The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1539: Passing the torch

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When Wang Yan touched the fire, he didn't feel any temperature. On the contrary, at that moment, time seemed to be still, and the surrounding scenes transformed in an instant.

The vast expanse of stars reappeared, and the Chilian Demon King and many of his men disappeared, and even Lydia did not know where to go.

However, what attracted Wang Yan ’s attention most was that the remains of the starry sky **** in front of him were no longer bones, but really became an old magician with white hair and flesh and blood.

"Are you ... senior celestial god? I am in your spiritual world?"

Wang Yan responded with a little stunned. The magician is a group of experts who focus on spiritual cultivation. The scene in front of him is obviously the spiritual illusion left by the starry sky **** at that time, or a small piece of remaining soul mark. In short, once this energy is exhausted, this illusion will disappear.

"Yes, young people from the earth, you really are a little bit beyond my expectations." Starry sky god's posture and prestige, but Wang Yan's eyes are full of appreciation.

"Uh, you, you know that I am a human from the earth?" Wang Yan frowned slightly and was amazed.

It stands to reason that he used bloodline evolution to reorganize his own bloodline genes, even if he met the devil of hell, he could not see through his true identity. But in the eyes of the starry sky god, what did he do?

"Oh, of course I know your true identity. You used the blood evolution technique I invented. You can cheat others, but you can't hide my eyes."

Starry Sky God smiled kindly and then said with emotion, "Unfortunately, my own blood level is too low. After being transformed into purgatory demon clan, it is difficult to transform back to human beings, and only after death can my soul reappear It looks like a human being. But you are different. Your bloodline is not entirely human. Your potential is too great. If you can help you at the beginning, my research ... maybe ... "

As the starry sky God stopped talking, it seemed to have fallen into many regrets and regrets.

"That, please forgive the juniors for interruption. It is not the time to recall the past." Wang Yan interrupted politely, his tone slightly anxious. "The murderer who killed you was outside. He has now been promoted to the devil and is very powerful. For a while, the juniors do n’t mind revenge for your old people, but if you always have something to explain, please hurry up, if you accidentally get rid of the flesh of the juniors, then it ’s all over. By the way, and yours Lydia, a college successor, where did she go? "

Wang Yan understands that the timeline of the spiritual world and the real world are not the same. This is like when you sleep and have a dream. Maybe you feel that it has been a long time, but when you open your eyes, you realize that the time has only passed for a few minutes.

At present, Wang Yan is not clear about the passage of time in reality, so he is always at ease with this heart.

As for the disappeared Lydia, Wang Yan was not very worried. The girl is anyway an orthodox successor of the Starry Sky Academy. The Star God of the Sky is said to be the ancestor of their Academy.

"Children, you can rest assured that you are now in my spiritual world. The time outside is stagnant compared to here." The **** of the sky explained kindly, "The little girl named Lydia, I am very satisfied. I am very lucky to have such an outstanding descendant who came to me. But everyone ’s understanding of life and power is different, so I gave her another illusion, but it ’s just my time. Running out."

Hearing the starry sky God said so, Wang Yan was relieved.

Lydia is indeed very good. The **** of the sky seems to value this descendant very much, and is likely to pass on her life's hard work to her.

Therefore, compared to Wang Yan himself, in addition to life and fire, Lydia will also receive the life inheritance of the starry sky god.

Wang Yan was not surprised at this point, nor did he care. The art has specialization, anyway, Wang Yan is not a magician, even if he gets the magic inheritance of the starry sky god, it is a waste.

He only needs the group of life fires that can promote the evolution of life. As for the star magic from the starry sky god, if it can be passed on to Lydia at the moment, it is really better now.

"Boy, you have practiced my bloodline evolution, and I can be regarded as a destiny of my starry sky. With your help to Lydia, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Come on, now put your hand Put it on this fire of life. "

Star God of the Sky handed the fire of life in his hand to Wang Yan, "I didn't expect that the people who received the fire of life were the two of you, so I left too much soul power and could not give you too much Guide, how much meaning you can absorb is up to you. "

"But you can rest assured that this meaning from the origin of life will be with you throughout your life, and the benefits it can bring to you are endless."

"It's a pity ... my time is ..."

Starry Sky God has made a long story short, but speaking, his figure has begun to blur gradually, and his voice is getting weaker.

Wang Yan understood that when the Star God of the Sky did not expect that it would be two people who accepted his inheritance, so the soul power he left behind needed to share the meaning of life and fire with Wang Yan and Lydia. Lydia delivers a complete heritage.

In this way, the starry sky **** is a bit weak, and this spiritual world is becoming more difficult to maintain.

This spiritual world can be said to be the refuge left by Wang Yan and Lydia in that year. Although it is short, it can make Wang Yan and Lydia fully accept the meaning of life and fire In the past, there is no need to worry about the destruction of outsiders.

However, there is not much time left now, and Wang Yan does not dare to procrastinate, he quickly holds his breath and attentively puts his hands on the fire of life.

Suddenly, Wang Yan's eyes were dark, and the whole person was addicted to the endless darkness.

He felt like he was breaking up and breaking down, weathering into molecules and particles, turning into nothingness, but at the same time he felt like he was everywhere, as if everything around him, he could see, or be in his perception .

In this way, I don't know how long the past, the igniting light in the darkness is slowly born, the cold and emptiness, and the rock-like hardness are slowly fading away in the warm fire.

The world has become fiery.

In this world surrounded by fire, a magical will appeared.

Wang Yan, who became invisible and phaseless, became excited. He is familiar with this great and fraternal will. If a name is used to describe it, this will is often referred to as Mother Gaia!

Gaia is a general term for the will of a planet, and the world that was born in the flames is his hometown, the earth!

Not waiting for Wang Yan to go into more detail. On the primitive earth where lava is rolling, a giant flame blazing with fierce flames, like a child just waking up, slowly stood up from the lava.

Wang Yan felt as if he had stopped breathing.

This flame giant born from the flames is the first child of Gaia on earth, and it is also the first initial **** on earth-Vulcan!


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