The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1264: let's go! Childish Warhammer

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With the sound of trembling flames, Wang Yan already had a thick and simple warhammer in his hand.

The flames on the Warhammer, the childish spirits that have been in the Warhammer for a long time, like a small person composed of flames, drilled out of the flames.

It spread its arms and took a breath of the surrounding air, as if the rich elements of **** fire around it, it doubled its strength and felt comfortable.

Then when he saw Wang Yan's fighting intentions, he immediately understood that the master was going to fight with it, and immediately made a pair of open teeth and claws. Despite the opening, the mother who warned him to beat it did not know!


Wang Yan communicated with his heart, and naturally understood its meaning, so after exaggerating it, he pulled his arm to accumulate energy, swung his arm, and slammed the warhammer downward.

"Since that is the case, hurry and kill it!"

The firearm spirit is naturally inexcusable, except that it is so majestic that when it rushes down angrily, it is suddenly scared by the monsters below.

The monster like a worm is almost as big as a hill. At this time, it is turning its first mouth and roaring at it with anger. The terrifying momentum is even stronger than the demigod level!

The heart of the fire child spirit is also a dog, how can you even beat the gods? Are you not afraid of smashing this baby? This baby is still a growing young tooth spirit!

But the hammer that smashed out, the water that splashed out. By now, Huozhi had no choice but to gather the strongest force, like a falling meteor, crashing into the head of Yanhu.


With a quake that sounded like a metal symphony, the fierce warhammer hit the head of Yanhu with a sturdy hammer.

A huge equivalent of energy burst out suddenly, and the scene was like a missile exploding, and a ring of flaming shock waves immediately turned up, like a red boiling sea wave, surging and surging in all directions.

The childish warhammer was immediately flicked out under strong recoil. Master Yanhu made a cry of pain. The carapace on his head was buzzing with a hammer, and his feet stumbled, almost falling.

But the damage it suffered was only that.

"Good defense!"

Wang Yan secretly panicked, he has inherited the blood of the **** of fire, and in the S class, his physical fitness and combat ability are definitely the top-level existence.

Now that the Demon God gene has been fused, his own strength and physical strength have been raised a few chips higher than in the past. This powerful sense of power has surprised even him.

This point can be seen in the comparison test that took the confusing Lord Lord's test.

Therefore, he is confident that the battle status of the Demon Race today is far more than the ordinary S-class legendary strongman. Perhaps compared to the demigod-level demon king, it may still be on the front line in terms of rule control, but in terms of pure combat power, he can indeed compete with the general demigod-level demon king.

However, in front of him, the dominating Yanhu Lake's powerful defensive ability really surprised him.

At the hammer just now, although he did not exert his full strength, he also had 70% or 80% of his strength. Among them, he also used the powerful law of fire and the fire weapon.

Not to mention, under normal circumstances, the explosive power of this blow is enough to level the ground underfoot! It can hit the head dominated by Yanhu, except for the huge noise and explosion, there is no trace left.

How exaggerated is the defense ability of this carapace? It's against the sky!

However, he is also a bit lucky. If he uses weapons such as swords, halberds, etc., it is estimated that he will be exhausted. I am afraid that he ca n’t break through the defense of this hard shell. Warhammer!

Even if this hard shell can't be broken, the shock can kill this guy.

"Huh, hot childish!" Thinking of this, Wang Yan snorted coldly, one-handed, and was bounced back to the fierce childish warhammer, and immediately flew back into his hands.


The firearm spirit jumped out of the warhammer again. It looked fierce, and its claws danced loudly. It seems that because he had just eaten a little bit deflated, he is now expressing mockery and provocation to the master of Yanhu.

"Tiny purgatory demon, you, find death!"

Below, the master of Yanhu was completely angry, and the huge body was tossing around in the magma lake, and then he killed Wang Yan above.

Wang Yan also no longer has reservations. He exhibited the golden body of the immortal Wang Liuli, a pair of fiery wings burning fiercely, and the whole person was like a galloping meteor, and he slammed towards the other side.


Another powerful explosion, blooming in the air.

In the end, Yanhu is an old monster who is as strong as a demigod. Its body is towering like a mountain, and it is constantly turning. The powerful power makes the entire Yanhu below it boil!

In the face of such a powerful Demon King monster, Wang Yan, who exerted his full strength, even launched a face-to-face hard fight with it in an unexpectedly tough attitude!

Wang Yan turned into a body of purgatory demon, strong and majestic, full of explosive muscles, as if containing endless power. The golden body of the immortal King Liu Li, who was already in full glory, was coated with a light golden Buddha light on his red skin, which made him look very strong, more solemn and powerful, and his defense and physical strength increased A big level.

Not only that, the pure pure Yang true fire, outside his body, formed a layer of extremely high temperature flame radiation. The fierce pure yang real fire, burning, makes him like a small sun, constantly exuding the heart-warming high temperature.

In this way, he drove the pure Yang true fire to the sun, using his dexterous maneuverability, while avoiding the attack of the Yan Lake Lord, he continued to wield the fire-hammered hammer, one hammer after another, constantly hitting the Yan Lake Lord Head.

The collision sounds one after another, the roaring sound is earth-shattering, the energy that keeps exploding fluctuates, wave after wave.

The solidified magma layer on the ground was almost lifted off. Under the impact of energy fluctuations, the magma boiling below spouted tens of meters high!

With the two people as the center and a few kilometers in a circle, it has been completely transformed into a thick lava lake marsh. The hot heat caused the surrounding air to twist and shake.

Most of the lava monsters and elemental monsters that did not come and run were affected by the shock, and finally they were completely engulfed by magma, turning into nourishment for the marsh in this magma lake.

The lucky barbarian soldiers and cavalry who had escaped have now reunited together.

They gathered two or three kilometers away, and on a small hill, they looked at Wang Yan and the Yanhu ruler in a fierce battle.

This kind of battle is really too exaggerated, and every move seems to be full of superb power, which is no longer the category that these little ones can touch and understand.

It's just that their boss, Wang Yan, can dominate the legendary level of power and the fierce demigod level of Yanhu, which is too horrifying.

Is it true that their boss can really defeat a demigod?

They were surprised, but the expectations in their hearts were still on the side of the boss Wang Yan.

But at this moment, the fierce Yan Lake Master suddenly made a vicious move.


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