The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1629: The magical use of bloodline evolution

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Time hurried, a day passed.

Things have cooled down a little bit, and the injuries of the ladies and other people are much better.

The blazing hot lava lake is tumbling silently, and the rich fire element makes the sky all red.

In the center of the lava lake, a magnificent lava giant is leading the dense fire elemental creatures, closely guarding the surroundings.

Just inside the guard ring formed by this mighty lava giant and a large number of fire elemental creatures, set up in a plane base on the shore, Wang Yan is carrying out a short farewell with his master and his wife.

After a long journey, they successfully reached the plane base. Later, I contacted the Bureau of Earth State and African Affairs. As soon as the earth is fully charged, the plane channel will be opened.

However, the plane channel that can be provided to the demigods to traverse is currently the limit that the National African Bureau can open, and the existence time is very short. If the non-Earth base is constantly improving and strengthening the space channel array, I am afraid that even passing a semi-god-level strong will be difficult.

"Senior Master and Sister, there are two seniors, these are Xiaoyan's intentions, they are all good things that the earth cannot find, and they are of great benefit to your cultivation." , As well as the Pope and the Super League, one Goblin storage box per person.

Don't look at these Goblin storage boxes only one foot long, but the space inside is very large, and now Wang Yan is filled with all kinds of rare resources, it is also his apprentice, a little respect for the elders.

"Xiao Yan, you saved us despite the danger, and prepared so many good things for us. How do you get us to be elders? How do you feel good about it?" The concubine Linghu Yaofei was lazy and charming. But at this time she was holding the storage box, and her eyes were full of comfort and love.

"Sister-in-law, I don't need to be outside, these are all things I should do. Without your love and cultivation, there is no mine today." Wang Yan smiled, indicating that these small gifts are nothing.

He always has a grateful heart for his esteemed princes and princes, and his esteemed princes really love him very much. He has always regarded him as a pro-son, and this alone is enough for him to repay.

"By the way, after returning to the earth, please ask the lady to tell Nanlian that everything is fine here." Wang Yan also likes Nanlian, who hasn't seen it for a long time, but **** is too far away from the earth world. , He really could not reach each other.

"No problem, the teacher and sister will tell you for you." Linghu Yaofei nodded her promise. "Now the earth superpower has reached a united front. Your little girlfriends have not been affected by the war and are very safe."

Wang Yan felt relieved after listening to the words of the sister-in-law, and at the same time he also felt the great responsibility for defending this peace and tranquility.

"Cao Jinglue, Cao Jinglue, I really didn't expect you to have such a great apprentice, which is really enviable."

Pope Guangming looked at Uncle Cannon with emotion. Although the whole incident was ups and downs this time, everyone almost hung up and suffered humiliation. But after all, it's not easy to go back alive.

"Xiao Yan, thanks to you this time, I personally owe you a great kindness with the Bright Holy See." The Pope Guangming looked at Wang Yan and said solemnly, "There is also the blood vein evolution formula you proposed, which is very important and super powerful to the earth. The growth of the world is really crucial! Although you have not yet developed it, I will collect all the genetic data of the members of the global superpower community with the strategy and Randy, and collect them for your next research. Do the preliminary work well. "

"Yes, I can make a commitment on behalf of the Aegis of the United States. All the scientific and technological forces that we have in the Shendu Bureau will make unreserved contributions and fully support the Earth Resistance and your research work."

Randy, the male superhero, stepped out from behind the light pope, and also nodded to Wang Yan, "Also, respected Mr. Wang Yan, thank you for this time, I also owe you a kindness."

"The two predecessors don't have to be polite. All the census work of the superpowers' genes will be handed over to you." Wang Yan is also more humble, and then chatted a few words, and then they need to deal with related matters on the earth.

During this time, Wang Yan naturally chatted with his thoughts on these leaders of the earth superpowers. In addition, they discussed the research direction and operation methods of Bloodline Evolution with them in secret, which greatly appreciated these leaders.

The evolution equation in the Pope's mouth just now is an analytical law and method in blood vein evolution.

Since ancient times, no matter it is alchemy, witchcraft, magic, or medicine, it is inseparable from the support of disciplines such as chemistry and physics. As a modern man, Wang Yan naturally summarized the bloodline evolution technique and explained it in a modern way in front of several earth leaders.

Now Wang Yan's bloodline evolution is in full swing, but if it is to be popularized on the earth, these big brothers are needed to provide the first-hand genetic information of superpowers and many early constructive work.

"Jinglue, what are you still doing? You're running out of time, you master, don't you have something to say to Xiaoyan?" Linghu Yaofei squinted and poked her uncle Cao Jinglue with her elbow.

Right now, they are about to be separated from Wang Yan. Linghu Yaofei, Pope Bright, and even Randy, the male superhero of the Super Shield Bureau, are saying goodbye to Wang Yan. Instead, Cao Jingluo is a master, shrinking back and saying no Speak up.

This time, the impact on him was too great. His wife has been linked to Xiaoyan's soul so far, which makes him feel panic all day long.

At this moment, the clouds in the air began to surge, and the invisible energy distorted the invisible space.

A dark and deep passage then unfolded in the sky.

It's time to leave, and Pope Guangming and Randy, the male superhero, once again thanked Wang Yan for saying goodbye: "The defense work of the Earth Anti-Confederation will be handed over to us."

"Your Excellency Wang Yan, I will definitely report to Your Majesty Father, your kindness to us. Your Excellency, goodbye."

The archangel Antalya, who had previously stood behind the Pope of Light, had never spoken. At this time, he also bid farewell to Wang Yan's respectful salute, and then showed his white wings and flew lightly into the plane passage.

"Jinglue, time is running out." Linghu Yaofei also pulled Cao Jingluo's arm, signaling that she had to go. It was only then that Cao Jingluo patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "This time, we do n’t know when we can get together. I ’m incompetent as a master, and I do n’t have much to teach now. Yours, in short Xiao Yan, take care in the days to come. "

At this time, Uncle Gun was like an old father who said goodbye to him after a long time, saying "take care", and said that he had cared for his heart. But now the time is limited, and Uncle Cannon's aunt has no time to say anything, so he flew into the plane channel.

Looking at the back of Uncle Gun and Aunt Gun, Wang Yan smiled and shouted back, "Uncle Gun, you can be steady in your work next time. If you get caught again, you will have to work hard for me. Wipe your ass! "

"You little cub ...!"

Uncle Cannon's roar had to pass through in the future, and the plane passageway was closed.

As soon as Uncle Pao and others left, Wang Yan felt a little bit reluctant and missed the earth in his hometown. But at this moment, Wang Yan's belief in guarding the earth and guarding his relatives, friends and lovers has become more and more firm.

"Master, Master Hill has heard the news."

At this time, Meier handed a letterhead from Wang Yan.

Most of Wang Yan's men are in contact with Wang Yan through Meier, so that Wang Yan can not be disturbed when he is busy.

"Master Hill's news?"

Wang Yan came to the spirit immediately, took a look at the letterhead, and immediately exclaimed with a smile: "Okay! It is so good! Master Hill actually completed my test bed!"

"Master, you mean, you have asked Master Hill to help make the auxiliary tool, has it been made? My God, so fast?" Meier was shocked after listening to it, and then clapped and exclaimed, "Master Hill Absolutely capable, you can relax with a sigh of relief this time. "

Master Hill is mainly responsible for the casting of blood vessel evolution. Before Wang Yan went to the abyss to rescue Uncle Cannon and others, they had already joined Zoe and two spirits to make a preliminary application and improvement of blood vein evolution. Program. And with the help of two instrumental spirits and Zoe, Wang Yan also designed a machine to assist blood vein evolution based on blood vein evolution, which is the one that Master Hill has now completed.

With this experimental equipment, Wang Yan can decompose and optimize the bloodline of various species, and it can be launched on a large scale.

"It's not too late, we have to go back now."

Wang Yan turned and looked up at the ancient flame devil Bella Rolla, and told him, "Lao Bei, I will leave this plane base to you these days when I am away."

In fact, Wang Yan now occupies more than this area. In addition to the plane base, there is also a new Yanhu City built by him.

This Yanhu City, relying on Chilian Huze, is connected with the small city of the Lord of Deception to form a multi-ethnic compound city. The main purpose of the establishment of Yanhu City is for Wang Yan to train soldiers, and to extract resources for delivery to the earth.

Of course, Wang Yan is not a cold-hearted slave owner. In addition to being sent to the earth every month, Wang Yan will also leave about 10% of the resources, as wages paid to many races working for him, and allow individuals to buy and sell, so these races Living conditions are not bad.

Wang Yan is not present at present. These matters are temporarily transferred to the head of the Red Demon Demon King, Emerson, the strategist of the Inferno. In terms of economy and trade, there is also support from Liuhuocheng. It can be said that there will be no problems in a short time.

Next, as long as the earth can survive the difficulty, this city will inevitably become the first solid fortress for mankind to enter **** in the near future. As for the security of Plane Base, Wang Yan believes that the ancient Yanmo will not disappoint him.

"Relax Young Master, with my Lao Bei, no one can come here." The ancient Yan Mo patted his sturdy chest and proved himself foolproof with his powerful force.

"That's good, Mei'er let's go." Wang Yan nodded, then greeted the demon, and stepped into the teleportation circle of the Starry Gate together.

When a star flickered and sight was restored again, Wang Yan appeared in his bedroom with a charm.

"It's convenient to have a magician in the team."

Wang Yan felt slightly that Lydia did bring him a lot of convenience. This short-range teleportation magic in the planet is very convenient, because the fixed-point magic circle and teleportation mark are made in advance, and can be used only by charging.

Returning to his bedroom, Wang Yan, with a charm, quickly entered Wang Yan's research workshop specifically for Master Hill and Zoe.

There are elite savage soldiers headed by Wang Yan's parents, and there are dark whistle under the dark elves under the leadership of Camus. On weekdays, there is no Wang Yan's order.

"Master Moyan, you are just here. We are looking for you."

Seeing that Wang Yan was coming, the master of refinery Hill raised his mouth, hehe smiled, and then greeted Wang Yan again and again to walk inward.

At this time, Master Hill, the refiner's face, was exhausted and covered with smoky marks, and even his dense beard had been scalded by several large pieces. But don't look at him as if embarrassed, but his spirit is exceptionally good, his eyes are full of radiance.

"This, this is ..."

As the master refiner pushed open the door, a large appliance displayed in front of Wang Yan completely stunned him in place.

This large-scale appliance has a strange and gorgeous shape. Wang Yan does not have similar experience in alchemy or magic spells, and I do n’t know how to describe the best in front of him, but the machine in front of him feels like a product of magic and black technology!

The whole machine is constructed of dark gold metal. It is about two people tall and more than ten meters long. It can be roughly divided into three parts, and each part has an independent cabin. Each cabin is connected with metal or transparent pipes. In the meantime, Wang Yan also saw a variety of instrument panels, and even many containers and tools like droppers, test tubes, volumetric flasks, culture tanks, gas cylinders, vibrators, etc. in the modern earth laboratory.

The most exaggerated is that there is a precision instrument similar to a centrifuge in the middle compartment. And in these cabins and pipelines, Wang Yan actually saw a variety of dazzling spells and formations.

These spells and formations are as gorgeous as natural patterns. In short, this cool model looks like steampunk magic and dark evil alchemy. The combination of the two makes Wang Yan, who is standing aside, marvel.

This thing is too cool, right?

Wang Yan looked at this machine and marveled for a while. Then he turned to Master Refiner Hill, who was quite sighed: "Master Hill, it ’s only been more than 20 days before and after I left here. Alright? "

Wang Yan was really amazed at this time. Since he had discussed the plan with Master Hill and others and issued the order to make it as soon as possible, he had been busy with his affairs for a few days. Then Uncle Cannon went to the abyss temporarily because of an accident. Not long after returning now, Master Hill told him that the project had been completed, and the high efficiency was beyond his expectations.

"Oh, that is of course. Master has already been with Zoe, and has not rested for twenty days and nights, in order to help Lord Mo Yan build things as soon as possible."

Under Wang Yan's marvelous eyes, Master Hill smiled rather proudly, stroking the scorched beard, and greeted, "These days, thanks to that girl's refreshing potion. Zoe, don't wipe the machine first Come, come out and see Lord Mo Yan. "

"Zoe meets Lord Mo Yan!"

Upon hearing the sound, Zoe crawled out of the cabin of this machine and saluted Wang Yanying.

As an eagle-lady, she took a rag in her hand, her beautiful feathers had been stained with a lot of black and gray, and a slightly tired and sweet face was also turned into a cat because of the gray dirt. There are also heavy dark circles underneath a pair of beautiful eyes. It seems that she has also spent a lot of night, and just seems to be wiping the machine, wanting to give Wang Yan a perfect delivery when Wang Yan arrives.

"Master Hill and Zoe, you have worked hard these days."

Wang Yan was very satisfied with their loyalty and efforts. However, after glancing at this machine, he still could n’t help asking, “But what I want is a machine that can be used. You are sure this machine has been completed. Initial test, can it be used now? "

After listening, Master Hill and Zoe raised their chests immediately, and confidently replied, "You are satisfied!"


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