive than Skyrim.

These alone are not counted.

In order to provide high-quality fire for Master Hill's forging materials, Wang Yan not only provided him with the pure fire of the pure sun, but also found the evil fire of the blazing big demon king, the fire prison demon king of the demon temple The magic dragon flame, and the black flames of **** full of dark energy, and even the destruction of the Shiva goddess with the destruction of the flame!

The most exaggerated thing is that in order to perfectly forge the star meteorite alloy, Wang Yan even got a fire from Satan, the demon, even before going to the abyss!

Now the forging furnaces burning these horrible flames are lined up one by one in the forging chamber on the other side. If an outsider sees the scene, he will definitely be scared that his chin will not be recovered. One hundred percent will think that Wang Yan is letting someone refine his artifact.

In fact, in order to make this machine, Wang Yan has almost the same consumption as forging an artifact. The consumption of materials for construction alone consumes nearly half of Wang Yan ’s resources!

It is important to know that the resources and wealth Wang Yan possesses are mostly the top elders of the Satan Parliament, which are used to buy Wang Yan's large sums of life for peace. They are all big nobles in the uppermost layer of the pyramid in the world, and the amount of wealth used to cut meat to buy lives can be imagined.

Coupled with the visits of the major princes and nobles this time, Wang Yan also gained a lot of wealth resources, which also made him really rich.

But in order to make this machine, it consumes too much. However, as long as it can have practical effects and can truly achieve Wang Yan's purpose, that is the key to saving the plane of the earth and even breaking through the road to God!

As long as this can be met, Wang Yan will not hesitate even if he is ruined.

"Master Magic Flame, there are indeed a lot of consumables, but in order to complete the project as quickly as possible, we have avoided all waste as much as possible, and what we can save has been saved."

After Master Hill introduced the consumables, his face was slightly apologetic. As a master refiner, he naturally knows how expensive these rare materials are. The amount of consumption is greater than that of the legendary forged artifacts.

Even if his master, His Highness, Mo Yan, is a son of the Devil God, these rare materials are not easily available. And the wealth of the Demon God will not be given to this Highness Demon Flame.

Therefore, this time all his refining took up at least more than half of the total assets of His Master, His Highness, Mo Yan. This also made him a master of refining, and he felt very nervous. Any slack and waste.

Fortunately, Wang Yan knew the difficulty of completing this machine, pursuing the evolution of the bloodline, and breaking the biological limit. At this moment, he did not mean to blame Master Hill, but instead praised Master Hill ’s rigor and responsibility, and greatly appreciated it.

It should be known that the consumables are so expensive now, if you count the manual cost of forging, it will definitely be a sky-high price. At present, Master Hill not only works for him for free, but also works so hard. Wang Yan is too happy to be too late. What other opinions can he have?

"Thank you Lord Moyan for your understanding!"

Master Hill once again introduced with a smile, "I am mainly responsible for the manufacture of the original machine, related inscriptions and engravings, the comparison of the material composition, and the use of a variety of reagents. Zoe is responsible. If there is no Zoe, and the other two masters From the side, I ca n’t complete such an amazing thing. ”

The other two masters in the mouth of Master Hill naturally refer to the magical artifact spirit left by the starry sky magic god, and the alchemy master left by Erhaus. These two artifacts with massive knowledge have become their theoretical knowledge. With the focus of program design. In addition, the alchemist Zoe became Master Hill's most solid assistant.

"The specific effect below, let Zoe introduce it to you."

Master Hill led Zoe to Wang Yan, and Wang Yan's expectation also fell on Zoe.

Watched by Wang Yan's hot eyes, Zoe's pretty face could not help but slightly warm. After a short shy, Zoe smiled and nodded to Wang Yan, then flew to the left side of the machine.

"According to the needs of bloodline evolution, the first step is decomposition, so there is a first cabin here."

Zoe pointed to the compartment on the left and introduced, "All objects that enter here, whether flesh or crystal nuclei, will be broken down into the most original substances. Then these original substances will come here through these pipes, the second compartment . "

"All the original substances will be the most critical step here, purification!"

Zoe's speaking room has arrived in the second compartment of the centrifuge. "We can extract the source material we need here, and excess waste impurities will be rejected here."

"Finally, the essence of the bloodline we purified will condense in this last compartment. It is also possible to let the user directly evolve the bloodline in this last compartment!"

Don't look at the conciseness and clarity of Zoe's introduction, in fact, there are many tedious steps in this process.

As far as decomposition and purification are concerned, if you encounter a target that is difficult to decompose or difficult to purify, you also need to activate the formation and use a variety of medicaments.

For example, if you want to evolve a lizard into a dragon, you need to add the dragon's genetic code to the lizard's genes.

And if this dragon's genetic source happens to be from a Yanlong, then it needs to add spirit plant extracts such as Jiyinguo and Hanyueyoulan, and an alchemical reagent made by mixing to neutralize inflammation in Yanlong cells. Sexuality, otherwise it will be added to the lizard's gene, and the lizard will die because of the collapse of the gene.

Therefore, it is about the evolution of life. The complexity and complexity are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, with Lydia's explanation, Wang Yan's heart began to rise more and more.

Because the essence of bloodline evolution is to decompose, purify, and finally re-integrate and optimize. But the previous approach was to first absorb the factors that contribute to evolution into the human body, and then rely on the phagocytic properties of the body's own cells to force absorption and fusion.

This series of operations has very high requirements on the strength of individual cells, and the risk during absorption is extremely high, and the final degree of absorption and evolution cannot be specifically controlled.

Therefore, the former bloodline evolution has obvious advantages and shortcomings. Not all living things can be used normally.

But the machine in front of it is different. It is a brand-new product that integrates the wisdom of everyone and perfectly improves the evolution of blood veins.

With this machine, all dangerous steps can be completed outside the body in advance, which greatly reduces the risk of blood vein evolution. It also makes the high-level technique of bloodline evolution become a brand-new skill that can be used up to the demigod demon, down to ordinary mortals!

If the role of bloodline evolution can be perfectly played, then the value of this machine is probably not an artifact, it will be comparable to the artifact!

"Senior Demon Flame, we have carried out many biological experiments at present, and we can completely transform a **** dog into the hell-fire dog at the top level of the **** dog through human intervention!"

After a brief introduction, Zoe's eyes were bright and his mouth slightly raised, "With our current experience and calculations, it can be almost foolproof, Master Moyan, do you want to witness this moment with your own eyes?"

"Of course you have to look at the actual results of this machine."

Wang Yan could not wait any longer. Now he removed the noise barrier and shouted to the outside, "Rock, bring me a **** dog!"

"Yes!" A whispered reply from a barbarian came from outside.

It didn't take long for a sturdy Helldog to be pulled in from the door by a barbarian squad leader in armor.

After the **** dog was brought in, Zoe didn't talk much, and after indicating to Wang Yan, he changed the **** dog into the third compartment. Then, from the storage box on the other side, he took out a crystal nucleus from Hellfire Breathing Dog and various other materials.

After Zoe put the core and other materials properly, he put another thousand magic crystals into a power supply device not far away, and said, "Master Demon Flame, starting this machine requires pure energy supply. .If you start with your own power, there will be a risk of being powerless. This **** dog has only A-level strength, so the use of a thousand magic crystals can just promote its perfect transformation.

Wang Yan nodded and motioned Zoe to continue.

One thousand magic crystals is not a small number. If in a normal city, one magic crystal is equivalent to one gram of fire pulp, worth about three thousand gold coins! Some people in the lower world of Hell may not be exposed to a magic crystal for a lifetime.

But the magic crystal is more common among the advanced demons. Among the advanced demons, the magic crystal is not only a valuable currency, but also a convenient consumable. Because inside a small magic crystal, it contains a little more high-purity energy than a gram of fire pulp.

And unlike the fire pith, the magic crystal does not contain any impurities inside, and the pure energy can be applied to almost everyone. This is its greatest value.

However, the energy contained in a thousand magic crystals is indeed quite huge, but if you make a class A creature go further in evolution, it is not surprising that these energy are consumed.


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