The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1356: Tyrant Wang Yan

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Receiving the old man's heart twitched, breathing in cold air, almost staggering, planted on the ground.

Five or fifty kilograms of fire pulp? Is he sure that he heard correctly?

"Mo, Master Mo Yan, please forgive the old servant for his age, and his ears are not good." The old man at the reception immediately realized his embarrassment, quickly looked at him, and asked respectfully, "You just said, yes, you want to exchange Five or fifty kilograms of fire pulp? "

At this time, the reception of the old man was indeed a little shocked. The fire pith is in the realm of the purgatory demon, but it has a good thing that is just needed and the output is scarce. The average customer comes over and can exchange a dozen grams, dozens of grams, already considered a rich man, but the demon lord in front of him, shot 50 kilograms! This terrified his old man.

This flame is not a stone on the street, just a handful of them.

No, even if it is a stone on the street, if you want to catch fifty kilograms, do you want to find it for a long time?

He felt that he was shocked by this old man.

"You've heard it right, I want to exchange 50 kilograms of fire pulp." Wang Yan raised his head slightly and motioned to the reception old man to exchange quickly.

Receiving the old man and the assistants and bodyguards on both sides of the line, he took another breath and quickly ran into the back of the counter, preparing for the measuring tool.

At the same time, these people are secretly in the bottom of my heart. Lord Lord Moyan deserves to be Lord Lord Lord Mobla. No wonder that even the son of Demon Lord Chilian dare to beat him. Look at this courage. Isn't that the Demon King?

In fact, nothing less than these ordinary service staff will be so shocked. One gram of fire pulp is worth a B-level essence in the National Bureau of Earth, or three hundred points of merit!

To know the merits of the National African Affairs Bureau, it can be worth 100,000 yuan, 300 points is 30 million! This is the value of one gram. If it is fifty kilograms and a full fifteen thousand grams of fire pulp, that value is indeed enough to scare people.

Even in hell, a gram of fire pulp costs three thousand gold coins. Ordinary residents here can only earn a few gold coins a year. The entire 50 kilograms of fire pulp is definitely a huge wealth beyond the imagination limit of most ordinary residents.

There are indeed a lot of rich people in this great fire city, but there are really few local tyrants like Wang Yan who can easily take out 50 kilograms of fire pulp.

Of course, the reason why Wang Yan was able to be such a local tyrant was entirely because he had led the team to destroy the demigod monster Yan Lake Master in Chilian Lake Ze, and collected all the wealth of the other party.

The Yan Lake Master relies on geographical location to dominate Yan Lake's old monster for nearly a thousand years. Even Chilian Demon King dared not easily touch the mold, fearing he would be hit hard if he was not careful.

The Yan Lake is also a rich place for fire resources. The old monster dominated by Yanhu was precisely using these advantages to secretly develop its forces, using the monsters and goblins enslaved by it, and for a long period of time gathered the entire rich resources of Yanhu.

The resources and wealth it possesses can definitely be described as rich to oily and rich to the devil! At least for a moment, Wang Yan felt that his breathing was stagnating, and he thought that even if he wears a storage ring or storage bracelet with ten fingers, he can't put all the wealth into it.

Finally, the earth method was used, and several large vehicles were installed, which was then sent back to the earth.

Wang Yan didn't think it would be distressing to send so much wealth back to the country. He came to the world of hell, in addition to the Ange, it also represents the National African Affairs Bureau.

The abyss crisis is approaching now, and the earth superpower is forming a unified alliance for the first time. If he can return some precious resources, precious materials and samples to the earth in the **** world, it will definitely allow the earth superpower and even the technology world to obtain Great development.

These efforts will become the most solid foundation for the full-scale war between the earth and the abyss world.

Otherwise, when her home star is destroyed and all her family and friends are dead, what's the point of Wang Yan's wealth even if he owns the whole world?

Of course, Wang Yan did not send all the resources back to the earth. He still left himself with dozens of kilograms of fire pulp, which was most commonly used by himself and several pets.

Now that Wang Yan weighed the left and right sides, he decided to convert these fire piths into magic crystal coins. First, the magic crystal coins are the universal currency of the **** world. Second, the magic crystal coins have the same amount of pure energy as the fire pith. Used as a supplementary recovery.

In addition, now Chilian Huze is his own, Wang Yan, who is the new generation of Yanhu ruler. As long as the time comes, those servants he had previously subdued will continue to bring him new wealth.

These dozens of kilograms of fire pulp are really nothing to him now.

"This is Goblin's storage box ... Lord Mo Yan, I opened it ... wow!"

The old man at the reception looked at this big box about one meter square, and after asking Wang Yan for his opinions, he opened the lid and suddenly a fiery and pure scent, like the glow of dawn, reflected in all at once. Human eyes.

Receiving the old man and the assistants and bodyguards around, could not help but be amazed again. Such pearly treasures are really wonderful.

Even the brutal master and Lydia, who had been silent for a while, were amazed by the scene in front of her. After all, the hearing of the ears is quite different from the shock of the eyes.

Not to mention Lydia, even if she is cruelty to the master, all the property adds up, but that's it.

Fifty kilograms of fire pulp, that is 50,000 magic crystal coins, 1.5 billion gold coins!

"Cut, you ignorant people, this wealth is shocked? Tell you, these are just my boss' pocket money, drizzle, if my boss's worth is really going to show up, you must not be scared to death it's here?"

Lord Chew, who had previously seen the big scene with Wang Yan, also received a lot of rewards. At this time, he was given the opportunity to immediately promote his power in front of the crowd.

These black market service staff are completely convinced from the inside out. The faces that are now pleasing to laugh are almost full of folds, one by one, after getting busy, holding the mount, serving the chair, pouring the drink, serving snacks ... … I am afraid that a poor entertainer will annoy this rich man who has never seen them in his life.

"Demon, Lord Moyan, I can't think of you being so rich, the heartbeat of the slave and slave family is accelerating. You, come and take a look ..."

After learning about Wang Yan's worth, the cruel county master became more and more rippling in body and mind. Holding Wang Yan's hand, Wang Yan was asked to check his heartbeat, but in the end, it was obviously rejected by Wang Yan.

But she was not annoyed, but became more and more happy. She never imagined that the value of her magic flame Lord was so rich, this is simply the typical rich second generation, high and handsome!

And not only high, not only rich, not only handsome, but also particularly powerful and courageous.

Now there are 50,000 magic crystal coins for pocket money alone. If all the net worth add up, how much will it have? Coupled with his mysterious family situation, and even the future potential, how much?


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