The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1423: Beautiful holy tree

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How powerful is the Dark Temple, and how strong is the fighting power?

As far as the Dark Lady is concerned, there is no way to know that she ca n’t even peep into the whole picture of this temple, she can only follow behind the sheep ’s head to destroy the devil, and walk in front of the majestic gate, and step inward go with.


There was a slight spatial fluctuation, and the Dark Lady felt a distinct sense of stripping, as if it had just passed through not the city gate, but a strong and invisible film!

And at the moment of passing through, she felt every hairline and even every cell in the whole body was swept by a powerful thought that she could not resist.

This feeling made her a bit creepy, because that divine thought is really too powerful!

She began to speculate that to have such a powerful mind, the other party is bound to be a top living body comparable to the **** level. In other words, this temple, which can't see its full picture, is itself a top artifact beyond imagination, with an instrumental spirit that is comparable to the spirit!

No matter what the possibility is, she is still very contemptuous, and there is no supreme existence that she cannot understand.

It is for this reason that she must become stronger here, otherwise, not to mention the dark council and the prince of roses far away on Earth, I am afraid that even herself, it will be difficult to survive the stormy waves of the future.

"Miss, please here."

The sheep's head wiped out the devil, and led the way ahead.

The Dark Lady and the Necromancer who were both excited and in awe followed, followed by a group of people walking along the axis of the central axis, all the way inward.

Along the way, the Dark Virgin and others saw a team of black armor in black, driving the fallen angel cavalry who controlled the nightmare, and were patrolling back and forth in the outer front yard.

Although the number of these fallen angel cavalry is not large, a small team of only five to seven people, but the individual strength, even the strength of the mount, has reached a terrifying point.

The Necromancer who followed the Dark Lady was even more perspiring to realize that if he was not allowed to prepare for something, he might not even be able to beat one of the other's mounts.

This is just a sporadic guard at the front door. If it really arrives inside, then it is really a small chat, I am afraid that he can press Gabriel on the ground and easily run to death.

Soon, passing through the porches and halls one by one, I saw a team of fallen angels standing in suspension, armed with martial law. A group of people finally came to a large indoor courtyard in front of the dark holy tree in a solemn state.

This courtyard-like hall is large in size and wide in area, which makes the Dark Lady wonder whether the place where she is now is indoors or in a small space.

The bright dark ground of the hall is as bright as a mirror, and the material is like metal or some kind of stone. Standing on it, you can clearly feel the continuous energy inside and surging in the dark.

The dome can hardly see the top, but there is a faint soft light, pouring down from above. That kind of feeling is like hiding a round of bright moon above the dome. The bright moonlight, with gentle energy, constantly moisturizes everything below.

Under this blurred and soft light, a huge black ancient tree deeply attracted the eyes of the dark virgin and Gabriel.

"Too, so beautiful ..." The Dark Lady felt a deep shock in her heart, and she froze for a while, unable to speak for a long time.

She has never seen such a stunningly spectacular scene. If she wants to describe the scene before her, the only word she can think of is “great”!

Even great, it is difficult to describe this beautiful giant tree.

This is a majestic giant tree that can be called a miracle of life. I am afraid that the height is not less than three hundred feet! The prosperous crown, like a gorgeous umbrella cover, almost covers the entire dome of the hall.

Under the crown of the giant tree, the branches are actually crystal-like, showing a beautiful pale white. The roots are thick and scary. One after another, the thick roots are intertwined with the roots, and the look is plunged into the rock and mud below, as if it is completely connected to the ground under the foot.

But the leaves of the giant tree are black, as if formed by the purest darkness in the world, even the light will be swallowed by the pure darkness on its leaves.

In these pure black leaves, you can see fruits similar to the color of the leaves, which are hanging quietly between the branches and the leaves.

These fruits are not like what the world deserves, but like a special condensation between matter and energy.

Such magical and beautiful plants and fruits make the Dark Lady unable to resist.

This is a natural tribute to great life, as if facing the vast ocean, the endless starry sky, and thus feeling like you are small. The Dark Lady stood in front of this majestic holy tree, and there was naturally a kind of grandeur to watch the birth and reincarnation of life.

Even she has had a hard time to have progressive cultivation as a bottleneck. At this moment, because of such a straight-hearted feeling, she has a hint of epiphany.

This is simply the result of facing this huge tree. If you go further, reach out and touch it, or pick a fruit with your own hands ... How much benefit will it have? The Dark Lady is unimaginable.

For the first time, the Dark Lady saw such a magical ancient tree, and her heart was so surging that she could not move her eyes.

On her side, Gabriel, a necromancer who is still weak, has already entered a state of distraction, and even the corners of her eyes have shed uncontrollable tears because of the movement of the miracle of life.

Of course, this is a very remarkable result. If you change to an ordinary person with weak mental strength, when you see this holy tree, even the soul will be taken away, and thus become a member of the walking dead in the forest outside, and will always be a guard wandering at the foot of the holy tree. Undead.

"Your Majesty, your humble servant, has brought Her Majesty the Lady."

The sheep's head destroyed the devil, and he kneeled humbly on one knee in front of the dark holy tree. His expression was filled with awe from his heart.

Bavo's voice also brought back the Dark Lady and Gabriel from a state of distraction. The two quickly looked straight, and then kneeled down in front of the holy tree, just like Baphoon.

Just then, in front of the three of them, there was a silent surge of air.

Soon, a whirlpool of black gas surging magic gas began to expand in front of the three people. In just a few breaths, a small portal with a dark black hole was born in front of the three people.

A fallen angel phantom composed entirely of dark magic qi slowly emerged from the doorway.


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