The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1460: Chaos broke out

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"No, no, it's not like this, Master Moyan, you listen to me explain, this is this ..."

President Ned quickly waved his hands and begged for mercy, trying to get a chance at the last minute. However, before he finished speaking, Wang Yan slapped him in the face.


The palm of Wang Yan's burning fire immediately left the scorched five-finger palm print on President Ned's face, which burned President Nide's fat face and the fat grumbled.


Ned would roll around in pain, but he still begged for mercy, "It's not me, it's not me, both, it's all a ghost idea born from these two animals, I, I'm affected by them!"

"Huh?" Wang Yan glanced, and the two cunning followers Yabo and Hansa immediately shivered, and his heart suddenly tightened.

These two cunning followers, like helpless prey being stared at by beasts, fierce fear, frightened their legs to become soft, almost out of instinct, and turned to escape.

However, a huge amount of coercion came and came suddenly. These two followers who wanted to escape have seemed to be crushed by Taishan. After a spit of blood, they were instantly crushed to the ground and fainted like a dead dog.

These two classmates do not learn and do nothing all day long, but they are only at the B level. Wang Yan is just the transcendent coercion derived from the transformation of spiritual power, and they cannot bear it. In Wang Yan's eyes now, these guys are just wild cats and wild dogs at their feet, and they can be trampled to death by lifting their feet. As for how much guilt they have, whether it is true or not, Wang Yan has disdain to delve into it.

Seeing that the two unlucky eggs had fainted, President Ned thought he had shirk his guilt, and just wanted to ask for explanation, but was stepped on by Wang Yan.

"This is the lesson for you!" Wang Yan stepped on President Ned's back with one foot, reaching for the demon wings growing behind President Ned and pulling it so hard.

The two wings with the characteristics of purgatory demon were torn apart!

"Woo! Ahhhhhhhhh !!"

President Ned's screaming shattered his heart, his face pale with pain. The onlookers gathered around from far away were all terrified and nervous. They were afraid of any extra noise, which attracted Wang Yan's guilt.

The companion behind Wang Yan also quickly surrounded him at this moment, and the huge pressure thus formed mimicked the five mountains of Foshan Chuan, and put a heavy pressure on everyone around him.

The dozen bodyguards behind President Ned, where dare to resist now? All of them "knocked" on their knees and fell to the ground, Qiqi fell down at the foot of Wang Yan, trembling, not even dare to show more.

"Demon, Lord Moyan, forgiveness, me, I know that I am wrong, I will never dare, please, give me another chance ..."

President Ned was terrified, and almost fainted. His pale face was distorted in pain, and the big beads of sweat slipped on his forehead.

This time he didn't dare to have any luck. He finally understood what a terrible existence he had caused, and it was definitely the biggest mistake in his life.

"Huh! The lord has no time to get entangled with you. These Hawks are performing well. The abilities are dominant. Do you have any opinions?" Wang Yan also knew that he could not drag on for a long time and decided to make a quick decision.

"No, no, this is the slave contract of those banshees, and a little bit of reverence with the sinner, please, Lord Lord Moyan smiles." President Ned shivered, ringing two jeweled storages from himself It was picked off in hand. One is naturally the slave contract of the Hawks, and the other ring is naturally the ransom that President Ned used to buy his life and pay guilt.

After accepting the two rings, Wang Yan was too lazy to care about this black market president, and flew to the exit first: "Let's go!"

Wang Yan ’s men and companions followed him one after another. Among them, the brutal master gave him a cold glance when he passed by President Ned, and he grumbled vigorously: "Come back and ask you to settle the bill, you Good day is over! "

Ned will die from the pain, and even more desperate under this huge pressure.

On one side is Chilie and the other three princes, on the other side is Chidu County Lord and this Lord of Demon Flame that cannot be provoked, and there is a Chilian Demon King in between.

As a small black market branch president, he can only choose a side station. It's a pity that he was so clumsy and stood on the wrong side, which is why he has suffered so much now and has suffered such a bad luck.

Now that things are going so much, he will undoubtedly be the last Blaster, and his branch president is estimated to be unsustainable.

Just when his worries clouded, a little old man with a thick beard kicked him in front of him.

President Ned spit out two molars, and his eyes were black, and he fainted.

"Bah! Dead fat pig, this master has long been unhappy with you!"

Master Hill spit out a spit on the ground with curse, "Now give you a foot, that is light, if my daughter Zoe has an accident, Master Ben will kill you when he returns."

Master Hill doesn't have much to take care of now, and he shows his pride. However, due to time constraints, he didn't stay much. After scolding the mechanical wings, he flew to the exit with Wang Yan.

The leaders in the black market were completely downfall. The rescued eagles were all cheering and cheering, one by one, all led by the eagles in Wang Yan's previous group, they all flocked into Wang Yan's team and went out. Chase.

At the same time, the entire black market was in chaos.

The place itself is mixed with fish and dragons, and most of the people here are some fierce and cunning people. At this time, Wang Yan led people to make such a mess, and President Ned was miserable.

The small cadres on the black market did not know what to do, so they had to take security staff and were tired of coping. However, this also gave the remaining succubi in the red light district an opportunity.

These succubus instincts are devious and cunning. When they saw so many Hawks, almost all of them were rescued by Wang Yan. They knew that the opportunity was not lost.

Encountered by the security personnel who came to block, the charm of the fragrance blew away, and as a result, more than a dozen succubus escaped.

Although they still had slave collars on their necks, those who controlled the collars were controlled by a witty succubus, a charm, as early as the beginning. Next, as long as they can escape, and are lucky to be taken in by the demon lord, there is still a way to release the existing slave collar, and then replace it with the slave mark belonging to the demon lord.

In this way, from the fall of Wang Yan in vain, to the punishment of President Ned, and to fly away with people, but only a few seconds of effort.

So far, there are more than 20 Hawks, as well as seven or eight succubus, followed by escape from this underground black market like an underground town.

However, Wang Yan and others just flew out of the underground black market entrance. The densely packed Demon Guard Corps has been waiting here for a long time.


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