The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1181: Crisis is coming

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After being surprised, some impulsive young people began to drink and scold. They are all Dongying dogs. What do you want to do? Is Dongying dog ready to die? Quickly withdraw the formation and the like.

The temper was even hotter, and he even started to roll up his sleeves and prepare to dry. Many people from Dongying came this time,

But some calm young people did not participate, but were silent.

Especially Si Kongzhi, he frowned slightly, stopped Zhao Chengtian who was about to impulsively beat people, gathered all the young people in China together, and each said: "Do n’t be impulsive, everyone is good. Come, the comers are not good. These Dongying people suddenly made a world of isolation, it must have been prepared for a long time, we will wait and see. "

"Brother Sikong is right." Although the young girl An An is young, she is also a meticulous little guy, and even many adults will suffer from her. She blinked innocently and said, "The fluctuation just now came from Inside the Tower of Destruction. If something goes wrong, it ’s certainly also the first thing that happened to President Wang. ”

"What should I do?" Zhao Chengtian was shocked and said, "Don't those Dongying people, without good intentions, prepare to ambush President Wang in the Tower of Destruction?"

"In my opinion." Si Kongzhi supported the spectacle frame, and a gleam in his eyes flashed. "Those Dongying people made such a movement, they must have something to rely on. If the goal is only President Wang, it would be too big a problem What is the most precious thing in this holy place? "

"Of course it is the Eye of Destruction, does he say ..." Zhao Chengtian took a breath, his face changed, "they are so bold, they dare to move the Eye of Destruction on the Shiva site. The idea. Even Headmaster Wang is not as arrogant as they are. Are they not afraid of being chased by the descendants of the gods and unable to get out of India? "

"Hum ~ don't have three points, how dare you go to Liangshan? Dongying people dare to do that, naturally they are sure." Zhang Wei also pretended to be inscrutable and said, "What's more, people did not use this isolation A big battle? Not just to block contact with the outside world. It seems that this time the trouble is so big that even President Wang will be in danger. "

"What should I do?" When he heard that Wang Yan was in danger, An An, who admired him most, was also a little flustered. "We are going to help and save the principal."

"An An, please be restless." Wang Bing glared at Zhang Wei and hugged An An with relief. "First, the destructive breath inside the Tower of Destruction is too powerful. Even if we want to help, we are helpless." Second, you must trust President Wang. When did you see his old man suffer a loss? "

In fact, compared to these young people, Wang Yan is only seven or eight years older. But because of his strength and experience, he is high in the eyes of this group of young people, and is called the elderly, but it is reasonable.

As soon as this statement came out, it calmed the young people of China. Think about it, what kind of character is President Wang, dare to eat the tofu of the goddess, even the goddess has been killed, not to mention a group of despicable Dongying dogs?

"Wang Bing was right." Si Kongzhi sat down calmly and continued to drink tea and eat fruit. "We will wait for the result with peace of mind."

Everyone naturally has something to learn, and begins to calm down, and should eat, drink, and drink. It is not a weather that should be a disaster. Sikong Zhi understands that the key now is not their little ones.

If President Wang wins, the crisis will naturally be lifted. But if President Wang is defeated, then these "ants", even if they are troubled, will not help.


Although Si Kongzhi was reluctant to call himself that, he clearly understood that with their current fighting power, compared with those of the legendary powerhouses above, they could only be regarded as ants.

Under the high tide, the only thing the ants can do is to be fatalistic.

For the first time, Si Kongzhi was so powerless, and despite his extraordinary wisdom, he was clever and incapable. Power, power is so important. In the face of absolute power, wisdom alone is no longer enough.

For the first time under the calm appearance, he had such a longing for power.

Seeing that the Chinese people were immobile, the young people of Midi and the Guangming Holy See also stopped. After a little thinking, I understood the motives of the Huaxia people. They simply surrounded Si Kongzhi and others, and began to wait in groups.

The only one who did not believe in evil was Emperor Shitian, the descendant of the gods. Unexpectedly, he had just rushed into the formation of Dongying people, and suddenly his feet fell soft, and the whole person fell to the ground like limbs.

He was greeted by a fat beat with a lot of laughs.

A Dongmi monk beat Emperor Shitian with a few punches, and then laughed: "Emperor Shitian, you really are a fool. If we don't have some preparations, we dare to make trouble on the site of Shiva? If not Zongxiu My lord told you to leave you young people for a while, and I will kill you with a punch now. "

Of course, it is impossible for Ann Zongxiu's plan to let these young little ones know about it. Many people are mixed and it is too easy to leak. After the plan was started, a young core member of the Yin-Yang Sect was notified temporarily by Chuan Yin.

This change made the younger generation of Dongying scared and excited. Dong Ying has endured the world for a long time, and this time finally has to rise under the leadership of Master Zongxiu.

Di Shitian's guy has always been annoying. But the strength is still good, but unexpectedly, suddenly fell into a fight. Being beaten up by a fat man is a bit unbelievable.

"Not good! My strength!" A blond young man from the Midi Super Shield, his face changed suddenly, "My strength is disappearing, how is it possible?"

His words just fell, and some other young people also fell to the ground, sweating. They felt that the strength of the whole body was constantly escaping outward, and their limbs were so weak that they couldn't even stand up.

The movement of the young people outside the Tower of Destruction is not mentioned for the moment.

In the Tower of Destruction, the same scene appeared. Even the S-class strongmen showed signs of fading and weakness of their limbs.

"How can it be?"

The goddess Shiva sat on the edge of Lei Bang and Wang Yan, his eyes were stunned, "Ampezong Xiu, what kind of black magic do you use?" Although Ba Jijing is a sub-artifact, it can create an isolation formation. To make the S-class powerful lose their resistance, it is too nonsense.

If you can achieve this effect, Bajijing is not a secondary artifact, but a real artifact!

"Hehe ~"

An Pei Zongxiu sneered again and again, "Your Highness Goddess, thank you so much? The ancient magic medicine I configured is colorless and tasteless, and it is invisible. Indeed, as the goddess said, I want to deal with S-class strongmen Impossible. But your Highness, do n’t forget, this is the ninth floor of the Tower of Destruction. Although you are strong, you are resisting the meaning of destruction all the time. My magical medicine can naturally take advantage of it. . "


Everyone changed their colors together, and their hearts suddenly cooled to the extreme.


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