The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1215: News from Ange

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Grass and trees can be refined, which in Wang Yan's original view is a joke.

However, as he continued to grow, his knowledge became wider and wider, and he understood that this was by no means a joke, nor a superstition. As long as there is an organic connection and a suitable growing environment, it is possible to produce plants with spiritual wisdom.

Take Dongying, China across the sea as an example, because of the difference in culture, it has a good living space for heterogeneous life. As a result, Dongying ’s eight million gods, various bizarre shrines, are everywhere Most of them are ordinary spirits with mental intelligence.

The fate of alien life awakened in China is much more miserable.

Whether it is grass or animals, once awakened, they will be regarded as monsters and monsters, and then many righteous people will go to slash the monsters ... Ascending to the state of cultivation, the more animals and plants that can gather the essence of heaven and earth, the more tragic the fate.

Just like Zhang Weidao's family, it was the ancestral work of this activity. Since ancient times, I do not know how many demons and ghosts have been exterminated.

Fortunately, in recent decades, the China National African Affairs Bureau has promoted the principle of peaceful coexistence between the demon and the demon, which has greatly improved the situation of the demon race. But even so, some plants and monsters that absorb the essence of the sun and the moon are still ill-fated and can be easily treated as various nourishing elixir.

"Come on, and strive to be transformed into a humanoid form as soon as possible." Wang Yan encouraged Lulu. "You are lucky, even if you become a monster, no one will treat you as a natural treasure."

"Shasha ~" Lulu seemed to understand Wang Yan's words, dancing the vines and leaves excitedly.

Having said that, Wang Yan also understands that even if Lu Luo has his chance, it is not difficult to grow into a real goblin.

After soothing Lulu, Wang Yan went to visit Red Peony and White Peony sisters again. They are different from Luluo. Before Wang Yan bought it back, they lived a long time and were quite spiritual.

In layman's terms, their roots are many times thicker than Lu Luo.

No matter when and in what season, they are full of flowers, always the charming and beautiful appearance. Seeing that Wang Yan came in, they were trembling with flowers, and an irrational mental wave passed to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan felt joy, kindness, joy, and dependence from that spiritual wave.

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan's eyes lighted up, "I didn't expect your sisters to grow so fast, and their spiritual intelligence has improved so much. It won't take long for us to be able to communicate seriously."

There was another wave of mental fluctuation, and Wang Yan suddenly understood.

It turned out that in the last six months, Sun Youmiao watered the plants at home every day, and watered and nourished them with the vitality she cultivated. This allows them to grow faster than the wild wilderness, passive absorption of the essence of the world has grown more than a hundred times faster.

It's really "Grace of Life", which is really amazing.

When Wang Yan was communicating with Peony, there was a sound of unlocking outside the door, and Sun Youmiao carried a simple and bulging bag into the house. As soon as she saw Wang Yan, she cheered and rushed up: "Uncle, you are back."

She rushed into Wang Yan's arms like a gust of wind, her face slightly flushed with excitement.

"Uh ... cough ~" Wang Yan let her hold for a few seconds before she broke free and shifted the topic, "Miao Miao, are you just off work?" Secretly looked at Sun Youmiao and found the girl Sure enough, it changes fast enough.

At this time, Sun Youmiao was already standing like a big girl, and her body was covered with collagen. In addition, she practiced the "Grace of Life" which is comparable to the four major exercises, making her temperament extraordinary and full of vitality and natural atmosphere.

Even if she is not the kind of beautiful woman who is in the best of the country, the breath on her body is very good, which makes people relax and unconsciously relaxes the spirit.

"Hmm, I just came back from the college." Sun Youmiao nodded, but also puzzled. "Uncle, you took the student delegation to visit India, didn't it end a month ago? How did you get to the present? Just go home? "

"It's okay, I just wandered around and precipitated my impetuous heart." Wang Yan said, "Nothing special happens at school?"

"It's good to be together." Sun Youmiao said, "It's those students who went to India to return to practice and study harder than usual. They brought a cultivating craze in the school. Are they in India? What kind of stimulus did you get? Zhang Wei's guys have been promoted to level B one after another, and their strength is already comparable to that of ordinary mentors. "

It seems that what happened in India this time was blocked by the State Administration of African Affairs. Everyone thought it was just an ordinary exchange visit. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine that Pharaoh inadvertently saved the world again.

At that time, if the ancestor Zong was really successful, the major human forces will inevitably have civil strife, and even a world war of superpowers is very likely to break out. Once such a pattern is formed, how can humans resist the invasion of the abyss?

"Cultivation craze, that's a good thing." Wang Yan said casually. But under my heart, it seems that the trial of the Tower of Destruction has brought great help to the students. The crisis that followed made young people feel the full of malice and danger in this world. Only when they become stronger can they survive in the coming chaos.

Next, Wang Yan and Sun Youmiao had a dinner together.

In the following days, Wang Yan also spent almost nothing. Things in school are on the right track, and he doesn't need to worry too much. He has spent a few days idling away, eating, drinking and having fun.

But soon, Linghu Yaojue interrupted his pleasant rhythm on a phone call.

"Wang Yan, come to the unit, Ange may have an accident."


After receiving this call, Wang Yan was still shopping in the mall. Regardless of the terrifying world, he rushed to the National African Affairs Bureau at the fastest speed. First, it was teleported to the outside in a way of twisting space, and then a strong momentum exploded throughout the body. Like a meteor sliding across the sky, it rushed to the branch of the National African Bureau.

Naturally, his way violated some of the management regulations of the National African Bureau, and it also caused a heated discussion among the people.

But it's about the safety of An Ge, so Wang Yan can't control that much.


In the office, Wang Yan's face was gloomy and watery, "What happened to An Ge?" At this time, Wang Yan, but a legendary strong man, could easily do it by destroying a city in anger.

Inadvertently, he has a strong dignity in his words and deeds.

"Wang Yan, calm down first." Linghu Yaojue's face was also dignified. "Let me slowly say that this matter may involve Ange's life."

"Life experience?" Wang Yan frowned, a little nervous in his heart.


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