The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1132: The most pitted apprentice in history

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"Shameless, nasty, mean!"

The horned man seemed to be humiliated to dignity and roared angrily, "You are a stupid rogue. I don't welcome you here. Get out of here quickly."

"Ha ha."

Wang Yan shrugged his shoulders wholeheartedly, "Senior Niu, it seems that I have a lot of contact with modern society, and I don't seem to browse those apps less. I'm just telling the truth, why should I be so excited? Again, I am you Customers, is this your attitude towards customers? "

The horned man laughed angrily: "Customers, what about customers? I do n’t know how many people in the world begged my old cow to refine his treasure, boy, old cow, I tell you, you ’re done, your stuff, old cow, I do n’t Refining. "

"Oh, if you say you don't practice, you don't do it." Wang Yan also came out with a bad temper. He sneered with his arms around his hands. "My task of refining equipment, but issued through the internal system of the National African Bureau, has a legal effect. You already have I accepted the task and accepted my materials, and I also paid a lot of merits for this. If you do n’t do it now, it ’s okay, just pay me twice according to the rules. "

Shen Mengting on the side looked at this scene with great leisure. She now also knows more about Wang Yan. He is a man. If someone else treats him three points politely, he will return seven points. If someone else treats him seven points, he will give back ten.

But the same, if someone else beat him three points, he will definitely return seven points. Whoever wins him by seven points, naturally, he will double back. Not to mention the brave horned man who had never met him, even if the father of the light came down to fight Wang Yan, he would definitely find a way to go back.

In short, Wang Yan's guy seems to have a good temper, but in fact it is definitely not a irritating person. And this person eats everything but refuses to suffer. It seems that this horned man is unlucky.

"What, double?" The two bull's eyes of the brawny man with horns were so wide that he stared at Wang Yan with rage and disbelief. "Scary boy, are you crazy? Do you want me to pay you double?" ? Don't fuck, do you know who I am? "

"Who do I control you? According to the regulations of the National African Bureau, everyone must abide by the laws and regulations." Wang Yan embraced his hands and said calmly, "Even Yan Zun can't violate the principle. If you don't want to Compensation is fine, so go to the demon prison and spend hundreds of thousands of years. "

"Demon, demon prison?" The horned man was shocked and angry. "What is this breaking the rules? Why, I took the task, and I can't do it or not?" If I had to pay twice, I would definitely let him go bankrupt. The kid's materials are all among the best, and they cannot be bought with money. If you think about it, most of the material is from the **** devil.

If he went to the Devil God Doppelganger, within a few seconds, he would be photographed as a puree.

"That's natural. When you take over the task, you reach a contract. If you violate the contract, you want to withdraw from the whole body. You think it's too simple." Wang Yan said with narrowed eyes. "If everyone is like you, this world Would n’t it be a mess, or would you want peace? Now give you two options, one, either pay me twice, or go to the demon prison to stay. You choose your own way, do n’t say I ca n’t do it, I ’ve taken care of it I'm here, I can do it anyway. "

There was a strong sense of self-confidence in him, which made people feel a sense of trust. He said he could do it, as if he could do it. This is a long-term success and strength, which brings him strong self-confidence, unconsciously, convincing in words.

Even the brawny man with horns couldn't help but burst out of his heart, and there was a sudden disaster. He has an intuition, if he really dared to violate the contract. This **** boy, maybe he will do some exaggerated things.

His scalp was numb for a while, and he hummed a bit ugly: "Sure enough, a teacher must have an apprentice, and Cao Jingluo's apprentice, like him, is a cunning villain. I neither choose to lose money nor squat demon prison. Your equipment will be refined for you. Now, how far can you roll me! "

The horned man feels uncomfortable as if he had eaten a bite of flies. He now strongly does not want to refine equipment for this kid, but the reality is that he has to help him refine it. And he is very clear that even if he violates his spirit of refining, professional qualities, and refines or destroys his equipment, the consequences will only be more serious.

With such a bad boy's temper, or ability, he can never let himself go. When the time comes, where can I find the devil doppelganger materials to pay him? If you can't afford to pay, it is estimated that this life will have to stay in the demon prison.

The more he thinks, the more uncomfortable he feels. Why can't he be so tempted, seeing that the materials are superb, and can't help itching?

"Finished?" Wang Yan chuckled, "Senior Niu seems to have forgotten, but you asked me to discuss things before. Could it be that there is nothing to discuss now? Or, are you going to make my equipment indiscriminately? Senior Niu, those of me are the best ... "

"Asshole, since I promised to do it for you, I will naturally do it for you." The brave horned man was flushed with rage, almost exploding his lungs, and roared angrily, "You think I'm a majestic bull king, will As mean and shameless as your masters and disciples? "

"Oh, it turns out that you are the barbarian king. I just didn't know who it was, and you want to tear up the agreement?" Wang Yan smiled sniffly, then shrugged. "But since you promised, I will trust you for a while. Back, hope you do n’t let me down again. "

The Barbarian King was trembling with rage, and this stinky kid was so irritating. What kind of breath was this? Cooperating with his own savage bull king, an S-class strongman, plus the only refining master in China, he still has to look at his face?

You know, the whole world does not know how many people are holding top-quality materials, and if he asks him to refine the pot, he will always ignore it. After living for 800 years, it was the first time I felt such humiliation.

No no no, this is not the first time. In the past, Cao Jingluo also felt such humiliation.

Could it be said that these shameless apprentices are his nemesis?

"Squeaky." Little Ferret jumped on Wang Yan's shoulder and squeaked for a while. The general idea was that although the savage Niu Wang's temper was not very good, he was always speaking and telling things, and promised things would never be done. Less than.

Wang Yan frowned, listening to Xiao Ferret very seriously, and finally, he carried his hands on his back and said to the barbarian king: "Since Xiao Xue said good things for you, then I will trust you again, I hope you do n’t let me down Trust in you. "

The barbarian king in that box was dizzy, and his heart was so dumb that he couldn't speak. Which one should you trust?


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