The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1512: Kingdom is born

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"Master Demon Flame, these are all good things!"

The appraiser Zoe raised his mouth slightly, and at a glance he could see the quality of many items in front of Wang Yan.

With the real eye, and after inheriting the inheritance of the Alchemist Grand Master Orhaus in the past, the personal ability of the appraiser Zoe became more and more outstanding. Now as long as it is not some ancient heritage, ordinary items can be easily identified by her.

Wang Yan also became interested, and then under his direction, Zoe began to renew the radiance of each piece of weapon, and said the corresponding characteristics. This will save the next user a lot of energy to try and explore.

"This handle is the weapon of the little lord, named Bloodthirsty Sword. It is a superb weapon. It has the effect of drawing the blood of the enemy, increasing its strength and physical strength. It is a good weapon for killing the enemy on the battlefield. relationship."

With the introduction of appraiser Zoe, it can be found that the little lord under the command of the blood lord uses all the top grade or superb spiritual weapons. Even the traitors of the two dark elves used the top-grade spirit weapons, namely the Iron Guard Saber and the Crossbow.

Only the double thorns of the dragon teeth used by Camus, and the sacred battle axe used by the Bloodlord, are two holy weapon.

Wang Yan is not surprised at this point. The holy items are not ordinary goods on the bad streets. In the fierce battle environment of hell, every holy item is a priceless treasure, and sometimes you want to buy it if you have money. Not available.

It can be seen from this that the treasures of the sacrificial tools can be harvested in such a large amount of wealth and resources at one time, and two sacrificial tools can also be harvested. Wang Yan has been very satisfied.

To know that these things add up, the total value has exceeded two million magic crystals. If it is repaired and reused, the total value will be even higher!

It can be seen in the world of hell, how much wealth can be a great lord who started a war.

So far, this time the plundered resources and wealth have been counted. But Zoe found good things in the storage ring of two dark elf traitors.

That's two blood dragons!

Purgatory Fire Dragon is a very powerful creature with high blood purity, which can reach the A level in adulthood. Most adult Fire Dragons can reach powerful legendary levels in their long lives. A few of them can break through the shackles. Demi god!

This blood dragon's blood marrow, which is concentrated with the body essence of purgatory fire dragon, needs to use the eight-headed adult fire dragon. It has the powerful effect of refining blood veins and enhancing strength!

Compared with the precious purgatory red lotus, this artificially refined blood dragon's blood marrow may only be slightly weaker in efficacy.

Now that he has so many precious materials at once, Wang Yan is not stingy, and immediately made the corresponding distribution.

Camus's previous weapons naturally belonged to Camus. The weapons of the two dark elven traitors gave Elsa and Enzo. The weapons and equipment of these two people were the same as that of Camus. They were sold long ago, and now the weapons of the dark elves are handed over to them, but they can play a big role.

However, Wang Yan decided to use the two Dragon's Blood Essences on Elsa and Enzo.

In the past, they have been in the half-step S-level peak state for many years, and now they have experienced so much hardening. Their heart has long been very firm, and the promotion is only one step away. Furthermore, Wang Yan now masters evolution, and is comfortable with the resources of the Yan Department. , Can help these two people to improve the strength of their blood vessels, and they can do both.

In short, if you are a legendary strongman, you can add a cutting-edge force, which will play a big role in future development and battles.

As for the **** lord ’s holy weapon, the sacred battle axe, Wang Yan rewarded him to the confusing lord.

After all, this guy is Wang Yan's first younger brother after he came to hell. He helped him overcome the powerful purgatory master, stabilized his heels, and took all the hard work and blame, loyalty and hard work.

Therefore, Wang Yan felt that giving him this holy weapon-level battle axe was indeed the reward he deserved. Besides, this confusion is really too poor. If he does not upgrade and upgrade his weapons, he will be somewhat overwhelmed by his boss Wang Yan.

"Boss! You are my kindness to the younger brother, I have nothing to do with the younger brother! In short, the younger brother's life is yours, the younger brother is your most loyal eagle dog, you let the younger brother go east, and the younger brother will never go west , You want the younger brother to kill, the younger brother will never set fire ... "

The Lord of Confusion took the double-edged battle axe, which was quenched with flame elements in every inch, excitedly trembling, and now he was kneeling on the ground busy and moved to the ground. Especially those words of gratitude are like surging rivers, endless.

It wasn't until Wang Yan interrupted impatiently that he closed his mouth.

As for the other three-handed weapon-grade weapons, there is no suitable user yet. Wang Yan temporarily stores it for future rewards or black market auctions.

Then Wang Yan rectified for a day, and all his men received corresponding rewards. In addition, fifty rescued dark elves, as well as more than one hundred slaves of succubus and eagle succubus, will be compiled under Wang Yan's command after training.

With these rewards and the joining of the soldiers, Wang Yan's men now have a surge of morale and high morale, and they may wish Wang Yan to take them out again.

It's a good thing that the fighting strength of the men has increased sharply, but the fighting spirit is full, but there is no way to clean up again at the moment, there are still many things to be dealt with, and a lot of materials need to be digested.

Even these seized weapons and equipment also need the master refiner Hill to help transform into a unified system of Wang Yan's army. Otherwise, Wang Yan's next shot is dirty goods, which can easily lead to the trouble of the hostile forces.

So the next morning, the entire ogres tribe began to prepare and go with Wang Yan to his current station, which is also the territory of Chilian Huze.

Here, Wang Yan's team will usher in the first major upgrade, the entire team will be renewed, and the combat power will also surge!

In addition, the workshop of the Master Alchemist will begin to form, and Zoe will also formally become an alchemist, and her alchemy workshop will also be established accordingly.

The ogres and Goblin tribes that followed Wang Yan, as well as various slaves and gladiators, will also camp around this Chilian Huze and settle there.

Soon, this originally barren and desolate area will usher in a comprehensive innovation. Industry, commerce, agriculture and animal husbandry, and even manufacturing and service industries will also emerge.

It can be said that Wang Yan has built a private country centered on this plane base, and the early prototype has been formed!

But just when Wang Yan was ambitious, for the earth, for himself, and for the relief of Wuya Ange, he spared no effort.

Wuya Ange, far away from the other side of the world of hell, ushered in a big trouble that she could not get rid of.


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