The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1603: It's done

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The three great worlds of Lei Duo, Chi Luo and Ji Yin were all stunned. They could n’t even believe their ears. This country lord, who seemed to be ordinary and even a bit desolate, how dare to talk to them like this

The men of the three great worlds were all terrified at this time. Not to mention the onlookers who have been frightened and the boss of this club.

A pair of eyes, all at this moment, all stared at Wang Yan, who was indifferent, and the scene was silent at this moment.

Thriller! It's thrilling!

At this moment, the master of these two eyes, the heart has already been surging. If you say big things for the first time, you can still understand that you are new to you, and you do n’t know why. But at this moment, the strange foreign lord actually pointed at the nose of the three great worlds and said such provocative words that let the other party get together. For the three great worlds, this is simply the most intuitive lightness and humiliation!

Dead, this strange foreign lord is absolutely dead! A large number of onlookers on the scene, including the many men of the three great worlds, can already be sure that this strange lord, who does not know the life and death, is absolutely dead.

As expected by all the onlookers at the scene, Lei Duo, Chi Luo, and Ji Yin, the three great worlds, did indeed start to burn with increasing anger after a short period of consternation.

Under the eyes of the eyes, the three eldest sons' faces became ugly. They never imagined that the three of them would one day be provoked by a little lord who pointed at his nose in front of his face.

Compared to them, Wang Yan and his companions were relaxed.

"Really ink."

Wang Yan glanced around quite boringly, "Forget it, you guys, unite!"

As soon as these words came out, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul and Walpole Blue Shield were all excited. The two were like barbarians about to break out of their cages. As long as Wang Yan ordered them, they would be Wang Yan. The strongest meat shield rushed to the front for the first time.

"It seems to be starting."

The confusing lord's eyes closed slightly, a look of eagerness to try.

"Huh, it's time to start." The cruel county master snorted, and his lips rose. "The county master has been unhappy with these three silly sons for a long time!"

The three brothers Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan glanced at each other and then silently drew out their respective weapons.

These three brothers, like their father Chi Lian Demon King, had eaten a lot of deflation under the hands of these great elders and princes. After following Wang Yan this time, he found that he still had a chance to retaliate back. The key is such a wanton feeling, imagine that there is still a little stimulation!

"Amitabha, Brother Wei Dao, the poor monk will be welcome for a while." Wu Bujie smiled, and Baoxiang was majestic, but from his expression and expression, except for a subtle cloud and breezy, he could not notice To the slightest killing intention and fighting spirit.

"Don't quit brother, what are you polite between you and me?" Zhang Weidao's eyes were bright, he took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. "For a while, you will be left, my right, and the middle will be given to Brother Shen Tu."

"Triangle offensive? I like it, hehehe ..." Shen Tutianlu rubbed his hands and grinned.

As the abilities in his body gathered, the entire body and skin instantly became extremely fastened metal. Another dreadful tentacle began to extend from his body, causing the men at the scene to **** in cold air, and the woman's face was red and stunned.

Here, these tentacles are really big, so long, so thick ~ strong!

"Well, it's really as ugly as ever." Lydia sighed helplessly. She thought about it, and wanted to take out the Star Moon Staff and Star Magic Book left by the Starry Sky God, but thought of this level. It ’s still too conspicuous to take it out now, so she raised her palm slightly, and a seemingly gentle wind bomb began to superimpose quickly.

Arcane superposition is a seemingly simple, but extremely rare high-damage magic. But now in Lydia's hands, it has become relaxed and freehand.

"That disgusting Shiluo Shizi belongs to me!" The goddess Shiva's eyes were cold and her temperament was shabby. "That ugly monster, dare to look at this goddess with such a sly eye, really looking for death!"

"Oh, as you please, it doesn't matter who my opponent is." The desert emperor put his hands on his chest and smiled softly. With his proud posture, his figure appeared taller and taller.

After the initial baptism of the world of hell, the desert emperor has become stronger and stronger. Now he is more restrained and more confident. Who is his opponent? It really didn't matter to him.

However, in the face of their opponents several times, they can still be so relaxed. In the eyes of the three great worlds, it is simply the biggest humiliation and contempt for them.

"court death!"

Shiyin Shizi's already dark skin, and at this time a piece of bluish purple was ugly. Chi Luo Shizi's soft eyes are also resentful.

When have they been so despised? I can't stand it now.

"The redneck alive!"

Between the two, Lei Duo's eyes were fierce, and he scolded in his heart that today everything is really going wrong!

"Give me ..." Lei Duo Shi Zi glanced to the left and right, just about to order his men to learn a lesson, this group of ignorant villagers.

But at this moment, Lei Duo's son suddenly discovered that the humble country lord across from him suddenly disappeared at this moment!

How can it be?

Why did the person who was in front of him suddenly disappear?

Suddenly, Raito's heart tightened, and he secretly scolded, "Damn!"

It was only then that he realized that the country lord, whom he looked down upon, turned out to be a top powerhouse!


Just between these electro-optical flints, Wang Yan's figure seemed to appear in front of him out of thin air. At the same time, a burning fist had already waved in front of him.

"Space teleport ?!"

The pupil of Leiduo Shizi suddenly contracted, and this punch that hit him on the face seemed to be ordinary, but it contained immortal skills. It seems slow, but it is extremely fast. At this juncture, he could no longer avoid it, and he was too late to gather defensive moves. He could only barely raise his arms and take the "ordinary" punch.


Along with the violent explosion sound, Lei Duo Shizi, like a collapsing cannonball, was instantly blasted out. Pang Ran's violent flames burst into the surroundings at the same moment.

"Well! Poof!"

Raiduo Shizi screamed in the air and spurted blood. At this moment, he felt like he was hit by a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting his face, all over his body, his limbs and every body, every place was under this powerful force, shock and shock, almost broken.

"Bang! Rumble!"

The son of Redo was blasted for tens of meters until he broke a wall, and the whole person was buried.

Behind him, a ring of flames, with tremendous strength, is forcing around. A large number of his men were all screaming under the impact of flames and heat. The stronger ones can still barely support the escape. Under the weaker strength, the rushed people turned their horses upside down and crooked.

"What is this power?"

"Why, how could it be so domineering?"

Ji Yin and Shi Luo Shi Zi, the two are a little farther away from the explosion center. However, in the face of the oncoming flame shock wave, it was also horrified, and he hurriedly withdrew back.

"What is this country lord?"

"How could he be so arrogant?"

Jiyin and Zhiluo Shizi retreated to the ground separately, and at this time they finally became aware of Wang Yan's power and horror like Lei Duo Shizi.

They did not expect that the seemingly ordinary Wang Yan actually contained such a huge explosive force in his body. They were taken aback by surprise.

Although Raito was caught off guard by surprise, he was hit by a punch. But the son of Lei Duo, who was able to reach the pinnacle of the legend, instantly hit the body, showing how powerful the punch is!

Of course, Wang Yan hid his strength in order to participate in the Hell Conference. The power used by the punch just stayed at the peak of the legend, otherwise Wang Yan would have to increase his power several times if he exploded with all his strength.

"Huh, a country lord, even dare to deal with us!"

Zhiluo Shizi realized that Wang Yan was powerful, and exchanged a glance with Jiyin Shizi, and sneered, "Weiji, we will kill him together, and we will split the remaining slaves half!"

They thought that Wang Yan was a **** lord like them who had reached the peak of legend. The strength of the legendary pinnacle, in the **** lord, has already belonged to the top level, even if it is against the last demigod demon, you can use a few tricks.

Powerful people of this level are very difficult to deal with, and they do have enough arrogant capital. However, his fierce Shizi is not at all true. He is confident that with his top strength and top-grade equipment, it is that the Shizi will work together to definitely kill Wang Yan, a deadly foreign lord!

However, he still had time to shoot in the future, and a strong and beautiful shadow that swept through the flames of destruction had already killed him.

"Humph, disgusting girly, die!"

This beautiful shadow that fell in the air was already unbearable. Shi Luo Shizi peered at her Shiva goddess Indira with strange eyes.

At this time, the goddess Shiva fell into the air, with two beautiful long swords with golden halos in her hands, crossing in front of her, crossing and slashing. The blade is like a stick across the surface of the water, stirring the space around the blade to sparkle, as if it can tear this space at any time.

"Dirty bastard, what do you call me?"

Scolded by the public as a sissy, the face of Shi Luo Shizi full of femininity, a piece of iron blue, ugly to the extreme.

However, he was not stunned by anger. He clearly felt that the chopping blow of the goddess Shiva from the sky was very small. At the moment, his hands flicked, and two flaming sharp three-legged forks appeared in his hands out of thin air.

In the next moment, facing the two swords cleaved by Shiva Goddess, Shiluo Shizi raised his double forks and slashed up.

Just listening to the explosion of metal delivery, the golden light of the goddess and goddess, and the vicious evil fire of the fiery world, erupted in front of the two.

The explosive power of terror formed a golden and red intersecting energy fire column that directly rushed to the dome, and a large hole was exploded from the ceiling of the office.

Under the strong impact, the Shiva goddess flew back smartly by the momentum. At the feet of Shi Luo Shizi, a "click" sounded, and the film burst.

Hard to eat Shiva Goddess' double swords, the blood and blood of Shiluo Shizi's body turned, and his heart was secretly surprised.

He never imagined that this human slave girl was actually a top powerhouse in the legendary peak realm!


On the other side, the desert emperor had been fighting with Shiyin Shizi for the first time.

The environment at the moment is not a desert, but the yellow sand scepter made by the desert emperor's gold can contain thousands of tons of yellow sand!

The desert emperor's ability to control Huangsha is probably second only to Wang Yan's control of flames. So in a face-to-face, the desert emperor mentioned the yellow sand scepter like a spear, just like a splash of flying sand, and he turned his head to cover his face.

"court death!"

The rugged and ill-printed son of the world gleamed with cold eyes, and at the next instant his hands pulled out the big sword behind him at a speed that was hardly noticeable to the naked eye, and he cut off the slamming desert emperor with one sword.

Speaking of this, Shiyin Shizi and his family are considered to be a different kind of purgatory. The Purgatory Demon Race is one of the oldest native races in the world of Hell. The element of **** fire is particularly rich here, so it is affected by it. Most of the purgatory demon clan has the talent and affinity related to the fire department.

But the world of **** is not only the elements of the fire system, so Shiyin Shizi and his family are just a kind of alternative purgatory demon based on the ability of the wind system!

The characteristics of the Shiyin Shizi family are that wind elements are attached to the body surface and weapons, thus having a very high attack speed, and huge cutting and tearing damage.

Just listening to the big sword full of invisible energy, instantly traversing the sky, a trembling sound of "qiang".

This seemingly bulky big sword, but under the hand of the disease, issued a speedy blow like thunder and thunder. Under such a rapid offensive, let alone a legendary lord, even a demigod demon is caught by surprise, it is difficult to dodge.

Sure enough, the Great Sword crossed the speed, and the Desert Emperor flew towards him, and the sound was split in half.

"Oh, stupid human beings." Shiyin Shizi stood up with his sword and sneered, "Dare to slash in front of this son, really ..."

However, Ji Yin Shizi's disdainful ridicule had not been fully spoken out, and the strange scene in front of him had made his smile rigidly frozen in his face.

The desert emperor, who was split in half, not only did not shed any blood, but instead quickly turned into a pool of sand after landing.

The sand was spreading more and more. By the time Shiji Shizi reacted, the sand had passed his bare feet. He clearly felt that his feet were like being pressed by the hands of countless hands.

"How is it possible? This son has clearly locked him, how could he become sand?"

Shiyin Shizi was filled with consternation in his heart. He had just used his killing intention to lock the desert emperor, and his mind perception determined that it was the flesh and blood of the desert emperor.

But at this moment, how could it become a piece of sand? And these sands are pouring more and more. Where did all this sand come from? Why is it so much?

Without waiting for his thoughts, with a blast of gravel resembling a roar of a beast, a brutal monster with a kobold and a half-moon-shaped battle axe began to stand up from the yellow sand one after another.


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