The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1101: You go back to being a nurse!

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In the words of Shiva Goddess ’s eyelids, she stared at the exotic star and replied: "Son of Flame, you, you, what are you going to do with your brain? This is fair competition, do n’t break the rules. "

"How is it possible?" Wang Yanyi looked at the Shiva goddess eloquently, "I am the person who pays most attention to the rules. You can rest assured that I will never violate the rules."

The goddess Shiva was suspicious, and she was drumming straight. She didn't know what kind of tricks the guy of the flames was playing. You know, the guys who bet with him in the past all died of sudden changes.

Suddenly, at this moment. Zhao Chengtian, a middle-aged and young man, suddenly "popped" and knelt in front of the ring, shouting with a tragic and tragic voice: "God, God, all the elder sisters who have passed by have a look. What is this? Worldly? "

His expression was very tragic and grievous, full of miserable indescribable words, and in a flash, attracted the attention of countless people. Including super students on the spot, mentors, and countless audiences in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is full of doubts, what is the situation of this person? What happened?

Shiva, the goddess, has a flick of her mouth, doesn't she? What kind of conspiracy is this?

In the doubts of everyone, Zhao Chengtian cried with tears and a snot: "My Zhao Chengtian's life, why is it so bitter? Heaven grows ugly, my grandmother does not love my uncle and uncle, the most important thing is that it is still There is no girlfriend, a single dog who is free! "

"What the hell!"

It turned out that this guy was crying himself ugly. Some of them looked pretty good, or the middle-class people tended to relax all at once, and looked at the excitement.

But some of them are not so handsome, but they are bored by the atmosphere. Because he was crying on the edge of the ring, the two sides of the ring that were fiercely fighting were naturally inevitably affected, and their movements were slightly deformed.

It's just that Wang Bing is not a pretty girl although she doesn't look good in heaven. And she has a calm nature and a calm personality, and the ripples in her heart are almost negligible.

But the two-blade abak is different. His appearance is already very crippled, and it is not much more difficult than his master's four-armed Raksha. It is true to think about it, the four-armed Raksha Dijan, but because he grew up ugly and strange, was abandoned by his parents and almost died in the trash.

Since he was a child with psychological shadows, he naturally cares about the appearance of his apprentice. Abac and his fate are almost the same, also because they are so ugly, they were abandoned in an orphanage, and they spent a very miserable childhood.

Naturally, the ripples in Arbuck's heart were much larger than that of Wang Bing, and it actually stabbed his inner sensitivity. Yeah, because she looks too ugly, she has never been rejected because she has grown up, and has not been favored by girls so far.

But even so, with his temperament, Abuck can still control himself and continue to maintain the fighting state. Of course, it ’s inevitable that you are in a bad mood, and your state will inevitably be affected.

But this seems to have just begun. Zhao Chengtian cried even more miserable: "From childhood to big, I have been grieved too much. Since childhood, I have fallen in love with a girl, but I have never dared to confess her. With a boyfriend, I can only bless her with a smile. God, who knows how painful my heart is? "


When Arbuck was struck by lightning, his muscles began to tremble. This, this, this encounter with redheads, how is it so similar to yourself? In the orphanage, Arbuck fell in love with the girl who grew up together, but he was too inferior and had never dared to confess.

Recently, it is recent.

The girl had a sweetheart, he was extremely painful in his heart, but he could only bless her with a smile. How can such a long and handsome guy be considerate of this kind of heart-ache pain?

This time, it seems to have poked the deepest secret in Abac. His eyes were dull, his body trembling, and he fell into a confused state.


It was also at this time that Wang Bing struck an icy edge and slammed on Abac ’s chest, knocking him out, and a blood spattered on his chest.


The goddess Shiva opened her eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief. Sure enough, the opponent used mental harassment tactics off the court, which caused Abuck to lose his mind, which led to a mistake in the battle.

"Son of flame, you are too mean." The goddess Shiva stood up and angered, "How can you do this? You are interfering, disturbing the contestants."

"Hello!" Wang Yan said calmly, "There is a rule that we can't talk to the crowd when we learn from each other?"

"Uh ..." Goddess Shiva's face was black, and her eyes were fierce. "Although there is no rule, but your players are chattering, will it not interfere with the players' attention?"

"Your Highness Goddess!" Wang Yan stood up suddenly and said with a serious face, "Your thoughts are very dangerous, and it is very irresponsible to treat your subordinates."


The goddess Shiva was dumbfounded. What is this called? Obviously this guy sent someone to make trouble on the side, harassed the contestants, stood up and protested for a while, but turned out to be very irresponsible? Thoughts are dangerous?

For a time, Lord Shiva was white with anger, and she was about to breathe fire, "Don't you dare to scorn the goddess from the air? If you can't say one, two, or three today, just blame the goddess. Boom. "

The Shiva goddess represents the face of Indian Shivaism. Once she turns her face with Hua Xiaguo, I am afraid it will really cause a violent shock in the entire East Asian superpowers. Such drastic changes are by no means what China wants to see.

Linghu Yaojue on the side also frowned slightly, rumored, "Wang Yan, don't talk nonsense. This time the General Administration attached great importance to the visit of the Indian delegation. I hope this opportunity will be used to improve and improve India. The relationship between the national super energy community and the mutual support in the future against disasters. And you also know the status of Shiva as a goddess, once it really angers her, it is not in the interests of our China National African Bureau. "

"The Secretary is assured that I will focus on the big picture."

After Wang Yan's voice transmission, he was still uneasy and hummed to the goddess Shiva: "Slander? Ha ha, Her Royal Highness Lord Shiva, clearly that you did something wrong, but you still blame me for slander? You goddess Shiva, still It ’s really overbearing. Since you want me to say, I ’m going to teach you a lesson for my brother ’s sake. In your way of cultivating your subordinates, you are pitting them and harming them. I ’m protecting them. I am a superpower. I need to face countless dangers and deal with any dangerous events calmly. Even if the sky suddenly collapses, you must definitely work hard. According to your way, but It ’s just raising a bunch of waste. I advise you to change the name to Shiva.

Shiva nanny?

Linghu Yaojue on the side, his mouth twitching endlessly, smelly Wang Yan, this, this, this is what you call the big picture?


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