The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1295: Lord of the Flame Flame

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"Giggle ... rest assured, I can't give up your life, I will cherish you so that you can't escape the palm of the county master forever and forever!"

The flowery branches of the brutal prince laughed, and there was even more obscene spring feelings, but he sighed slightly, "It's a pity, I don't know your name, I will have a lot of fun later."

"Why? My name matters?"

Compared with the enthusiasm of the brutal prince, Wang Yan remained as cold as ever. A pair of slightly sloppy eyes immediately moved casually to the prince's face.

"Important, of course. A male pet without a name and an unknown identity will lose a lot of fun. Knowing your identity, the master of the county has a lot of tricks to entertain you."

The Brutal Lord turned around with excitement, "What? My little brother changed his mind and told me your name?"

"In fact, don't worry, just keep the mystery, let the county master play enough, and tell the county master is not too late." The brutal county master licked the tip of his tongue, reaching out to touch Wang Yan's strong chest.

But at this moment, a layer of translucent bright glory suddenly rose on Wang Yan's body!

"Why, what's going on?"

The Brutal Sovereign was taken aback, and subconsciously took a step back, and then saw a translucent energy film, which began to appear on the man.

If only a protective energy layer appears, or some kind of enchantment is normal, but this layer of translucency in front of him, even the poison whip long whip that can't be shaken around him, has been stretched out by half an inch!

This is an exaggeration. You must know that this poisonous Jiao long whip, but the ultimate holy weapon that her father Chilian Demon King added to her, accompanied by Chilian Demon King for many years, and later passed into her hands. Never lost a hand!

In front of this young man, he, how did he do it?

"Miss's holy weapon ... was resisted?"

"This, how is this possible!"

The four demon generals suddenly stunned, and behind them a large number of barbarians were even more upset.

Needless to say, those barbarian soldiers, but these four demon generals have seen it with their own eyes, how did the Red Demon Demon King use this superb holy weapon to kill the enemy. Later, it spread to the hands of the brutal prince, who used it even more, and did not know how to torture the youths of all ethnic groups who had too many teenagers but had little promise.

Even the legendary Purgatory Demon Clan, after being subdued by this poisonous jellyfish whip, was tortured to death and had nothing to do with it. Even the four generals themselves were helpless.

Unexpectedly, this demon kid who didn't know where he came from, even easily supported the poison whip long whip.

What are you kidding? !

"Old, Boss!" Lord Chew was originally desperate in his heart, but the amazing scene in front of him made him stunned. Then he cheered with the barbarian soldiers behind him.

My boss, even with this method, is really amazing!

"Ahem, this **** had long expected this to be the result." The three-legged Jinwu had a trace of worry, and was instantly swept away. Instead, he turned back to look like an uncle, and looked at Chi Chi with contempt, humming, "Xiao Chi, look at you, just like that timid and fearful thing, this God is shameful for you! Follow the boss and the gods, are you still afraid of not eating good fruit? "

He sighed in the end, "Oh, I knew I had gambled with you, I wasted a good opportunity."

"Yes, yes, what the three-legged bird taught is that the next time I see my dear father, I won't counsel!" The confessed lord wiped his forehead and ended with a smile, "But what is a gamble? This crisis At this juncture, is there any good bet? "

"The more this time, the more you need, you will know later." The succubus on the mount is also a slight sigh of charming, "Unfortunately, unfortunately, otherwise you will definitely make a fortune."

Speaking, his eyes were still glanced at Chidu, and only Chichu saw his hair straight.

He thought to himself, what happened to the bosses? All the old gods are there, especially looking at him and the people in the opposite side, just like looking at a fool. He is confused and the other people in the opposite group, so stupid?

It's really scary.

"No, it's impossible! You, what tricks did you use, how could you break free of the poison whip?"

The brutal master who had been holding the winning ticket was finally flustered. Her pretty face couldn't hold on to her previous pride anymore, her eyes panicked, and she even grabbed some unknown decision, constantly strengthening her control and power over the poison whip.

"Huh, gimmick? Drive a holy weapon, and think you can trap us?" Wang Yan sneered contemptuously and began to walk towards the cruelty. "Don't you want to know my name?"

"I will tell you now."

"From this moment, my name is Mo Yan."

"I, will be a unique monarch on this land!"

During the speech, the energy barrier on the surface of Wang Yan's body began to become clearer and clearer, and the long whip of the poison Jiao was extended away, and it became larger and larger. And his whole body was expanding rapidly at this moment, and the flames that the layers of the poison whip undoubtedly inhibited were rising from the gaps that were constantly open.

He is like a demon who has been about to die, and the scepter of the world, the solemn domineering momentum, is almost like a storm, straight into the hearts of the people.

Watching him walk towards him step by step, the cold hairs of the lord of the Abuse County all stood up, and his whole body could not help shaking.

She never thought that the young man was so terrible!

She thinks that even if she faces a demigod devil alone, she may not have such a strong feeling of fear, but what is going on with this man in front of her? The severity of this coercion is even worse than that of the devil!

"Magic, Lord Lord of Flames?"

Bock commander's eyes widened, his eyes filled with bewilderment, "I, how come I have never heard the name?"

The same is true of the other three demon generals, all of whom are surprised and look at each other.

"Lord Flame Lord? You, who of you have heard of this title?"

"Is it ... heir of a descendant of a parliamentary elder?"

"Isn't it? Those council elders are all aristocrats who substitute the will of Satan, who has always lived in a simple way, only serving around the devil, how can heirs be left outside?"

"No? It's not a descendant of the council elders. Isn't it a relative son of Lord Demon God? Look at his bloodline, his strength, and his spirit. Which one can compare with ordinary lords?"

The four Mozu generals realized that Wang Yan's true power was a bit panic. One sentence for you, one sentence for me. After discussing it, I felt more and more that Wang Yan's origin was not simple, and the sweat on his forehead came out.

A large number of barbarians behind them are still tight, so they dare not make trouble.

Just kidding, if they guessed right, then the young Mozu youth in front of them is definitely not something they can afford!


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