The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1424: Embrace the darkness

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The tall majestic fallen angel phantom slowly floated in mid-air, and opened twelve majestic black wings.

Pieces of feathers composed of dark magic qi, falling like snowflakes in the air, the whole hall became solemn.

The Dark Virgin, Gabriel, and Baphodene buried their heads lower, and the expression on their faces was a little more awesome.

The Dark Lady understands that this is the **** enshrined by the Dark Council on Earth, and the most supreme existence in this demon domain, the ghost image of the fallen demon Samel.

In the beginning, the Dark Lady himself was greeted to Hell by this demon phantom. It can be said that the fallen demon Samel attaches great importance to her seedling, but this is a treatment that no one can enjoy.

At this time, the tall phantom of the demon god, so quietly suspended above the Dark Lady and others, silently looked down at everyone below.

It didn't do anything, even the entity. It was just a phantom composed of elemental energy, but the terrifying breath emanating from it was like the source of all death in the world, full of unstoppable absolute power.

This is the horror of a demon god!

A supreme deity is a supreme being fused with the absolute law of heaven and earth. How eternal the universe is, how great a **** is!

Even if his real body doesn't know where at this time, what appears here is just a trivial projection, which also comes with absolute power from the devil.

It can be said that any creature in the world, under this supreme and absolute will, will deeply feel its own smallness and lowliness, and will not dare to produce a trace of resistance.

Although the Dark Maiden is already excellent in strength and staying in the Fallen Demon Realm for a short period of time, she still feels awe in the face of a real Demon God.

It took a long time for the Devil God's phantom to slowly open his mouth: "Yes, very good, you haven't been photographed by the holy tree, and you can keep yourself awake. It's rare. As two mortals, you are very satisfied with the **** . "

The demon phantom is like a group of human-shaped black mist, people can't see the features, and the voice is long and distant, but from his tone, and the look down, it seems that the demon to the dark virgin and Gabriel, in The performance in front of the holy tree is very satisfactory.

As soon as the Dark Lady and Gabriel heard it, the back was suddenly sweating, and my heart went away immediately.

The heart said, this beautiful holy tree is so dangerous, and it can also inspire soul?

Could it be that they were so enchanted just now that their hearts were full of awe and longing for this holy tree, and they even wanted to be with them forever. In that case ... is the process of being demented?

To know that once something has taken the soul, this person is considered dead! Even if it is not dead, it is no different from death. The living body will be just a shell.

The Dark Lady and Gabriel felt more and more terrible when they thought about it. They glanced at the sheep's head to destroy the magic bafu. Why did the guy not inform him in advance? Because he was still an angel, he was almost killed by him.

Bafu's head was buried low, and he didn't move at all.

In fact, he is really loyal to the Dark Lady, but after all, the other party is the fallen demon Samel, and half of his own soul is still in the hands of this demon. Under the command of this demon god, where did he dare to speak most of his words?

Therefore, as a servant, he was very helpless.

The Virgin of Darkness and Gabriel knew the danger just now, and the world of **** was full of crises.

But now the demon phantom is in front, even if they want to scold the mother, I dare not show a little disrespect. After all, the other party is above everything else, and under such an absolute strength gap, they are nothing but a group of ants without any resistance.

Therefore, the Dark Lady and Gabriel quickly and respectfully replied: "It is our honour to honor Your Majesty's love and be selected by His Majesty."

"It doesn't take so many gifts, Catherine, from the moment the God of God heard your desperate call, the God of God understood that you would definitely become a rare good seedling."

The demon **** phantom was suspended in the air, and his phantom body composed of devil qi made it impossible to see his expression. Only the cold and majestic voice drifted slowly above the dark maiden. , Cursing that Father God, cursing everything you believe in, that look of despair and helplessness is really interesting, and the God still remembers it so far. "

Under the shadow of the demon god, the dark maiden lowered her head silently, her look changed as if she remembered the painful past.

But her eyes are still firm, because only through despair can she truly firm her mind.

The reaction of the Dark Maiden was naturally captured by the ghost image of the devil, and the ghost image continued: "Although you are just a small human, but like the god, you have a heart that will never bow to the world . "

Speaking of the demon deity Samuel, he was still the left arm and right arm of the father of light, and he assisted the father of the father, and his strength was second only to that of the father of light.

Later, for some reason, Samuel completely broke away from the Father of Light, and then Samuel led his men to take the seeds of the Holy Tree of Light in the Garden of Eden and fell to hell.

This is also a story that the Dark Lady had heard a long time ago, and the light holy tree owned by the light father is also recorded in the light of the Holy See on the earth.

It is said that it is a magical giant wood that connects the spiritual and physical world. It is regarded as a structural picture of life in the world and a symbol of all life in the universe.

The dark sacred tree in front of us now is obviously the sacred tree of life, which was nurtured by the seed of the sacred tree of life, but it is opposed to the sacred tree of life. It represents another absolute force in the world, that is, death.

Death and life are two kinds of complementarity, which constitute the basic force of this world. If we use the Chinese way of saying, one yin and one yang is the way. With positive energy, there is naturally relative negative energy. It is precisely under the influence of this positive and negative pair of forces that the heaven and earth universe has reached a sense of balance.

The Holy Light and Holy Flame of the Bright Holy See, as well as Wang Yan ’s pure Yang True Flame, belong to the side of life and belong to the kind of positive energy in the universe. The negative energy, as opposed to it, is naturally like undead witchcraft, black magic, dark energy, etc. used by the Dark Council.

However, power has always been right or wrong. No matter what kind of power is mastered, once it reaches a certain extreme, it will become the hegemon in this world.

"Catherina, are you ready to embrace the darkness?"

The demon **** phantom with one hand, one dark fruit on the dark holy tree, began to mature quickly, and finally got rid of the branches, and fell into the hands of the demon **** phantom, "After experiencing the baptism of darkness, you will have the power to incarnate darkness. "

"However, if you fail, you will turn into dust."


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