The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1355: Exchange me fifty kilograms

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"His Royal Highness Lord, Demon Flame, if you want to enter the black market and the gladiator area, each person needs to exchange at least ten gold coins for trading chips. If you want to enter the lowest slave transaction, you need to exchange at least one magic crystal transaction. code."

The receptionist rubbed his hands humbly and said with apologetic expression, "I hope the two His Highness will forgive me. This is also a rule in the industry, and the villain has no way."

The need to exchange transaction chips is a way of protecting transactions, preventing some people from photographing items, or failing to pay the bills after verbally buying or selling, or running away, resulting in irreparable losses in the transaction.

Similarly, the exchange of trading chips is also a selection of customers.

To enter the largest central black market in the city of Liuhuo, you must first be an aristocrat, or at least an official, and your economic ability is the best sign. Otherwise, the biggest black market in this capital city will never take you to play.

Otherwise, ordinary civilians are not only incapable of spending here, but they are more likely to add chaos after entering. If they annoy a big person, they will also be involved in the black market. Therefore, in general, the black market with a little quality assurance will make a preliminary economic judgment on customers.

Of course, some small black markets built in civilian areas do not have so many basic amounts to be exchanged.

Some fish-and-dragon black markets don't even need trading codes at all, but if they trade in that kind of black market, it means that there is no guarantee, and it's not a little. It's not money, but life.

"Gold coins? Magic crystal coins?" Wang Yan heard the explanation from the reception old man and couldn't help but question.

The reception old man was stunned for a while. Obviously, he didn't understand Wang Yan's meaning. He thought that this adult would not understand what gold coins and magic crystal coins are.

"Old guy, what a stun, my old nature is asking you, our exchange rate in the Great Fire City."

The confusing lord fox fake Huwei glared at the reception old man, and then filled himself with a piece of blue diamond crystal with the size of a dollar coin embossed on it, and handed it to Wang Yan sideways, "Boss, this is Magic Crystal Coin. "

However, he didn't pretend to be a local tyrant for more than three seconds, he grinned, as if he was afraid of being heard, he leaned over to Wang Yan, and whispered and laughed: "Hey, that boss, you know that I am poor ... , I only have this magic crystal coin, I am afraid I can't exchange your transaction code for you, but you can find my sister, she is especially rich. "

Wang Yan gave a helpless look in confusion, and secretly thought this guy had mixed up to the present level.

But before waiting for Wang Yan to speak, the old man was received there, and he quickly reported: "Master Demon Flame, you are a VIP from abroad, you may not know. The villain will tell us the currency exchange rate of the great city of Huohu. clear."

"According to the currency regulations of Hell General Business, the exchange rate of our base currency is the same, one gold coin is equivalent to one hundred silver coins, and one silver coin is equivalent to one hundred copper coins. However, the magic crystal coin is a higher currency and worth Linked to fire pulp, the price occasionally fluctuates. At present, a magic crystal coin is worth about one gram of fire pulp, which is equal to about 3,000 gold coins. "

When the old man said this, Wang Yan understood.

Since he came to hell, he has been doing prestige and blessings, squeezing his younger brother, and there is no need to use currency at all. Now he can roughly understand the use of Hell's world currency and the relevant exchange rates with other countries on the earth.

According to what he sums up now, Hell World also uses rare metals, gold, silver, and copper as ordinary general equivalents.

This is also the result of historical selection.

Although there are abundant minerals here, beautiful gold, silver, and copper are also precious metals, and they play an important role in sacrifices and refining. This is their value.

In addition, these metals are inert metals, that is, they hardly react with other elements, which means that they will still look like now after a thousand years, which is also one of the key factors for these metals to become **** currency. .

Therefore, after historical screening, gold, silver, and copper became the materials of the basic currency here.

This also makes it easy to understand why some sorcerer sorcerers on earth usually need to prepare a lot of gold and silver treasures in order to exchange power with the **** demon, or ask the **** demon to kill.

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts grind, but now it seems really not a joke. It can be said that as long as there is enough money, the devil can kill you for you.

However, after a brief analysis and conversion by Wang Yan, it was found that the value of the Hell World's basic currency is still a little different from the coins of his motherland on the earth.

For example, a silver coin with a full weight is worth about one hundred dollars here, and a gold coin is worth about ten thousand. As for the smaller copper coins, and the units below the copper coins, those are only the currencies that the poor will use. Wang Yan's identity and status are no longer used, and he has not made too many calculations.

According to his current understanding, an ordinary young man serving as a reception assistant in Liuhuo City does not count as a tip a year, and the normal salary income is only three to four gold coins. If you add some tips, you can already count as middle-income among ordinary residents.

If it is some poor serf who depend on farming, gathering and running around, they will have less income in a year.

Therefore, the basic currency of the **** world has great value among ordinary residents. If you can have a dozen or so gold coins, it is already a lot of money.

However, it is different to receive the magic crystal coin in the mouth of the old man, which is a high currency used by the upper class.

The magic crystal coin comes from a natural energy deposit. Hell is a world full of elemental auras. Therefore, a natural energy crystal will be produced. It is like a jade or gemstone on our earth. It is not only beautiful in appearance, but also full of Pure energy.

Therefore, the magic crystal can not only be used as a transaction, but also provide users with pure energy when it is urgently needed. However, once the energy inside the magic crystal is absorbed, the magic crystal coin will naturally lose its value.

So over time, this rare energy crystal was refined and processed by people, and finally became a higher currency circulating in the upper class.

The exchange price of this higher currency is also quite different from that of ordinary currency.

For example, within the realm of Purgatory Demon Clan, the energy contained in a magic crystal coin is approximately equivalent to one gram of fire pith. This is also the unit of measurement after Wang Yan ’s translation conversion. He is still used to using the earth ’s unit of measurement. It is the standard of measurement.

Fire pith is a necessity for fire creatures to advance in cultivation, which also lays its universal value in the purgatory demon race.

Residents in the purgatory of the Infernal Demon Realm have a great need for fire materials such as fire pulp, and need to purchase fire pulp from other places. This requires the use of a common currency, which is the magic crystal coin.

Residents of other territories, if they want to buy the precious items they need, also need to use magic crystal coins as the unit of measurement.

The magic crystal coin is constantly spreading within the realm of the three demon gods. And it is directly linked to the exchange price of ordinary currency and the market price of the energy essence of fire pith. It has very stable stability and belongs to hard currency.

"A magic crystal coin equals one gram of fire pith?" Wang Yan touched his chin, thought for a moment, and raised his hand and pulled out a large box from the storage bracelet, which was thrown in front of the old man: " This is the flame. I want to exchange it for fifty kilograms. "


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