The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1309: Did n’t you see that Miss Ben was licking the man?

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"Guru ..."

Wang Yan sniffed the smell of flesh floating in the air, his stomach could not help but rumbling.

Many days ago, after enjoying the fleshy, delicious and juicy charcoal-grilled squirrel meat, it had been a long time since I had eaten anything good.

The inhabitants of Hell World do not need three meals a day like humans, they also need to eat, but the rest time is obviously different from humans.

Wang Yan has now turned into an authentic purgatory demon. With daily rush, the daily rest time is almost the same as that of other inhabitants of Hell. Rest and replenishment will only be provided when camping and rest every night.

So now see the table full of various dishes, some index finger can not help but move.

"Miss Sheriff, and two other lords, the dishes have been prepared, please use it slowly."

The two eagle-lady maids, kneeling down on the other end of the table glamorously, saluted Wang Yan and others.

At this time, Wang Yanduan was sitting on a soft and luxurious leather sofa, and the succubus was serving next to him, and the Lord of Red Confusion and Lord of Red Abuse were sitting on his left and right.

As for the four demon generals who entered the city with the tyrannical county master, as soon as they entered the city, they were put on vacation by the tyrannical tyranny trying to do something intimate with Wang Yan. .

"We don't need to serve, let's go down." Wang Yan raised his eyes casually, and then sent off the two eagles.

"Yes, Lord Lord." The Hawk Lady bowed her head again to salute, then jumped slightly, opened her arms, and glid lightly and elegantly from the floating platform passage behind her.

Looking at the departing Hawks, the confusing lord shook his head again and again, regretting.

There is no way. The Lord of Abuse is a wealthy rich man. With her as the owner, he can only have a chance to come to the Mysterious Nest ~ Nest, this top club.

Therefore, this ill-prepared rich man firmly refused to allow the maid to serve, what other way could he be confused? Does he have the money to spend here?

However, he has already seen the benefits of the Hawks, and he has secretly made up his mind that this time, if he gets a big vote with the boss, he will definitely buy a nest of Hawks and go back to be the bride!

"Senior Demon Flame, no one will bother us now. The slave family respects you for a drink." The brutal county master smiled and raised his glass, and his body was taking the opportunity to lean against Wang Yan.

The wine glass here is made of natural glazed stone, then melted and cast by high temperature fire. The different colors of natural glaze are quenched and blended here. Finally, dozens of complex processes such as water purification, quenching, polishing, and polishing are completed. .

Such a complicated and exquisite craft is quite time-consuming, and at this time, under the warm **** fire lamp, such a cup lamp seems to have vitality and exudes dazzling brilliance.

If this is placed on the earth, such a cup is definitely a piece of art that sells at a high price. Even in hell, ordinary lords may not be able to own such a luxurious tableware. Only some expensive nobles can use this luxury tableware as a general item.

Looking at the pure orange liquor in the glass, Wang Yan raised his lips slightly, and touched the glass with the brutal master: "Then thank you for your kindness."

This is a kind of honey wine brewed by mixing rye and insect honey. It has the taste of beer, with a sweet taste, but it is as vigorous as spirits.

With a cup of rye honey wine, the feeling of hotness and relaxation, along the esophagus, slipped into the abdomen, and then a sense of comfort that made the pores expand, suddenly emerged.

It is indeed better to use this kind of rye honey wine coexisting with fiery heat as a relaxing drink in leisure time.

"Hah ~" Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh, "This wine is really good!"

"Giggle, isn't it? Lord Moyan likes it." The Abominable Lord looked at Wang Yan's handsome face, seeing Wang Yan exhausted, and immediately took the jug to fill it. At the same time, he also picked up the tableware and cut a piece of fresh and juicy beast meat for Wang Yan, and handed it to the plate in front of Wang Yan.

"Huh? It's delicious. What kind of meat is this?" Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and praised deliciously.

Although the world of **** looks savage and rugged, because of its multi-ethnic and multi-ingredient ingredients, the cooking skills here are unique and very different from the tastes and practices on earth.

The cuisine here perfectly preserves the layering of the food's origin, and at the same time is full of warm and pure aftertaste. It is very refreshing and satisfying. Once tasted, it will definitely make people coveted.

"Giggle, is it delicious?" The tyrannical county master raised his cheek with one hand, and looked at Wang Yan with beautiful eyes. "This is the raw and fried bear paw, which is the forefoot of the hilly bear, and then the underground. The lava was cooked and cooked, and finally sprinkled with the pyrogenic salt that is only in the magma layer ... how about? Is the taste authentic? "

"Good, wrong." Wang Yan nodded appreciatively.

He has not been able to eat decent food for a long time since he came to hell, from improving his strength, maintaining the plane base station, and fighting against the master of Yanhu, and trekking all the way to the present.

This is a rare opportunity to taste exotic delicacies with a completely different style, and he will naturally not be polite. You don't have to be servanted by brutality and succubus now, so enjoy it yourself.

"Hehehe, my demon flame master, please eat slowly, come and try this." The lord of the Abuse County covered his lips and smiled, watching Wang Yan enjoy the delicious food, his expression was very satisfying.

She was like a little girl who had just fallen in love. Her eyes were blurred and intoxicated. It seemed that there were only two of her and Wang Yan in the world, the confusing lord on the side, and a succubus. It seems.

The confusing lord who was left aside felt that he was forced to sip dog food.

He is full of black lines in his head, and his heart is miserable, is he not confusing? He was a big living person, why didn't anyone notice his feelings?

He secretly glanced at the boss and saw that Wang Yan was hugging each other, one of the best succubus, and the other was still reluctant to look at his sister. As for himself, it would be impossible to call the two Hawks.

Sad, sad, lamentable!

"Alas!" A long sigh, really people are more dead than people.

The confusing lord felt more lonely and empty, and had to vent his dissatisfaction to the food in front of him.

In one bite, a strange fish, which is uglier than the Ankang fish on the earth, chewed in a golden mouth with bone and flesh. It's not fun to go, "Goodong", he killed a large glass of rye honey wine, and his cries were refreshing and he was sore.

The brutal lord was coldly disturbed by his annoying crossbrows and turned his eyes straight. Inwardly, I even scolded again and again: Do you not see that Miss Ben is licking a man with this long eyed confusion? Can you have a bit of vision and get away quickly?

Most of the food in Hell is full-bodied, full of taste and nutrition.

Wang Yan was eating well himself, and of course he did not forget to ask the two younger brothers in Xinliantai when he was about to call out the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab.

A rough and screaming shout came from downstairs, "What is there already? Let them hurry down to Lao Tzu!"


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