The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1102: Teach her an unforgettable lesson

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I have to admit that Wang Yan's teammate is really a bad guy. This time when the Indian delegation came, she also exhausted a lot of thoughts and hoped to have a good relationship with Shiva.

To this end, she also did a lot of work, and also got the favor of Shiva and her group. At least, to make them feel at home, the China National African Affairs Bureau attaches great importance to them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yan first encouraged Lei Hong to play a big wave. The guy with the surname Lei is still sober. After that, there was a bigger wave of two wretched kings and apprentices.

Those alone are enough headaches for her secretary. However, Wang Yan was not satisfied yet. The conflict between him and the goddess Shiva became more and more fierce. In the end, the two sides even had a fight.

Nowadays, he even accuses Shiva Goddess badly. She is a Shiva nanny ... directly picking the contradiction to the highest point.

Linghu Yaojue made a show.

This director, there is no way to do it ...

"Good!" Shiva's pupils tightened and she smiled angrily. "Son of flames, you are such a magnificent man. Even if Shiva is not good enough, you won't be able to let you come ~"

"Oh, I'm still not convinced." Wang Yan sneered and said, "A so-called young generation master, the pillar of the earth's future, can't resist even a little bit of speech harassment outside the field. What more to talk about protecting the people and defending the earth This kind of character, even if the strength is strong, what is the use? It is just to give the enemy a head. If your Shiva goddess knows this, this so-called exchange of exchanges is meaningless, it is better to close the door from Hi please. "

"You ..." Goddess Shiva was irritated, her body trembling, her eyes sullen. Although she was not angry, but deep down, she had to admit that Wang Yan was right.

As a superpower, in fact, to deal with any environment, any danger, any change. If in a battle, even some off-site **** speech harassment can not bear, these psychological qualities must be worrying.

And her goddess Shiva is even more intolerant to the fact that her subordinates really appear like this kind of waste.

It's just that it makes sense. But the son of the flame, the words are really unpleasant. What is Shiva's grandma, and what is self-healing? What are these messy words?

"Oh, what are you shaking? Are you still not convinced?" Wang Yan squinted and smiled, sarcastically, "It doesn't matter if you are not convinced. If you are descendants of gods, this is the flower style in the greenhouse, I Don't mind. We can admit defeat in this discussion. I don't care how you want to punish me. "

On the side of Wang Yan, a pair of broken jars is put out. You want to play lazy though you are asked to play well.

Now is the live broadcast society.

All these are also recorded in the live channel. Wang Yan's words also caused a lot of controversy on the live channel. In other words, it is a lot of approval.

Only a very few people think that Wang Yan is breaking the rules of the game. Most people think that superpowers must be suitable for various environments. Some of the off-site garbage talk attacks, the superpowers who can't bear it, are definitely the flowers in the greenhouse that have not experienced grinding.

There are also many barrage, directly coaxing the goddess Shiva, saying everything. If all superpowers are as poor as Ablak, they might as well lead India to China as soon as possible, so that the China National African Affairs Bureau can take over the defense of the Indian people.

Of course, it is also fortunate that the goddess Shiva did not enter the live room to watch, otherwise he will be spitting blood three liters. She thought that the son of China's flame is a poisonous tongue rare in the world.

But the vast majority of netizens in China are the real king of poison tongue.

Rao is Wang Yan's shot, and Shiva Goddess is already breathless, her chest is up and down, and her eyes are full of anger but they are released. After taking a few deep breaths, she said, "Okay, okay. I admit that your son of flames made some sense. Thank you for helping me to test out the buildings of the psychological qualities of the double-blade Abak. The toughest and cruelest training will be carried out against him. Now, are you satisfied? "

Poor two-blade Abach, who had already suffered on the ring, was aggrieved. But he never expected that after going back, his tragic life has just begun.

"Oh, that's about the same, just like our ancient Chinese ancient lesson, knowing that mistakes can improve Mo Dayan." Wang Yan pulled her with an admiring look. That look was like watching a lost and miserable girl finally revert to evil, full of kindness and joy .

Although Wang Yan did not have a poisonous tongue this time, it made the goddess Shiva hold back more uncomfortably. He widened the exotic star eyes and breathed back and forth in his chest. He could n’t get out and could n’t swallow it. It was really uncomfortable. Terrible.

The goddess of Shiva was filled with grievances, and the guy who was the son of flame was fooling around, but he could n’t take him. He had to thank him well, which made the goddess of Shiva feel unprecedentedly sour and sour.

"Xiao Yan, you can't speak well? What do you have to do to bully Shiva Goddess? People are girls, you can't let it go." Linghu Yaojue on the side was also extremely convinced, this guy was obviously intentional Zhao Chengtian was sent to use the harassment tactics to deal with the double-blade Abuck, and he could finally say that the other party had made a mistake.

Moreover, the tone and eyes of this guy Wang Yan really want to make everyone angry. Even her bystander felt a little distressed to Lord Shiva. This reminded her of some of her experiences, and she felt some empathy.

This guy, Wang Yan, really doesn't understand pity Xiangxixiyu. Thinking of this, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Secretary, I didn't mean to bully her intentionally." Wang Yan said with a leisurely voice, "I originally wanted to get along well with her, after all, it was my brother's girlfriend. It's just that I didn't know that her grandmother was wrong. What kind of medicine is it, still has a temperamental nature. When I see me, it is like a ferocious domineering of gunpowder. If I do n’t let her suffer, I ca n’t guarantee that she can ride on my head. "

Linghu Yaojue gave a helpless white look, and he couldn't help him. But this is the character of this guy, who is good to him, he will double to the good. Whoever is stubborn, he will naturally double back, and hesitantly said: "Then what do you do next? If the goddess Shiva is really hostile to our country, it is not a good thing."

"Director, I won't treat her too much. I just want to teach her an unforgettable lesson." Wang Yan appeased Linghu Yaojue, "It will not affect her and the State African Bureau. Relationship, sir, you can rest assured. "

Linghu Yaojue looked at him with a vowed appearance, and was speechless to the extreme. The more you say rest assured, how can the Secretary feel uneasy?


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