The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1180: Eight mirrors

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Yin bird, terror, coercion.

All kinds of negative breaths were arrogant and violent from An Pei Zongxiu, which made everyone's heart beat and sweat.

The demigod level, this breath, is undoubtedly the demigod level breath.

Wang Yan also felt a little dazed. What is his mouth? Just casually say that this guy is a demigod? Are you kidding me? Why is there a sudden change in the world in this world, and there are endless levels of semi-gods?

First, the Black Death Demon Venerable, and then An Pei Zongxiu.

If you encounter the Black Death Demon Venerable, Wang Yan can accept it a little bit better. But when An Pei Zongxiu was suddenly promoted to the demigod, Wang Yan was a little puzzled. The semi-god level is not to go to the big sword, just give some money.

The eyes of Shiva and other people are also stunned, and their faces are not very good-looking. The sudden change of Ampezong Xiu is indeed terrifying enough to make people unpredictable.

The whole atmosphere was suddenly suppressed.

"桀桀 ~" An Pei Zongxiu's violent eyes, full of jokes and ridicule, "Son of Flame, what else do you have to say now?"

"This ... Xiu Xiu ~" Wang Yan touched her nose helplessly, "I admit, you scared me. Can I take the liberty to ask, how did you do it? This is demigod, I Want to be promoted to demigod too. "

"Stupid ~" An Pei Zongxiu sneered. "How can it be so easy to promote a demigod? And after today, you will never have a chance."

"Why wouldn't there be a chance?" Wang Yan pretended to be inexplicable.

"Stupid, you think it's because of the hatred between us." An Peizong sarcastically said, "Will I let you go?"

"Oh, I get it." Wang Yan's face suddenly realized, "It turns out that I can't see the sun tomorrow, no wonder there is no chance."

The goddess Shiva on the side couldn't really listen to this boring line, and stared at Wang Yan, interrupting, "Son of Flame, are you still endless?" She said, she said to Ampezong coldly, "I admit , You suddenly have a semi-god-level strength, I was surprised. But you know, this is on the territory of my country. I can gather a lot of masters at any time, you ca n’t run away. An Pei Zongxiu, Take back what you just said, and what I should have done has never happened. "

"Ji ~"

An Pei Zongxiu laughed strangely, "Your Highness Goddess is courageous. At this time, you can still calm down. But Your Highness thought, would I do something that I am not sure about? Am out, Taiyin ~ "

After all, he flicked his hands with his fingers, and produced a gorgeous handprint at a rapid speed. In a flash of time, a summoning circle appeared on the ground.

"Hehe ~"

In the summoning circle, a figure of a little girl appeared in Ying Chuo. She gave out a weird and sorrowful laughter, which made you feel a cold air blowing in your face.

"Brothers and sisters, come and play with me."

The little girl floated out of the summoning circle with her feet untouched. She wore Dongying's ancient traditional clothes, her face was pale and cold, and her pupils exuded an endless chill.


Linghu Yaojue's face changed slightly, and he whispered, "Good guy, even this thousand-year-old demon, has become the style **** of An Pei Zongxiu."

Don't look at the little girl, it seems that she is not very old, but she is a well-known monster. Dongying is different from the country of Huaxia. In the country of Huaxia, whenever a demon or a ghost appears, it usually attracts a bunch of priests, monks, and even chivalrous people to get rid of the demon guard.

As a result, the living space of various demons and ghosts is not large, and the soil for development is relatively barren.

But Dongying is different, and all kinds of species with a little super power will be enshrined by some local fools and worshipped as gods. There are countless large and small shrines in Dongying. This provides a good living environment and growth environment for monsters and ghosts.

This also created a large number of hidden old demon in Dongying. This Taiyin is one of the best. It has a great reputation and very powerful combat power. As early as two or three hundred years ago, it was a legendary monster and was worshipped as a **** in Hokkaido.

But he didn't want to, he was surrendered by An Pei Zongxiu and became a deity.

"Taiyin ~" An Pei Zongxiu commanded coldly, "Don't be playful, just follow the previous plan."

"Yes, Master Qingming." The little girl was too yin, and her laughter suddenly closed, and there was more fear and reverence in her cold eyes. With that, she flipped her small hand, and there was a simple and mysterious mirror in her palm.

The rippling breath of that mirror made people palpitate, as if another feeling of great difficulty hit his heart.

"This is?" Shiva Goddess said with awe-inspiring eyes, "It turned out to be the eighth mirror ~ An Pei Zongxiu, you, you even took out Dongying's artifacts from the township." The relationship between India and Dongying has always been good. There are more exchanges and understanding between China and China.

The goddess Shiva recognized at a glance that mirror was one of Dongying's three great artifacts. It's not just the simple and heavy shape, but the strong and palpable force that can't be easily imitated.

However, it is said that it is an artifact of the town, but it is not a real artifact, it can only be said to be a real secondary artifact.

Even so, secondary artifacts are still extremely rare treasures. Just like in the Starry Sky Magic Academy, there is only that "Tear in the Starry Sky", which can be called a secondary artifact.

The appearance of Bajijing really made Wang Yan's heart tighten, but he also noticed Taiyin's remarks.

Master Qingming?

The bottom is that the little girl looks like a monster, or what other reasons?

Don't wait for people to think about it, Taiyin is a little bit in the mirror, and in an instant, a majestic force spreads in all directions, passing by the Tower of Destruction, or even a large square outside the Tower of Destruction.

All of them were shrouded in an inverted bowl-shaped energy hood.

"what's the situation?"

In the outside square, the young people who were resting and eating, chatting and unblocking their faces suddenly changed their faces. They felt as if they were covered by a large formation, filled with depression and fear, as if trapped in a prison cage.

"Indian dogs, are you too mean and shameless?" Zhao Chengtian, a young man in the second middle school, jumped out first, "actually playing the Hongmen Banquet."

The Indians were also inexplicable. The new emperor Shi Tian, ​​who had lost a lot of fire earlier, said angrily, "Zhao Chengtian, you are less here to call the Laozi thief to catch the thief. This large formation was made by your Chinese people? Your son of flames has always been mean and shameless, and it is definitely trying to plot our treasure of destruction. "

"Jin Jie ~"

A young man from Dongying Yinyangzong laughed strangely, "Don't bite each other. This world is isolated from the world, and it was made by Dongying people."


All the young people present looked at Dongying in surprise.


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