The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1602: Forget it, you guys go together

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"Want to fight? Then you can try!"

Reiduo Shizi did not give in. He and Shiyin Shizi's eyes met in mid-air, and the atmosphere instantly changed into a shame.

In addition, beside the two, there is also a Chi Luo Shizi. Soon the conflict between Lei Duo and Ji Yin evolved into a fight between Lei Duo, Ji Yin, and Zhi Luo Shizi.

The gas fields of the three people collided continuously, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became stronger and stronger. The fierce atmosphere was like a ignited gunpowder lead, spreading all the way, as if it would explode at any time.

The intense coercive conflict almost makes the air thick and sticky, making it difficult for people to breathe. The guests at the scene who were forced to stay in the original seats, as well as the club's boss, were sweating wildly, their eyes widened one by one, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a look.

Especially the boss of this club, sweating all over, his clothes cold, his legs soft. If there were not two servants beside him, he would be paralyzed on the ground.

To know that these gods are the top eldest sons in the world, who is not the first-class pride on weekdays, and each one is used to domineering. Now the three most terrible worlds are all gathered in his clubhouse. Once there is any conflict, he, the boss of this small clubhouse, can't eat it.

If you provoke the elders behind these three great worlds, the consequences and impacts may be unimaginable.

A large number of the men of these three princes also had nervous nerves, waiting for each other, and they could not help but drum up. Some of these men are behind the three great princes. The other part is all the players who came to Shendu to participate in the **** conference. In the end, they had to choose to stand in the team, so as to rely on the three major worlds, hoping to successfully participate in the **** conference and get a good future in the future.

In this way, neither the original members of the three princes nor the players who were recruited to participate in the competition are actually reluctant to really engage in private fighting.

Private fighting in the gods is prohibited by orders. Even the three sons can rely on their status and do not care about these laws and regulations. They are not so blessed as these men. In addition, all of the scene are strong, especially those contestants, each of which is a top expert from all over the purgatory.

These strong players from all over the world are well aware that none of the opponents are weak. Once conflict erupts, the outcome is often death or injury. These contestants from all over the world followed the three princes, but in order to participate in the **** meeting and meet the supreme demon god, who would like to splurge their own healthy body in the private battle of the three princes before starting the game?

As a result, in the state of confrontation between the three great men, the three parties also held their strength, secretly brewing one by one, and the atmosphere of the scene became more solemn.

At this time, Wang Yan, who was blocked, was bored. He took out his ears and blew, his face was boring and boring: "When are you guys trying to block my way?"

The three sons of the world are really annoying Wang Yan. These three princes came arrogantly one by one, and now they have stood in front of themselves for a long time, and even have no meaning to ask Wang Yan, which really makes him a little boring.

Even the team behind Wang Yan began to feel a little disappointed. They also want to follow the boss to go to other places in Shendu, where is there time to spend with these three worlds?

"Oh, you countryman, the courage is really big! You are not even aware that you are dead?"

Shi Luo Shi Zi sneered, and Zure turned his head and suggested, "It's just some slaves. All three of us need to participate in the **** conference, and there is no need to fight each other now."

"Well, the three human slave girls will accept two of them in this life. The others will divide as you please. As for this country lord who does not know whether to live or die, he will kill as well as you."

With that, Zhiluo Shizi licked the tip of his tongue, and looked greedily at Wang Yan, behind the three superb human women.

The Shiva goddess with a toned figure and wheat-colored skin looks brave and fits his appetite. When he thought of pushing such a fierce woman into forcible training, he was full of heat.

On the other side, Lydia's temperament is dusty, her skin can be blown, and the beauty seems to not eat fireworks. Such a beautiful human female made him fascinated and possessive.

Beside these two beautiful human females, the high priest Berika is elegant and graceful, with a slim figure, and a pair of beautiful eyes like the stars in the night sky, which also makes him want to be included in the bag.

Coupled with Wang Yan's team, there are also superb succubi who are alluring and charming, as well as beautiful and charming eagle body demon. Each one makes Chi Luo Shizi dry and unable to put it down.

It is a pity that there are two world wars, he decided to win two first, and the remaining other best female slaves, he will never give up.

As for the masters of these master slaves, Wang Yan has been selectively forgotten by them under the low-key appearance.

In their identity as princes, ordinary **** lords fell into their hands, and really let him die, and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Brother Chi, you are really divided! There are only three human slaves. Do you want to monopolize two? Ha ha, can you bear this thin body?"

The tall, ill-printed world child turned to glance at the fiery brave who was secretly deceiving, pointing to Wang Yan behind him, and sneered coldly, "The three human slave girls also need two of this world's children, and this world still has Take away two human male slaves, as for the others, all belong to you. "

Shiyin Shizi talked about boldness, as if he had benefited so much, but his words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Zhiluo and Leiduo Shizi.

"Humph! Thinking beautifully."

Raiduo Shizi snorted and said in an overbearing manner, "These slaves are the first to be seen by this son, don't even think about the two of you!"

"what did you say?"

"Great tone!"

These big princes are also used to domineering on weekdays, and finally find the rare superb toys and strong foreign aid in the world. This is like walking outside and picking up a few rare treasures. Where are they willing to share with others?

So the dispute between the three great worlds started again, as for Wang Yan, who has been low-key to obscurity, has been selectively ignored by them and even all the men.

"Oh, forget it."

At this moment, Wang Yan was belatedly waving to the three of them, "In this case, according to the rules of our hell, let the three of you go together."

Wang Yan's tone of voice was casual, but there was an uproar at the scene.

The guests who were forced to stay in place, the boss and servants of this club, and the many men of the three great worlds, including the three great worlds themselves, all opened their eyes at this moment, and they looked at each other like a ghost. Wang Yan, at the same time, a thought came to his mind: This kid is crazy?

Wang Yan's statement is actually true. According to the traditional rules of the **** world, in the case of such disputes, you can use the traditional duel to determine the ownership of items or slaves.

As the so-called natural selection, the strong respect, the world of **** is a place where the fist is big, who is powerful, who makes sense.

But Wang Yan, a foreign lord, looks really low-key in appearance. He doesn't have a strong breath at all, and only wears the traveler's robe commonly used by passengers, and he can't even see a valuable jewelry. If it were not behind a bunch of men and slaves, and the sons of the three demon kings were on duty, I am afraid that no one at the scene would regard him as a **** lord.

Just such an ordinary demon youth who did not show the mountains and did not reveal the water, and said that **** lords are not believed by anyone, now in the face of the three great worlds of God Capital, if they want to initiate traditional challenges.

The most terrifying thing is that this young lord does not challenge one world, but challenges the three worlds at the same time! This has greatly impacted the worldview of everyone on the scene.

Everyone on the scene, from birth to age, has never encountered such a arrogant. An ordinary **** lord, he was so ashamed that he wanted to challenge the three most powerful generations in God's capital? Where did he come from? Really crazy?

Originally tit-for-tat, there was no time to estimate that the three great generations of Wang Yan and others, such as Lei Duo, Chi Luo and Ji Yin, were shocked after hearing Wang Yan's voice.

Afterwards, the rough and ruthless world child, Nian Junjun couldn't help but leaned back and laughed: "Hahaha, this boy from abroad, I am afraid not a fool? He, he actually wants to challenge us three? Is his brain broken? "

"Oh, I'm really ignorant." Chi Luo Shizi said with contempt, softly and sneered. "This country man really said a big joke. This son admitted that he was amused by him."

"Humph, stupid!" Lei Duo's son was much prouder, and he snorted coldly, and he didn't even mean Wang Li.

Wang Yan was not in a hurry, but instead looked relaxed and freehand.

In fact, he didn't want to take care of these ignorant young boys. He wanted to move around in this **** city again, so he could find some defensive loopholes, and could be used to hide, so as to quietly leave the city and other places. But now they are blocked by these lawless second sons, and their pedestrian cannot naturally get out easily.

Besides, since Satan, the supreme demon of the Purgatory Demon Race, wants to recognize Wang Yan as his son from life and death, from another perspective, this god, and even the wealth and resources of the entire Purgatory Demon Realm, can have his share of Wang Yan. .

These second sons who do great things and the elders of the Satanic parliament who use their power to cover the sky with their hands are all the wealth and resources of his Wang Yan.

In addition to this, the country slurs, which made Wang Yan and his companions quite hot. Therefore, Wang Yan decided to use a relatively simple method to let these vacant second sons pay the rent to learn the truth.

"You, you, and you."

Wang Yan slowly loosened his shoulders, and pointed one by one in front of Lei Duo, Chi Luo and Shi Yin Shizi, "Three of you, come together."


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