The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1310: uninvited guest

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All around, as if suddenly quiet down.

Just relaxed and harmonious, but also full of a warm atmosphere of the dinner party, was suddenly broken by the brutal voice downstairs. The sudden atmosphere that followed was full of unpleasant disgust.

Wang Yan didn't speak, but frowned slightly, and stopped eating.

But the brutal master of the county did not do it anymore, and the pair of charming eyes were full of anger, hoping that the past would immediately kill and vent their anger.

You ca n’t blame her. What are you talking about now? Why is it so hard for her to think of a man?

Even if there is a blind lord who is not eye-opening, there are still people trying to break into the room where they are. What's wrong with the boss Coles here? Does he want to open this club?

"Go away, leave me off!"

"No matter who he is above, the Lord Yamena on the top floor wants it today!"

At this time, there was another violent shout and cry, and then you could hear the sound of three pairs of wings dancing.

It seems that the people here are three noble purgatory demon clan, and they did not even ride the floating platform, directly flapped their wings and flew up.


The confessed lord spit out half of his bones, touched the side axe, and stood up angrily.

"I'm going to see, what an **** who doesn't know what to do, dare to disturb the dinner of the lord and the boss!" The cursed lord scolded the tiger and walked up and down the aisle.

However, as soon as he reached the edge of the passage, a fiery fist hit him head-on.

The pupils of the Confusing Lord shrank, but he didn't expect it at all. The courage of the coming person was so big and so arrogant. He robbed him and his boss, Ya, without saying a word, and even fist at him without saying a word, this behavior really made him angry and annoyed.

However, this fist seems to be easy to hit, in fact, it is violent and overbearing, with a fiery temper, showing a momentum of unprecedented momentum.

Confused like a big enemy, it was too late to think about it, so he had to hold the axe in both hands, blocking the face of the axe in front of him, and took the blow hard.

Just listen to the muffled sound of "Dang"!

The heavy fist hit the axe face, the heavy force, the shocking confessed lord Hukou had a pain, and he leaned back.

There was no way, the other party was fierce, the momentum was strong, and the confusion and rush had no time to resist, so he had to jump backwards. When he landed, the three tall and powerful figures flew up from the passage respectively.

Three figures, one red, one blue and one dark.

The cyan man was tall and thin, but he was covered with joints and covered with short, sharp bone spurs, and a pair of vagina's fierce eyes were even more terrifying than the vicious vulture.

The figure was dark and shiny, like a solidified scorched black lava figure, tall and thick, with a fierce and brutal expression, like a beast made of rock.

However, these two purgatory demon clan, no matter how powerful, they are far inferior to the flame-like crimson figure in the middle.

In the middle, this red flame glowing like a flame, and a delicate flaming red armor set his body tall and powerful. Under the armor, the clear and beautiful muscle lines are full of heart-twitching power, as if every move shows a faint explosive force.

His eyes were as high as a king, and he was perfectly natural.

His eyes flicked carelessly, and the confusing lord's face suddenly turned pale.

The coming person is no other, it is the three sons of Chilian Demon King, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan!

They are all brothers of the Lord of Red Confusion. Among them, the eldest son Lord Lord of the Red Chi, is most loved by the Red Demon King, and he was identified as the heir of the Devil King's throne early, and the future Crown Prince of the Devil King!

The eldest son Chilie also lived up to the expectations of Chilian Demon King, and his sturdy strength is just like that of Chilian Demon King. None of his three brothers and a younger sister is beyond their control.

With his powerful power, even in the entire Demon King's collar, he is the leader. Especially when the three sons got together, they were so inspiring and arrogant. The residents of the entire Demon Colleague can be said to be discouraged by the wind, and no one dared to be rebellious in the slightest.

The Scarlet Demon King was almost used as a pastime by these three elder brothers and bullied him all the year round. At this time, even after decades, when I met again, the shadow left in his heart still made him instinctively stunned. Especially Chilie, the eldest son of the devil, made him feel deep fear.

Lord Chilie also saw the red puzzlement at a glance, and then the corner of his mouth slightly upturned, carelessly and gently said: "I thought it was the thing with no long eyes, it turned out to be your waste, and became the way of the Lord."

Swept by Chi Lie's eyes, Chi Dao immediately felt a powerful and powerful coercion, and he instantly filled him. Coupled with the shadow of his childhood, he gripped the palm of his battle axe with sweat.

However, he was determined to do something important with the boss, so he took a deep breath, settled his emotions, summoned the courage, and negotiated: "This class of elegant rooms has already been covered by me and the boss, and I hope the three brothers, Can give Chi a face and move away. "


As soon as the confessed Lord made this remark, the three demon kings all laughed together, as if they heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"Give you a face? When will your family face shame? Hahaha ... It's a joke!" Second son Chi Gu couldn't help but sneer, "If it weren't for your mother's death in front of our demon palace , Will our father include you in his name? "

"That's it! Hehehe ... our great Chilian family, there is no such waste at all!" Sanzi Chiyan, even more chuckled, "And you will have a boss like this waste? Who will collect it?" You waste like a younger brother? "

There was another mockery.

It is no wonder that Chidu is an illegitimate child. He was born in a slum area in the early years and struggled to survive with his mother. It has never been recognized. Since childhood, he has grown slowly and his strength is very low. Compared with the orthodox heir of the devil born with the golden soup spoon, it is really a world apart.

Even if his mother was forced to die later, he was barely accepted, but at that time, his strength with these devil princes was already a little bit worse, and naturally he was not taken seriously.

So that from top to bottom, no one put him in the eyes. The three demon kings regarded him as the object of pastime and pleasure, and there was no dignity to talk about.

So far, in the eyes of their devil prince, in the eyes of their devil princes, the deceived lords are still just the light of their fathers, and they have only become the untouchables of today's status.

"You, you are too much!"

Where did the cruel county master endure these elder brothers who did bad things to her? "Shit" stood up and said angrily, "This place has been taken down by the master of this county. You have come to make trouble! Are you like this brother?"


"Little girl?"

"Why are you here?"

The three demon princes frowned as they heard the sound and turned to look. I saw that in the dining area, the brutal master was standing on his hips, sullenly facing them.

Behind her, a tall and mighty demon youth full of kingly spirits was sitting on the chair, and Ling Ran was domineering between the eyebrows.


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