The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1214: Go home and green dill

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What even made Shiva the goddess desperate to strangle Wang Yan was that the eye of destruction had just fallen into her hands. The Eye of Destruction gave her a series of mental fluctuations, all of which were scolding Wang Yan's shameless and bottomless words.

At the same time, let her understand that even if she does not agree to all the conditions of Wang Yan, Wang Yan can't take her anyway, because he is about to suppress the destruction of the Eye of Destruction. Unless he is really brave, watching the eyes of destruction explode regardless.

Damn it, hateful, the tears of Lord Shiva are about to fall. What's this called? Well-to-do, he was blackmailed by Wang Yan for a lot of conditions, and he had to pinch his nose to help the refiner.

"Son of Flame!"

The goddess Shiva bit her silver teeth and said, "Get out of here, get out of my country of India immediately, and you will not be allowed to come again." She was going crazy. This son of flames came to visit the country of India and inspected it. So many things, in the end, he has recovered so many benefits.

Even if she gave the conditions to redeem the eye of destruction, it was worth more than one artifact. She foolishly agreed to the conditions of his refining machine, which was enough.

She was really afraid of being unable to control herself, and rushed up to fight with him desperately.

"Oh, why is your goddess so fierce?" Wang Yan smiled very kindly. "Anyway, I visited India this time, and I helped you anyway. Without me, the matter was called An Pei Zong. "

"Go away, don't change the concept with the old lady here." Shiva Goddess shivered, "Help help, help, blackmail and blackmail. Besides, even if Ampezong is successful, do you think he will let you go?" With the half-god level of the Eye of Destruction, I am afraid that even Yan Zun is not an opponent. Go around, our Indian country will not welcome you, and you will not be allowed to step into our country in the future. "

She really was about to cry, this guy from the flames, it was really deceiving.

"Okay, I'll leave now." After Wang Yan finished, he went straight to the sky and flew to the sky.

Such a chic move naturally caused the Shiva goddess to be in a state of consternation for a while, and originally thought this guy would be entangled. Unexpectedly, he went so happy. Well, Goddess Shiva actually felt very unhappy.

It was as if a girl had been taken advantage of by a bad man, let him get away, and then he would immediately get rid of it.

"Wow, President Wang is so handsome." The little girl An An watched Wang Yan leave with an admiring look. "It's really my An An idol."

Soon, Wang Yan broke through the troposphere and reached the atmospheric stratosphere. At this moment, exactly an Indian plane flew over from a distance, Wang Yan leaned over, circled against the window twice, waved his hand, and said hello.

Naturally, it caused a scream.

Especially during the sensitive period of the two countries, those with relatively white skin, the Indian high castes, were going crazy. Could it be that China has sent Superman to deal with India?

This matter will definitely cause waves in India. As for how to deal with it, it is the matter of Lord Shiva herself.

After teasing, Wang Yan flew towards the Himalayas.

In the past, when Wang Yan flew around, because of the hurry, he used the satellite flight. But now, anyway, idle is also idle, just fly in the stratosphere, and enjoy the scenery around.

The stratosphere has reached a low temperature of minus forty or fifty degrees, which has almost no effect on Wang Yan. Only at this altitude, the air is still very dense, and there is a lot of resistance when flying.

Even Wang Yan, in this environment, the maximum speed can not exceed 400 kilometers per hour.

If it is faster, the power in his body will not be able to make ends meet, making long-term cruise flight impossible.

The slower the speed, the slower, Wang Yan should think about an alternative journey. He stayed near the Himalayas for several days before wandering along the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

This time, he did not fly. Instead, he took some human transportation, such as passing cars, donkey carts, carriages, and even trains. He blended into the world with himself as much as possible.

After becoming more powerful, some superpowers tend to think of themselves as high-level life, and they increasingly lack a sense of identity with their fellow human beings. Over time, this kind of person will have problems sooner or later, and Wang Yan does not want to become an indifferent **** above him.

After walking all the way, it took more than a month to return to Huahai City. Naturally, there were many interesting things along the way, good and bad. There are good and evil.

This made his state of mind seem to have been thoroughly baptized, except for impetuousness and thought, as if the entire soul had been sublimated.

Huahai City.

This is Wang Yan's second hometown. Unconsciously, he has settled down here for many years. This city has her beautiful side and impetuous side. But Wang Yan still likes it very much.

Returning to his own home, Wang Yan felt that he had entered the harbor, and he suddenly relieved a lot of tiredness. This house is the unit assigned to Wang Yan by the unit. In fact, it is also his first house.

Now it seems that although it is not luxurious, it is slightly smaller, but he has long been regarded as a real home.

"Oh, uh ~"

A green vine was drilled through the cracks of the balcony door. First, the probe probed the brain, and then saw Wang Yan, which was like "rejoicing", spreading and wandering, one by one, the size of the palm, the whole body was green and emerald green. Ye, rubbing against Wang Yan, very affectionate.

This is the green radish raised by Wang Yan. This vine is just a small part of its body. Its vine body has almost occupied the whole house. It is full of lush everywhere, which makes the environment and air of the house very fresh, just like In the old forest in the mountains.

"Lüer ~ I haven't seen you in a long time ~" Wang Yan also caressed the smooth and tender leaves, and injected a trace of pure and pure energy to it.

The whole branch of green dill, cheering and boiling with excitement, every blade was dancing, making a rustling sound like natural music. Numerous tiny holes in the leaves began to shrink and contracted a large amount of carbon dioxide to synthesize their own energy nourishment, and then exhaled fresh oxygen.

"Oh, Lu'er is really a super air purifier." Wang Yan couldn't help laughing. I thought that when he moved into this house, this pot of green dill was just ordinary green dill and was used to purify the air in the house.

But with the passage of a long time, it is gradually awakening to the demon, which is what Wang Yan did not expect.

If you go on like this, I am afraid that you will become a green dill.


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