The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1538: You are killing me

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"Magic! Lord Moflame ..."

Lydia just wanted to call out, but she quickly covered her mouth and held back, whispering, "You, why did you suddenly appear here? No, no, I mean, why are you here now?"

The demon lord in front of him, the reason why he could be out of the ghost is because there is a mirror of a secondary artifact. Lydia has seen that the secondary artifact mirror is very powerful, and can make a strong enchantment that is completely closed, and there will be no breath of air in the enchantment, even the demon demon king can't detect it.

The Lord Lord of Flames could easily get here, presumably using the mirror of the secondary artifact, but the Lord Lord of Flames arrived too late, which caused her to be frightened and make her quite dissatisfied.

"Isn't it just right now? You see their father and son playing so cheerfully, and then no one will spoil our good things." Wang Yan said, his mouth slightly raised, showing a gesture of evil charm.

He led so many people that he could come here quietly, and it took a lot of effort. Although a group of Chilian Demon King thundered in front, there were many remaining mana floating dragons, as well as organ curses, including the remaining battle puppets.

If Wang Yan and his men make a big shot at this juncture, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Red Refining Demon King in the front, and his plan will be difficult to achieve the best results.

Fortunately, he once had an artifact eight in his hand, and there were many talented people, which made him and all the people safely overcome the obstacles and successfully reached the top of the mage tower.

"Why, what good thing? Me, what good thing can I do with you?"

Wang Yan ’s words and expressions, Lydia obviously wanted to distort her, her blushing slightly red, and some uncomfortable urging, "And you, do n’t you say that you will bring a large army? What about your large army? Your army called out and wiped out these **** **** demons! Especially the Red Refining Demon King, who was him that year, killed the great Starry Sky God! "

When Lydia thought that the Red Demon Lord had revenge and murdered the Star God, she was filled with resentment. She wished she could use the power of the Lord of the Demon Flame in front of her to learn a lesson from this hateful demon.

"The **** of starry sky was killed by Chilian Demon King? Oh, really as I expected." Wang Yan chuckled, then took Lydia's hand and walked towards the altar. "I can't control that much now. , Come with me first. "

"Hey? You, you let go first." Lydia was suddenly held by Wang Yan, and her pretty face turned redder at once. She is a lady who has received strict education since she was a child. How can she hold hands with men casually?

Without waiting for her to struggle, Wang Yan had already taken her a few steps and jumped to the center of the altar, in front of the star bone of the **** of the sky.

Wang Yan looked at the group of life and fire that seemed to have endless meaning, and he couldn't help but surging: "How should I take this thing?"

"I, I don't know ..." Lydia looked at the fire of life at such a close distance, as if attracted by it both physically and mentally. After a whole trance, she suddenly remembered, "Oh, yes, yes, yes Senior Ling Ling. "

Before the words fell, the dharma-like artifact stood in front of them again.

Lydia has already been recognized by Qi Ling, but at this time, after Ling Yi carefully looked at Wang Yan, she also accepted Wang Yan, and then said: "It is not too late, please put your hands on this fire. My host has already made arrangements as early as that year. "

"That line, Lydia don't ink anymore." Wang Yan glanced at Lidia, who was a little stunned, and then grabbed the opponent's hand, and released it towards the fire of life.

"Do not!"

The Chilian Demon King roared, his liver and gallbladder split.

With a sudden blow, Zhenfei flew three unfilial sons, staring at his eyes, and turned to pounce on Wang Yan and Lydia.

In the end, the devil is the devil. Even if Wang Yan used the invisible boundary constructed by Bajian, he completely closed off the fluctuations and breath of himself and Lydia, but he was discovered in just a few breaths.

It's just that the Chilian Demon King never dreamed that the junior magic flame that tickled his hate teeth appeared on the altar somehow. The most hateful thing was that he even took the human slave girl and wanted to take that together. Tuan's precious life and fire, this is simply killing him!

At the same time on the other side.

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, were shocked and fell to the ground. They were stunned for a while, then turned their eyes to look at them, and the three of them all screamed in horror.

"Do not!"

"Magic, Lord Lord of Flames! Why is he here?"

"no, do not want!"

The three of them had secretly planned for a long time after receiving information about the starry sky **** from their father Chilian Demon King.

For them, the father who has become a demigod demon king is an insurmountable mountain. Not only do they possess the best resources, power, women, and even more important armament and force, they are all in the hands of this incredible devil.

So powerful and so domineering, how could it make them three sons, how could they be willing to be sons forever? If only one or two years is enough, the past few decades, hundreds of years, and even hundreds in the future will probably not change.

How can these three arrogant brothers endure this long suffering? Now, this group of life and fire is undoubtedly the most critical opportunity.

They planned to cooperate with the three and steal the fire. After they got out, the three shared. Even if they could not become the demon **** and the demigod next, at least by that time, they still use their father Chilian Demon King?

By the time the three brothers join forces, wouldn't it be windy or rainy? It is not difficult to unite to become an incomparable great devil.

But what is going on here? Why did a magic flame lord suddenly appear?

What makes their hearts tremble most is that the Lord of the Flame Flame has actually stood in front of the fire of life, and is about to take away their hope of dominating the Demon Realm in the future. !

The three brothers were completely crazy, and one by one screamed hysterically, like three leopards, rushing towards Wang Yan and Lydia from the other side.

The legendary demon standing around like that will stand guard with the demon king, and this time finally reacted.

"Then, that's Lord Moflame ?!"

"How did he suddenly appear there ?!"

"Crazy, really crazy! He, how did he do it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, hurry up to me!"

"Kill the magic flame, you can make a big contribution!"

With the shouting of several legendary demon generals, this group of men also killed Wang Yan and Lydia like a wolf.

They were also flustered, no matter if they were the Red Demon King or the Demon King's three sons, who had mastered the wealth here, they all had a reward. But if they fell into the hands of the Lord of the Demon Flames, they wouldn't be able to catch their farts. Not only is it not good, but it will also be severely punished.

So where is the group of people working now, where dare to slack off? Almost took out the fierceness of breastfeeding, is completely an unstoppable tiger and wolf.

In just a moment, the situation changed into an abnormal crisis.

But at this moment, the fingers of Wang Yan and Lydia simultaneously touched the fire of life.

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