The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1520: Guidance for Star Road Signs

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In a barren land, red hills lined up, and a heat wave accompanied by billowing smoke rushed to the sky, casting the sky with a thick layer of thick black and yellow fog, like a thick quilt covering the sky Like night.

In this area, supplies are barren and there are rare creatures. Even the Goblins who can tolerate all kinds of harsh environments hardly thrive here.

The heat wave pours in, and the thick smoke exudes a choking smell of sulfur.


A ripple was turbulent like a wave of water, a pair of fierce devil claws popped out of it, the space seemed to be torn out of a hole, and a black body armor, a burly figure, a majestic appearance, and a purgatory demon with a super strong power breathed out of it. .

At the same time, the purgatory demon still wrapped around a snow-white human girl.

The girl's face was pale and shivering. Faced with this terrible purgatory demon lord, she had no room for resistance. What's more, she wore a collar symbolizing slaves on her neck.

As long as the demon lord had a thought, this terrible collar would explode, exploding the slaves to the bones and bones, and destroying all forms.

"Lydia." The purgatory demon lord spoke majesticly. "Are you sure that the signpost of the tears of the starry sky is here?"

This demon, of course, is Wang Yan, who has turned into a purgatory demon, and the miserable girl Lydia. Under Wang Yan's coercion, the miserable girl Lydia had to honestly explain the vision produced by the tears of the stars.

Without explanation, there is no way. How could that greedy and shameless purgatory demon give up the baby he got? Without telling the truth, she couldn't imagine how vicious, cruel, and wicked she would be.

"Yes, the signposts such as the starry sky are near here." Lydia said weakly, but there was a flash of hope in her eyes, maybe ...

"Hehe ~" Na Mo hoped that Wang Yan looked at him right away and immediately sneered. "Stupid human slave girl, do you really think that the old fellow of Starry Sky God is still alive? Can you save your life?"

Lydia's face was even paler, and she was also annoyed: "The star gods are extremely powerful. They have already broken through to the **** god realm, and it is not impossible to live to the present."

"Oh, you really can tell jokes." Wang Yan's eyes were disdainful. "According to this lord, the Star God is only a demigod realm. There are not one or two human beings on earth who have reached the demigod realm. I have n’t heard that I can live that long. "

Restricted to human genetic constitution, even a human who can reach a semi-god level can live only two or three hundred years old without a special chance, far from being immortal. If human beings can reach the true **** level, then lifespan may be greatly increased.

After all, humans are different from the powerful lives that have existed since ancient times. Like some starry beasts, once they reach adulthood, they can live for a thousand or two thousand years or longer even if they do not reach the demigod level.

Otherwise, some powerful humans do not have to pursue longevity. There are even many powerful magicians in the West who are willing to turn into lich when life is about to end, just to survive.

Also, why should the starry sky **** study bloodline evolution? It's not because he feels that his life is coming soon, and he wants to use the powerful demon bloodline gene to extend his life. It is a pity that although he has researched it, once transformed into a purgatory demon, it will become a complete purgatory demon, because the blood gene of the purgatory demon is much higher than that of humans.

Unlike Wang Yan, he has the ancient blood of the **** Zhurong, which is powerful and unmatched, and is much higher than the blood level of the purgatory demon. Naturally, it is not difficult to return to the original bloodline in the future.

In a sense, the bloodline evolution developed by the starry sky **** exhausted his energy, but it was cheaper for Wang Yan.

"In short, Master Dharma is impossible to die." Lydia maintains the belief in her heart. For every Star Academy student, the Star Dharma God who created the Academy is their pure faith in the heart.

Wang Yan was too lazy to argue with her that the relics of the starry sky god's bloodline evolution were all given to him, and the big face was already dead. Even if he is not dead, he is now a pure and pure purgatory demon.

In the gloomy sky air flow, a large black airship with a **** appearance was suspended in mid-air. The cold angle of the forest, the alchemy ballistic artillery exuding a dangerous atmosphere, all show that this is a terrible combat airship.

On the side of the hull, there is a huge family heraldry pattern. Obviously, the airship is from the family of the Red Refining Demon King. Today, the demon king-level strong red refining Demon King's royal car.

Don't think that the world of purgatory is a backward primitive barbaric civilization. In fact, if you study it carefully, you will find that the civilization level of the world of purgatory is very high. For example, alchemy, under the impetus of generations of alchemists, the products of alchemy in this world are extremely exquisite, and it has reached an incredible level.

From a slave collar to an alchemy airship, they are full of whimsical black technology.

It's just that the inheritance of alchemy is relatively closed, it is difficult to carry out large-scale promotion and exchange and production, so now the technology level of the purgatory world is much higher than that of the earth.

"That's the car of Chilian Demon King." Wang Yan touched his chin, thoughtfully, "combining Lydia's previous statement, it would be interesting."

During this time, the Chilian Demon King, several sons, and the guards vanished. Even if Wang Yan turned upside down in Chilian Magic City, they would not be seen. Is it possible that their disappearance is related to the starry sky god? The eyes of Wang Yan's demons gradually lighted up: "This inference is very likely. No matter what the Red Demon King is plotting, it is definitely not a simple thing."

It is indeed true to think about it, the Red Refining Demon King is a demigod-level existence. What could be something simple in this world that would allow him to devote all his energy and effort to conspiracy? And there is a great possibility that this plot is related to the starry sky god.

"This matter must be inserted." Wang Yan thought about it thoughtfully. "But this matter is also quite tricky. After all, the other party is a demi-level purgatory devil, and its strength cannot be underestimated."

"However, I am not without advantages." Wang Yan was constantly thinking, "If he is against Liulian Demon King in Liuhuo City, how many of them are not enough to die, but now it is in the wilderness. If the picture is very large, it is impossible to bring out the army under your command. At most, only some cronies will follow. Coupled with mental calculations and five unintentional actions, this wave of operations has a low chance of success. "

Others are afraid of demigods, but Wang Yan is not afraid. Before and after, there have been three half **** levels planted in his hands. Although the demi-level strength is powerful and terrible, it does not have a great sense of sacredness to Wang Yan.

Now, with his own strength, he has a lot of hands. Even if he is heads-up with a demon king, he dare not say that he can win, but at least he can hold the opponent for a minute or two. These times are enough for his army to destroy the demon king.

At that time, the **** commander-like devil is not the fish on the chopping board. Let him slaughter? The only thing that needs to be considered a little bit is whether there will be any life-saving means for Chilian Demon King to escape.

But even if he fled, Wang Yan did not stun him. The world of **** is so vast, where can his pharaoh go?

Having figured out all the joints, Wang Yan started to act.


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