The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1265: Can fight in groups, never single

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The Master of the Lake of Fire has long been unable to hit this, and the Purgatory Demon Race, which is even more annoying than the fly, is annoyed.

At this moment, he couldn't hit it. He took a breath and opened his mouth as a condensed lava fire column, spitting toward Wang Yan who couldn't dodge in front of him.


This lava fire column, like a high-temperature laser, crossed the sky, even the air twisted and trembling.

Wang Yan, who was flying in the air, had just recovered the thrown out Warhammer. At this time, he had no time to evade. He had to raise the Warhammer and hit the lava fire column.

Just listen, "bang" a loud noise.

Wang Yan attacked the fire with fire, struggling hard, and with a strong explosive force, he even blasted the lava fire column spewed out by the Yanhu master.

The sky of lava fire and rain spread immediately across the sky. The crimson clouds of smoke and fire followed the tumbling.

The cunning Yanhu ruler, six compound eyes flashed a bit of fierceness, immediately turned over and flicked the tail, the sharp tail sword, passed through the fire fog, and went straight to Wang Yan.

"Jin Jie, the arrogant demons, die!"

In the harsh harsh laughter of the Yanhu Lake, time seems to be instantly still!

The pointed long-tailed sword that cut through the sky is composed of exoskeletons that look like insect limbs. As it stretches in the air, a dark red stripe appears on the outer layer of the carapace, revealing a thick Thick **** murderous.

Even the surrounding space becomes as if it will be torn at any time because of its powerful power.

It is self-evident that this incomparably powerful killer, let alone an aircraft carrier, is a high mountain made of steel. It is estimated that it will be penetrated by one blow.

And Wang Yan is no more than a flesh and blood body, but now there is no more set of armor, how can it be able to resist this penetration piercing?

Under the sky, the barbarian soldiers widened their eyes one by one, and they felt the air they breathed seemed to freeze with it.

In this crisis situation, can your boss really stop it?

Not only these little ones, but Wang Yan himself also contracted his eyes and sucked in cold air.

Underworld, Yanhu dominates the demon monster of the demigod level. This fighting ability is simply breathtaking. A powerful force seems to be inexhaustible. Compared with the Black Death Demon Venerage he had encountered before, he even reborn Ampei Qingming is much more tyrannical.

Black Devil Venerable and Ampei Qingming, although they are demigods, are mostly seriously injured or have died for many years. It took a lot of effort to regenerate, and their strength is far from the peak.

At that time, Wang Yan, with the help of his partners and wonderful tactics, defeated them skillfully. But the Yanhu Lake in front of him is completely different.

The Yanhu Master is strong and powerful, and is at its peak. Every move is full of surging power. It is definitely not comparable to the Black Death Demon Venerable and Ampei Qingming.

If it was Wang Yan before, there was no chance of winning against it except running away.

However, now Wang Yan is not the same as before, and the cards in his hand are one by one.

Right now, the tail sword dominated by Yanhu galloped towards Wang Yan. And Wang Yan just smashed the magma column that dominated the blast at the Yanyan Lake. The old force is gone, the new force is not born, and it is too late to resist it again. At the same time, his actions have been firmly locked by the spirit dominated by Yanhu, and he can't even escape.

In this case, if placed in the past, Wang Yan will still be hit hard even if he wears the armor of the Demon God's avatar.

But now, Wang Yan immediately thought about it, and a mysterious and simple mirror like copper and non-copper appeared in front of him.

It was Wang Yan who had seized one of Dongying's three sub-artifacts from An Pei Qingming before, which was comparable to the eighth mirror of the tears of the stars!


With a whisper, in front of the mirror, a huge and magnificent force raged outwards, and a layer of translucent energy bounds like water mist immediately appeared.

The tail sword dominated by Yanhu instantly hit this energy boundary, making a loud noise.

The powerful impact force brought Wang Yan to the mirror with people, and the shock was flying out like a cannonball, but the semi-transparent energy enchantment in midair was so powerful that it was immobile!


Wang Yan slammed into the ground with his arms, and smashed the solid lava layer directly.

Halfway through, he crawled out of the magma under the deep pit.

Shaking his head, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his armor was too powerful. Except for some dizziness, he was physically injured. And the fusion of the blood of the demon god, not only quickly healed all minor injuries on his body, but also the inferior affinity of the element of **** fire, but also quickly replenish his lost power.

All of this is his courage to challenge the master of Yanhu. Of course, what surprises him even more is that this hand in hand is really powerful.

The enchantment built by Bajijing is really incomparable, and even monsters of this level dominated by Yanhu can't be broken in one blow!


Above, the master of Yanhu suddenly gave a roar, waved a pair of giant pliers, and rammed in a row, which broke the entire enchantment.


As the energy fragments scattered, the Yanhu Master slowly fell to the ground.

"Small Purgatory Demon Race, you are indeed powerful, but you are not my opponent." Its six green eyes stared at Wang Yan fiercely, and said fiercely, "Hurry up and leave me, otherwise it will be today Your death! "

It is not unreasonable for the cunning Yanhu to be able to live to the present in the world of **** with weak flesh and strong food, and ascend to the demigod, and occupy the dominant position in this Yanhu.

In front of me, this little purgatory demon clan can actually fight against it with legendary strength. Now, how much blood must it have in order to have such a powerful strength?

With the endless array of weapons and equipment, there are three artifacts in a single shot. How strong must the background be in order to be luxurious? Even if the actual owner of this area, the total relics of the Red Refining Demon King, add up to three secondary artifacts, right?

This is still clear. Looking behind the posture of the purgatory demon, it is not clear how many cards are hidden.

It is not a fool that is dominated by Yanhu. This demon kid can have such a strong strength, such an artifact, I am afraid that it is not the devil's son? It dares to provoke the demon king, but the devil does not dare to anger.

You know, in hell, the three demon gods are the supreme beings that override everything. Once the devil is irritated, whether you are the devil or other powerful creatures, the end is absolutely terrible, and the entire **** will be nowhere to hide.

In front of him, this purgatory demon clan, even if it has only a slight relationship with the demon god, does not dare to provoke it easily.

"Oh, Yanhu dominates you and you are really tough, and deserves to be an old monster of the devil level."

Wang Yan sneered, one-handed, and the childish warhammer flew back into his hands again, "but I never said I would single you out."

The words did not fall, and the four helpers who reached the legendary level flew to his left and right.


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