The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1521: No way, you sacrifice it

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With a slight spatial tremor, a pale blue teleport gate in an unoccupied valley, like a strange magic eye, slowly opened above the ground.

Beneath this magnificent portal, there is a large square array covering hundreds of square meters. And the man who manipulates this large teleportation circle is the most outstanding young female magician Lydia on earth.

At this time she had a serious face and a tense expression, and her crow and human staff were constantly guiding the magic energy gathered by the circle. At present, this complex and huge magic circle has a precious magic crystal erected on each leg, and hundreds of them have been used up and down. At the same time, above the eyes of the magic circle, the unique top treasure-the tears of the starry sky is floating!

The tears of the starry sky are a rare relic that guides the power of the stars. Hundreds of magic crystals provide a huge energy supply for this large magic circle, which will allow her to maintain this legendary magic circle for a few minutes.

"Master Magic Flame, don't forget your promise, otherwise I, I ..."

Lydia said, she closed her mouth casually, and now she could do anything, and she could only rely on this powerful Demon Lord, if the Demon Lord suddenly scorned, then she really cried. Nowhere to cry.

"Relax, the lord said one thing and always kept his promise." Wang Yan said indifferently on her side. "It is better to concentrate on maintaining the teleportation circle than thinking about it. This teleportation circle can be opened for a while, and the strength of the lord is If we can score one more point, our winning percentage will increase by another 10%. "

After discovering the whereabouts of Chilian Demon King and his three sons, the two of them immediately reached an agreement.

The two speculate that at present, 80% of the starry sky gods have passed away, or even if there is no death, that place is only the precious wealth left by the starry sky gods.

Therefore, Wang Yan decided at the moment, anyway, he would n’t be able to perform starry sky magic, so the related magical inheritance of the sky **** and related intellectual things could be given to the slave Lydia. In addition, all wealth including Lidi Ya himself belongs to his great Lord of the Flames.

Wang Yan is now the Lord of Hell, and Lydia ’s slave owner is naturally quite overbearing, but in fact he is still in favor of Lydia in disguise.

Lydia also understands the current situation. The Lord of the Demon Flame can give him relevant inheritance, which is already a great favor, so she expressed her willingness to do her best to assist Wang Yan's plan.

At such a far distance now, it takes half a month to go back and forth. With the army expedition, the Chilian Demon King is not a fool. He will not wait for you to bring the army to beat him.

So, this teleportation circle for Wang Yan's soldiers and horses was constructed by her in a short time.

"In the end it is a famous person, but only half a step of the S-level peak state, you can now transfer the sign of the Starry Academy. The Starry Gate is so sturdy, even if Dean Emmons personally shot it, is it?"

Wang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, and he was not idle. He held the eight-mirror mirror and closed the area with an enchantment, otherwise such a distance would definitely be discovered by the Red Demon King.

"Master Moyan, here we come!"

A delicate voice came from within the teleportation circle.

Wang Yan ’s men had been notified in advance. At this time, as soon as the teleportation circle was opened, the brutal master of the county immediately jumped out of the starry sky gate.

"I am obedient, this teleportation circle is really amazing! These are all built by this female slave alone?"

The confusing lord immediately followed, with wide-eyed eyes when he came out, and more than a tongue, "According to common sense, such a large teleportation circle must have at least five to ten high-level warlocks to build together? What about this human slave girl? Arrived? "

The warlocks of Hell World have many similarities with the magicians from the earth, but in addition to their excellent talents, Lydia has been carefully guided by Emmons since childhood, and his ability is much higher than that of ordinary warlocks, plus there are stars With the aid of such treasures as tears, Wang Yan's blood was subsidized by magic crystals to open a short one-way channel, which is naturally not a problem.

However, she is indeed strong enough. If you change to an ordinary legendary magician, you may not be as mentally focused as she is and can maintain the teleport for so long.

"Quick, hurry up!"

"Stand to the side when you come out, don't block the people behind!"

After Wang Yan's several generals came over, a large number of elite troops began to flow out of the teleportation circle like a tide. The kind of orderly and morale momentum is like an invasion battlefield, enough to deter any race.

Just a few minutes passed, until the last strong ogren like a meat mountain, desperately squeezed through the shrinking teleportation hole, Lydia who had been relying on one person to maintain the magic circle, and finally could not hold on, sending the magic circle The starry sky door closed and collapsed.

Hundred magic crystals exhausted all their energy and turned into debris. The tears of the starry sky also stopped guiding the power of the stars and gradually dimmed. Opening a teleport gate consumes a lot of energy, and as the distance increases, the cost will increase exponentially.

However, at the cost of a hundred magic crystals at the moment, in a short time, thousands of elite men can be exchanged, which can be said to be quite cost-effective!

At present, in addition to the legends that have always followed Wang Yan and the half-step legendary generals, Wang Yan's elite soldiers with the largest number of people have come to 800!

Wang Yan didn't fight unsure battles, so the 800 elite soldiers had already been carefully selected in advance. Among them, the leader and deputy captain who had reached the half-step S-level accounted for 200, and the remaining 600 soldiers were all the same. All are top elites above A level.

Don't underestimate these A-class elites, they are all masters in the world of hell, as long as a dozen, they can force the legendary lord to bypass. If this amount is increased to a certain extent, a qualitative change is formed, that is, the demigod devil will have scalp numbness.

Not to mention that there are half-step S-level and legendary generals in this team. If the demigod once orders, and encounters such a team, he also has to serve first.

In addition to the eight hundred barbarian soldiers, the powerful ogre came with two hundred people, and they are all elite tribes who are strong at half-step S-level! In addition, there are fifty eagles, fifty succubus, and twenty dark elves to assist.

Such a team, coupled with Wang Yan's top combat power, is already quite terrifying, even if he is now on the front bar with the Red Refining Demon King.

However, since it has to be done, there must be a perfect strategy, otherwise, once the Red Demon King is released, it is the disaster of annihilating Wang Yan and others. Wang Yan's development and savings have so far failed.

So after some discussion, everyone's eyes turned to Lydia. Wang Yan even raised his mouth, his eyes sly: "No way, I can only sacrifice you."

It is said that Lydia, who is recovering from interest rate adjustment, suddenly "giggled" in her heart.


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