The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1294: This county mainly accepts you

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"Ah, it is indeed a powerful holy weapon ..." The bird mouth of the three-legged Jinwu listened slightly, secretly stunned.

The property of this poison whip whip is indeed strong enough, but ...

It's just that the more it sounds, the more it feels that after it was wearing a green hat, Miao Yi and her husband secretly filled it with poisonous wine?

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Three-legged Jinwu was recalled again, crying without tears.

Beside it, the succubus and the hairy crab below are also a thoughtful look.

Hearing the confusing lords to say so, they did realize that this long whip was indeed a trivial matter. From the standpoint of being incapable of being destroyed by humans, as well as the characteristics of fierce poison and paralysis, it is a great weapon for enemy defense.

Now that the boss is careless, being in the pit of the brutal county may be a bit troublesome.

"Alas, my father Chilian Demon King, when he was a **** lord, was relying on this superb treasure, I do n’t know how many companions and enemies have died, and even in the **** conference, because of this weapon, let him Break through many obstacles and make an appearance in one fell swoop. "

The deluded Lord grimaced with a complex face, and said, "Later, my father was named the Demigod Demon King. This superb treasure is naturally less useful. But he passed it on to his favorite little one. The daughter, my sister, is brutal.

Although the Red Refining Demon King is a purgatory demon clan, it can also talk about a love house and black like the earth. The abuser ’s mother is his favorite succubus favorite, plus the excellent abuse of the abuser ’s natural lineage and cleverness. In the future, he will certainly be able to win a lot of advantages for the red refining demon king in the struggle for power. Chilian Devil's favorite.

Therefore, when the cruel county master became an adult, the Red Demon King passed this superb treasure that had followed him for many years to the cruel torment.

One can give self-defense to the abuse, and the other is also in line with some hobbies of the abuse, it seems to be tailor-made for the abuse.

"So everyone, don't hesitate, I went to save the boss, and then let's go quickly." The leader of Chidu was a little frustrated. Anyway, his face was thick enough. At that time, he would beg for this younger sister to let the boss go. If you lose money, the other party will at least focus on your fellow countrymen.

The deceitful lord who had been bullied and bullied from childhood grew up with a stubborn temper that immediately caused the succubus and the three-legged Jinwu to frown, and even the hairy crabs spit out bubbles one after another.

But before they spoke, there was a brutal and charming laughter in front of them.

"Giggle, scared, your family's shame still has a little vision, but now you want to go? It's too late!" Chi's hot body, under the short and scarlet mini-warm skirt, alluring buttocks are very hot.

Taking a lazy pace, she walked step by step to Wang Yan trapped in the long dragon whip, and sneered with evil eyes, "You guys who don't know life and death, dare to mess with the master of this county, where come Courage? "

Turning around coldly, he stared at the confusing lord fiercely.

The confusing lord suddenly sweated, and a large number of barbarian soldiers behind him were silent, and I didn't know what to do.

The brutal master is notoriously cruel, don't look at her beautiful appearance, but her inner distortion can't be said, especially some quirky hobbies, it's outrageous.

So far, the young talent who was seduced by her and finally died in her hands, I don't know how many. Even the legendary strongman fell into her hands and was only tortured to death.

In addition, there is a father of the demon who is behind his back. Her name is the entire devil's collar. No one knows it. The fear of her is sometimes even faster than the fear of the devil.

Now the boss fell into her hands, and the terrible end, they could not imagine. Perhaps even those who are besieged by them have nothing to eat.

"Hee hee, I have to say that I am confusing your wasteful eyes. It's really not good. Look at your boss, look at his figure, his temperament, his masculinity ..." Looking, the greedy inch looked at Wang Yan Jianshuo's body, and finally could not help but whispered, "Perfect, really perfect, I have never seen such a perfect and charming man ..."

She looked more and more fascinated. She was far away before, but she felt that this young Demon man was very powerful and overbearing, but she didn't expect to go closer.

She seemed to be admiring a piece of art. She turned around Wang Yan in a cute and charming way. Her fingers gently crossed Wang Yan ’s chest. The warm and good smell from Wang Yan made her heart beat. Can't help but accelerate.

"Fuck! You, you bitch, no no ... you are not allowed to touch my boss! You have some skills, you come to me!"

Although Lord Chew was a little timid and weak, but with Wang Yan for a long time, his inner spirit gradually came out. Seeing the cruelty of mischief, he took a sip to the ground, pointed at the other party, and stuttered.

As a result, his voice just fell, and the four demon generals, the older one, raised their hands and fanned out of thin air.


With a "snap" sound, the air wave fanned from the side immediately stunned the unpredictable lord.

"Cough, confusing, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger, and you dare to ask even the male favorite of the master of this county?"

The bitter teeth of the deluded lord hated, but under the pressure of identity and power, he was breathless in his heart and could not speak.

Seeing Chidu eat and deflate, Chibuji County Master was in a good mood, turned his face again, and found Wang Yanzheng looking at her calmly.

The fierce poison on the poison whip's long whip, constantly eroding his real fire, the thick blue smoke "booming" rising, but he never changed his face, even calmly, this manly calm, just It was like a potion of potions, which caused the torture to heat up and fall over.

"Oh ... What a charming masculinity, you are such a perfect man." The voice of the Brutal Sovereign trembles, as if with eyes filled with spring water, full of irresistible enthusiasm.

"I was planning to ask for your name and consider whether to start with you. But now there are not so many directors in this county. No matter what force you come from, the county master will put you in the pocket and let you live forever and forever. The exclusive male pet of the Lord! "

"Giggle, the lord of this county has never had a perfect male pet like you! This junior eats you inch by inch, and wants you to ..."

The cruel master of the Abuse said more and more excited, and the methods of **** he spoke out became more horrible and frightening.

The four demon generals behind her, as well as a large number of barbarian soldiers, listened to each other with excitement and excitement, as if they were waiting for the opening of the show, they were very enthusiastic.

On the contrary, the deluded lord and the two thousand barbarian soldiers behind him were downcast and depressed, and a dangling heart fell to the bottom at this moment.


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