The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1002: Grumpy goddess

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The consciousness of the winter goddess was silent for a while.

She said quietly: "The inheritance of Zhu Rong will not casually find someone. Since he chose you, you are destined. I believe that you will meet sooner or later."

"Meet?" Wang Yan's spirit shook, "Senior means, Senior Zhurong is still alive?"

"It's hard for a **** to die," she replied. "Maybe his body has died, but his consciousness does not have to die."

Wang Yan froze for a moment and thought about it carefully. It really made sense. Take the three-legged Jinwu, for example, it always calls itself the sun **** "pull". But in fact, it is just a ray of residual soul.

Even so, it is enough to prove that it is still alive.

From the respect of the three-legged Jinwu to Vulcan, the strength of the Vulcan Zhurong should far exceed that of the three-legged Jinwu. Even the three-legged Jinwu can continue to live in this world in the form of a remnant soul.

With the help of all means, the possibility of surviving in a certain way is very high.

For a time, Wang Yan was inexplicably excited. Vulcan Zhurong, that's the real legendary Danah figure. Even if compared to Lu Zu in the pure Yang, the level of existence is much higher.

Moreover, the reason why Wang Yan has today ’s achievement is also inseparable from the drop of liquid meteorites that year. He is very grateful to Zhu Rong. If you can see the great God Zhu Rong with your own eyes, it would be better.

It is just inferred according to normal logic that the present situation of Zhu Rong should be very bad. Otherwise, it would not be his turn to enjoy the inheritance of his old man.

Wang Yan is also very happy to be able to confirm his inheritance at once, and is grateful to the winter goddess: "Thank you for your seniors to inform, and the younger people are grateful."

But in my heart, the green-capped bird of the three-legged golden bird is really unreliable. Regarding its evaluation of the winter goddess, I heard myself chilled and the winter wind turbulent.

I thought the winter goddess was so aggressive, so it was unreasonable.

Sounds, it seems that this winter goddess character is still very good.

At this moment, the temperament of the winter goddess changed suddenly, and the icy mist around her body accelerated and surging, and a wave of chill was quickly condensing into ice chips, and then quickly turned into a miniature frost storm.

At the same time, her mental turbulence suddenly raged: "No, you are lying to me. He hasn't come back, and he definitely doesn't want to come back."

This time the spiritual fluctuation is full of sharp and stormy mania, and strong negative energy fluctuations, like a flood, washed away into Wang Yan's conscious sea.

Unless Wang Yan had a strong consciousness and strong mental strength, this sudden and powerful shock alone would be enough to make him unable to walk around.

Rao is so, the pineal gland in Wang Yan's eyebrows was also flushed with soreness, and his heart could not help but be horrified. This, this, what is going on in this winter goddess? How did this grandma change completely in an instant.

Let me go, it seems that the three-legged Jinwu still has a reliable time. The temperament of the goddess this winter is really strange, suddenly suddenly manic.

Wang Yan's response was also extremely fast. The Buddha's treasure "Ming Xin Liantai" fused in the sea of ​​consciousness quickly spread outward, centering on his brow, emitting a golden light of Buddha.

In the magnificent Sanskrit array, the blue hairy crabs, succubus, and the three-legged golden blackfish that had been frozen into ice sculptures gathered together and disappeared into the heart of the lotus platform.

After a few hands took away, Wang Yan's mood suddenly settled for the most part.

No matter how powerful the winter goddess is, it is just a ray of distraction on the spot. With his fighting ability, even if he can't win, his escape is not a problem. What's more, the winter goddess is not the only **** he has ever touched.

The powerful and unfathomable God of Light, the fierce and fierce Hell Demon God have dealt with.

For gods, Wang Yan is not as fearful as ordinary people. Especially after Uncle Cannon and the maid of honor had killed an avatar of Hell Demon God, he even made him understand the essence of the gods.

As some online novels say, the gods are nothing but cultivation to higher-level beings.

Of course, this does not deny the power of the gods.

With Wang Yan's current strength, let alone the gods, even the demi-gods can't beat it.

"Senior Goddess." Wang Yan's energy began to bulge, but his expression was weak, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay? Haha, the **** of course is all right." The breath of the winter goddess became more and more violent, and the entire altar was over the sky. That **** did it. "

Wang Yan's scalp is numb, and his heart is secretly bitter, mammy, this winter goddess is really a neurotic disease. It was windy and beautiful one second before, and the storm and snow came the next second.

It is more irrational than the corpse Miao Yi in the Sun Temple.

at the same time.

Outside the altar, everyone's face has become very dignified. They only felt that the mental fluctuations were extremely complicated, and there was a strong fluctuation of the ice law. Suddenly, a terrifying breath spread throughout the valley.

The sky was gray and the wind was roaring everywhere, and the water molecules in the air quickly condensed into a small piece of ice crystals, hitting people with pain.

The high priest's beard was raised, and he bowed down excitedly with his scepter: "Salal meets the winter goddess of hunting."


"The winter goddess is out?"

Everyone's face changed color, even the S-class red tank, the expression was very shocked.

All along, he has heard of the goddess of winter and hunting. But in his life, the goddess never really appeared. Only the high priests of the Winter Gods have the ability to communicate with the goddess.

Cole, Berissa, Anatoly and other Winter God tribes even bowed down together, their expressions varied, but they all showed excitement.

The red tank has not seen the goddess, nor have they seen it.

In fact, it is said that for hundreds of years, the goddess has not come to the Winter God clan.

The gusty wind is roaring, and the ice crystals are constantly condensing.

The whole valley is like entering the Ice Age in an instant, putting people in the ice purgatory. Apart from the anxiety of the people, they are all unavoidably secretly frightened. I am afraid that the goddess is so angry.

And at this moment, only the son of flame is in the pool of ice elements. Needless to say, I knew that the guy must have caused the winter goddess.

For a time, Anatoly, who figured out this festival, laughed inwardly, ha ha ha, son of flames, you are such a bad luck, dare to anger the winter goddess. Finished, he must be finished this time.

Anatoly is very excited, which means that this time the game is completely void.


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