The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1133: Wonderful World

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In the end, he made him helpless, glaring at Wang Yan angrily and said, "Okay, my veteran is talking about you. I let you come this time, I originally wanted to discuss with you about your purgatory The problem of the quenching of the armor. "

After a pause, the Barbarian King explained again: "The usual equipment, forged and quenched with ground fire, is more than enough. But your equipment, the main material is from an avatar of **** devil. If there is a superb flame to help quench, There is a great possibility that it will become a secondary artifact, and there is potential for upgrading in the future. "

Hearing this, Wang Yan's eyes brightened suddenly, second artifact? Is it really possible to directly become a secondary artifact? Be aware that treasures of sub-artifact level are very rare all over the world.

That is, a large unit with a long history, such as the Light Holy See or the Dark Council, has saved a few pieces of artifact equipment, and it is rarely used. It is only reserved for strategic deterrence equipment, and will only be used in times of crisis or major ceremonies.

And the old-fashioned units like Star Academy have only one sub-artifact. In the China State Administration of African Affairs, according to Wang Yan ’s estimate, there are only two or three, and there will never be more than three.

If you can own a sub-artifact, and the gradual upgrade, the future potential of the hammer is infinite, then you are very likely to have two sub-artifacts at the same time.

Against the semi-god-level strong, of course, there is still no chance of winning, but the hope of life-saving is greatly increased.

"So ...?" Wang Yan asked.

"So, I need a kind of flame, it is better to fire this equipment to achieve the perfect attribute." As soon as the barbarian king mentioned the equipment, his eyes shone sharply, and his looks were different. " If it succeeds, it will be the first artifact made by my veteran in his life. "

A master refining master can hardly make a real secondary artifact. Sub-artifact, it is a semi-god-level equipment. In fact, even demigod-level strongmen may not be able to possess secondary artifacts.

"Flame, that's simple." Wang Yan's hand stretched out, and a thick and hot flame danced strangely in his palm, full of mellow and powerful breath. Facing his own flames, Wang Yan also had a sense of triumph. "Senior Bull, see if my flames are enough?"

Wang Yan's flame was born out of the pure Yang's fire. In fact, it was still above the pure Yang's fire in terms of grade. In the history of the earth, mankind has been able to reach the level of pure yang true fire, which is already a remarkable existence.

Like Lu Zu, like Uncle Gun, they are very powerful and powerful guys. The flame of Wang Yan, inherited from the **** of fire, is not only high in foundation, but also has a very high potential in the future. Purely in terms of energy level, it even surpasses the uncle ’s pure Yang true fire and reaches the sun. The level below the extreme sun.

As a result, he was very satisfied with his flame.

Of course, energy levels are always just levels. If you let him go heads-up with Uncle Cannon now, it would definitely be the rhythm of being abused into dogs in minutes.

"This flame ..." The eyes of King Manu Niu burst into light, as if he had seen rare treasures. He turned around Wang Yan's flame for a few minutes and kept saying strangely, "Good flame ~ Good pure flame , This flame is the thickest and purest flame I have ever seen in my life. It ’s hard. Is this the true fire of the sun? "

Of course, Wang Yan would n’t wear it. Our family ’s flame is still a little higher than the real sun. Just chuckled, "Since the seniors are satisfied, then we will quickly get to the point, everyone's time is precious."

"Satisfied, who told you that I am satisfied?" King Maniu said with his hands on his shoulders, proudly said, "Yes, your flames are indeed very good, full of turbulent atmosphere, the breath of the king's way. Unfortunately, It is not suitable for that purgatory demon **** armor. "


Wang Yan almost spit out the old blood, and glared, said, "I said Tauren, aren't you teasing me? You're not satisfied with the sun's true fire, do you still want the extreme sun to fail? Could it be that you are Before I hated me, I had conflicts with you, so I deliberately pitted me on? "

"Pit you?" The bull king's eyes glared. "Don't talk about your family's pure Yang flame, it is like the world is invincible. This is not a fire in your family all over the world."

"Then tell me, whose flame is so good, even the fire of my son of flame can't do it, but he can." The barbarian king sneered, "Is the Holy Flame of the Holy See? Is it possible? The Holy Flame has the demon, Exorcism, even the effect of creation. Not necessarily worse than the flame of your family's pure Yang ~ "

"Sheng Yan is indeed good, is it because you want me to invite Sheng Yan from the Bright Holy See to refine equipment?" Wang Yan loosened his heart and patted his chest. "It's no problem. Sheng Yan can borrow it. If she is suspected of not having enough rank, I can find a way to ask the emperor to take action personally. "

Speaking of it, Pope Guang also owed him Wang Yan's favor. Last time at the police station, it was Wang Yan who picked him out. What's more, it seems that the father and father of the light also value his Wang Yan, and have personally paid attention to it.

With all kinds of relationships, it is not difficult to ask the emperor's crown to make a shot.

"Holy Flame is indeed good, but it is a real problem with your family's Chunyang, which is too righteous." The barbarian king caressed the horns. "You know, your purgatory demon **** armor, the main material comes from that. Purgatory Demon God avatar. The conflict between the Light Holy Flame and its attributes will weaken the power of the armor, it cannot be used, it cannot be used ~ "

Wang Yan fainted, you can't use it, what's the difference? He reluctantly touched his nose and said, "Listening to you, it should be to find someone who knows hellfire. I heard that the Dark Council has an elder who is good at hellfire. I'll invite him?"

For Wang Yan, this is not difficult. Based on the relationship between the little teacher and the mother, if you pay a little more price, you can still ask a dark council elder.

"You know a fart, do you know what a refiner is? A refiner is to take its longest, make up its shortcomings, conform to the heavenly path, and make all things." The barbarian king put his hands on his hips, spraying saliva stars on Wang Yan Tao said, "The materials of your **** devil avatars already contain powerful **** flame attributes. Why do you need to find **** flames to supplement it? Your hellfire, the elder of Rush, is stronger than **** devil avatar? You Like your master, they are all mountain cannons. "

Wang Yan stepped back and forth after being sprayed by him, avoiding Tumo Xingzi, with a helpless expression on his face: "I want to understand the refiner, what are you going to do with you? Okay, just speak straight, what flame are you looking for, I'll give it to you Digging three feet to bring in. "

"I heard that there is a kind of flame of destruction in Indian Shivaism, and the characteristics are very good." The barbarian Wang Feng said lightly, "You quickly find it for me, I'm waiting for the refiner."

"What? Flame of Destruction?"

Wang Yan in this compartment was dumbfounded, almost spitting out old blood.


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