The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1461: Surrounded

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"Oh, those two demon king guards are indeed not stupid. They have prepared so many troops here. It seems that in order to get Zoe and the real eye, they can really make sense."

Wang Yan slowly fell to the ground, his eyes insidiously swept toward the dense demon guard in front of him.

The square and the street in front of us are already filled with the guards from the two demon kings. The number is probably two or three thousand!

The vast majority of them are heavily armed, barbarian guards armed with shields. These barbarians are all fighting races, born with excellent warriors. At this time, they are strong and tall, equipped with uniform armor and weapons, and the pressure formed there is huge.

Among them, the leading captains of the barbarian guards are all the more noble purgatory demons. Under the command of the Purgatory Demon Race, regardless of the majestic momentum and strict discipline, they have obviously risen to a new level.

On the two sides behind these guards, there are still more powerful hellhorse cavalry, a full number of two or three hundred! In addition, there are hundreds of crossbowmen, all hidden on the roofs of the streets on both sides.

It has to be said that so many heavy armor guards are very bluffing and guarded.

Not only were there enemies on the front, but behind Wang Yan and others, hundreds of guards guarding the city gates were also mobilized.

Among these city gate guards, two captains of the guards have also received the favor of Wang Yan, but at this time they have no choice but to accept the order and lead people to block Wang Yan's retreat.

At this time, Wang Yan's team can be said that the enclosed water is not leaking and it is difficult to move forward.

"Ma'am, are they crazy? Use so many people to deal with us ?!"

With a loud insult, Lord Chew confessed that the rest of Wang Yan's men and slaves also rushed out of the underground black market and fell to Wang Yan's side.

It is true that there are many people and no one. Once a group is scaled, even a single strength may not be as strong, but the pressure formed by the aggregation is really huge.

If a single legendary strongman, or a small group of slaves, meets such a heavily guarded army, I am afraid that only a handful of players can capture it, and it is estimated that they will not be able to struggle even a few times.

However, there are many masters on Wang Yan's side. It can be said that apart from some of the female slaves that followed, the rest of the members are all elite who have been through battles. In addition, there are several powerful legendary lord-level powerful suppressors, so not only did there not appear any fear, but all the fighting spirits were high and eager to try, even the more than 30 slaves who came with them were exposed. The deputy went out and followed the perseverance of Lord Mo Yan to the end.

The single round team cohesion, Wang Yan's side is undoubtedly much stronger than the demon king's guards in front of him.

As for the leader of this team, Wang Yan will not be afraid of these heavily guarded guards.

But he couldn't help but think that the two demon guards used almost all the power they could use, and even broke the face completely with Wang Yan and the brutal master, just to take away the appraiser Zoe and the real Eyes, such a price is undoubtedly too great.

Dare to pay such a price can only explain one thing, that this Zoe with superb identification skills is bound to be related to the important secrets controlled by the three demon kings, even the red demon king himself!

"Lord Flame Lord, you are indeed strong, but can you be stronger than so many troops?"

Seeing that he had his own army to protect, General Dunbar got upright immediately, and screamed fiercely across the heavy guards, "If you have the ability, keep on chasing, and dare to go to the demon king's guard, but you can't get through with your majesty. ! "

"What are you doing nonsense with them?" General Cass, who was relatively cautious, quickly stepped on a **** dog and hummed, "Lord Lord Mo Yan is so good, let him chase it, and wait until the palace of the devil, hum! See if he can There are a few lives toss! "

"It's not too late, let's go!" Dunbar, holding Zoe, also mounted a **** dog, and with Kas, turned and fled.

Zoe, who was lying on the back of the **** dog, looked at the dense demon guards in front of him, and his heart was full of dignity. Her demon flames can really deal with so many troops, and can she really be rescued?

Without waiting for her to think carefully, the hellhound that had been running had taken her to the distance.

"Fuck things, how dare you dare to take the initiative in this county?" Wang Yan was on his side, and the brutal master of the county immediately scolded loudly.

She saw that the two Demon King guards were so disrespectful, they were almost mad, and the key was in the face of Lord Mo Yan, which embarrassed her.

And now the army that belongs to her father is so faceless, this is not just not to put her in the eyes, it is clear that in the eyes of her father Chilian Demon King, she does not have any actual status, just a favorite Daughter only. If she does not meet Wang Yan, she may still be used as a political tool in the future and arrange to marry someone.

However, the guards who guarded the army, even though they feared the brutal master, remained immobile, and the death order they received was more important than the unhappy that caused the brutal master.

Therefore, these imperial guards who were in front of them were always unmoved, silent, and besieged Wang Yan and others to the same place. This looks can bite the teeth of the brutal county master, and the eyes are full of breath. .

At this time, Wang Yan could not help but chuckled: "Oh, I really don't know what to do."

The two demon guards were so arrogant and bold that they really annoyed him. And only these people in front of him, dare to stop him Wang Yan? Just kidding, does he seem so bully?

"It is still that sentence, catch up with the lord, any obstruction will be destroyed!"

Wang Yan spoke lightly and spoke slowly, but fell into the hearts of those guards and guards, but they were as heavy as a enemy, making them all tense, and even the sweat of the tension was wet come out.


One command had not yet fallen, and Wang Yan didn't know when there was an extra warhammer in his hand. As he issued this command, the Warhammer in his hand crashed to the ground.


Suddenly there was a roar, and the ground underneath was rolling like waves, with layers of scorching waves and mud, directly hitting the forward guards.



The square in front of the black market was instantly destroyed by shock waves, and those guards, under the impact of shock waves and rolling ground, fell together and made a mess.

At this moment, the screaming ogre, like a high-speed container truck, crashed into the guards.


"Uh ah!"

The first guards blocking the road immediately flew into the air in a tragic howl.


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