The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1511: Get rich overnight

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Even with Wang Yan's current state of mind, he couldn't help but feel amazed by the huge number of magic crystals in front of him.

Even the confusing lord beside him widened his eyes and sighed repeatedly: "My mother, the dog thief with **** hands is too rich! You see, this magic crystal has piled up in a mountain, lord Never seen so many magic crystals in this life! "

As a high-level currency, the magic crystal coin itself is a kind of mineral deposit containing pure energy. The value of a magic crystal coin is about equal to one gram of fire pulp, which shows its preciousness.

Lord Lord of Confusion has lived in the backcountry. Before meeting Wang Yan, there were only a few magic crystal coins. Now that he sees so many magic crystals, he would be so surprised.

However, even the brutal master of the devil's daughter, the devil, was also amazed by the huge amount of wealth in front of her, because the amount in front of her is really too much.

"How many magic crystals are there in total?" Wang Yan asked in surprise.

"Master Mahuiyan." The succubus slave who was in charge of counting the counts side saluted Wang Yan with a tone of excitement: "A total of 850,000 magic crystal coins!"

"His!" Wang Yan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this number. He knew that there were a lot of magic crystal coin hills, but he didn't expect that much!

You have to know that the magic crystal coins remaining on him before were only more than 17,000. Now that you have killed a big lord, you can reap this difficulty. Jump. It seems that war can indeed make a fortune, and it can make a fortune!

The **** lord and his allies were able to obtain so much wealth. Bacheng also relied on war and plundered everywhere, but now this unjust wealth has fallen into Wang Yan's pocket.

As the magic crystal coins were repacked, Wang Yan's men began to count the looted treasures one by one to Wang Yan.

Now Wang Yan's men are well-trained, well-disciplined, and have a clear division of labor when doing things, with extremely high efficiency.

Starting from defeating the blood lord, those who touched the corpse touched the corpse, swept the room, and moved the treasure trove. Throughout the Blood Hand Castle, all kinds of weapon armor, ornaments, metal deposits, potions, etc., as long as they are valuable, are all taken away. And according to the type of registration to create a book, so that Wang Yan looked at the inspection, unified and clear.

At this point, in addition to so many magic crystals, the materials collected from the Blood Hand Castle are of very high quality. The total value is estimated initially, and the total value is close to one million! And enough for Wang Yan to build a high-end quality equipment for thousands of soldiers!

Seeing the number of ledgers, Wang Yan's mood was inevitable and excited.

With such a high-quality material supply, as long as Master Hill and Zoe are slightly improved, it is a set of weapons and medical supplies. Coupled with the elite level of Wang Yan's men, the elite teachers created in this way are absolutely enough to match, even surpass the Devil's personal guard!

With such a powerful private armament, even if he meets the Devil in the future, he will have the power of a battle.

In addition, Wang Yan also found a rare high-quality mineral deposit, the Fire Spirit Mine, from these supplies!

As the name suggests, this kind of mineral deposit is a kind of mineral deposit containing rich fire elements, and the finished fire spirit mine is also called fire spirit jade. In addition to assisting the forge forging, it can also be made into beautiful ornaments, so its value is even higher than that of fire.

There are quite a lot of raw stones found in the Fire Ling Mine right now, which weighs thousands of kilograms. It may be that the Blood Lord did not know where to plunder.

However, thousands of kilograms of raw ore, after waiting for purification, the finished fire spirit jade can have a few tens of pounds.

At that time, some of these precious fire spirit jade need to be used as elite soldiers, weapons and equipment forging. In addition, Wang Yan also intends to squeeze out a small part and send it back to the National Bureau of Earth and Africa to provide analysis and research materials for the super energy community of the earth.

When thinking of the superpowered world behind him, Wang Yan felt that there were not enough resources and wealth. Therefore, while he continues to grow himself, he must also continue to expand his power and territory.

Otherwise, for the unavoidable Wuya Ange, and the earth where the crisis is coming, he will not develop at all.

After Wang Yan counted these resources and wealth, all of Wang Yan's men began to take the loot they seized and put them in front of Wang Yan.

"Boss, this is the long sword I snatched! Look, it's still blood red, absolutely the best!"

"Master Demon Flame, this is the battle axe of the Bloodlord."

"This is Enzo and I, the weapons and storage rings seized."

The deluded lords, Camus, Elsa, and Enzo and others, as main battle generals, handed over all the items they had harvested without leaking.

"Master Demon Flame, it's so cool to fight and touch the corpse, no wonder you guys love to fight. Well, this is what the slave family seized. The slave family can desperately kill many enemies." To achieve great success, you need to be intimately rewarded.

Of course, in the battle, she and the succubus jointly dealt with a legendary lord. Although the legendary lord was killed by the succubus, she also helped a lot. After the war, she harvested several pieces of spirit-level jewelry , Can be described as quite fruitful.

Then the succubus and Lydia also handed over the loot they had harvested. The most exaggerated was the ogre Ablon Giantmaul, and actually took out a piece of **** meat from his arms, which had already been deformed and distorted. The appearance of the armor pimple was put in front of Wang Yan, grinning and saying, "Boss, I, I am so powerful, but by the way, I should be able to use it if I straighten it."

"It's all smashed into scrap iron by you, is it straightened or scrap iron?" Wang Yan couldn't help but give the ogre a glance, no wonder the ogre's weapons are so rough, because they don't make enchanted items at all. .

However, Wang Yan did not blame him. After all, in such a life-and-death battle, all defensive equipment and accessories are usually destroyed in the first place.

Blood Lord and his vassals, almost all of their armor is in a damaged state, and only the weapons and some accessories are still intact. Fortunately, Wang Yan now has a master refiner, even if it becomes a pile of scrap iron, he can dissolve and refine it into raw materials, so anything in Wang Yan can be recycled and there is no waste.

"Zoo, look at the quality of these things." Wang Yan greeted appraiser Zoe and came over to check the quality of the equipment. Because the more high-quality equipment and weapons, they are usually given sacrifices or blood sacrifices by the previous master to increase the degree of understanding between the two.

If you reach the level above the holy artifact, especially with spirituality, and even with the holy artifact of the instrument, there will also be the phenomenon of confessing the Lord. Once the confession of the Lord appears, then when the master dies, this holy artifact will also Followed by dust.

Without an excellent appraiser, it is difficult for ordinary people to discover the hidden mysteries of these dusty objects.


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