The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1001: Wretched green hat bird (for votes)

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(Thousands of chapters, Lao Ao is writing this novel for the first time. Haha, ask for a recommendation ticket and monthly ticket)


The ice fog condensed into the adult form appeared very abruptly, almost completely concealing Wang Yan's mental power perception.

You know, Wang Yan is now an S-class powerhouse. There are not many people in the world who can hide his mental strength. The woman in front of her, though formed by a mass of ice and mist, inexplicably caused Wang Yan a strong sense of oppression.

From the bone, he felt coldness involuntarily. At the same time, he also subconsciously guessed some of this woman's identity.

Could it be that she is the winter goddess?

Wang Yan's heart jumped again. If it were her, this time the trouble would be great.

"Ah ~~" The three-legged Jinwu was hindsight, he didn't even know that there was a ghostly person behind him, and he continued to use the mental fluctuations to say, "You don't know? The winter goddess is not only grumpy, but also very stingy. , Cloudy and uncertain. The first second looked cold and clear, but the next second would suddenly be a violent wind and a shower. This grumpy goddess, seeing her has to die for many years at a time. "

It was unnoticed, and the cold around was gradually thickening, and he continued to spit out the winter goddess very happily.

Even in the cold lake, Wang Yan still had a drop of cold sweat on his head. Is this stupid green-hat bird ready to kill all the big guys? He just wanted to remind the three-legged Jinwu.

An invisible and subtle chill as if in substance, locked Wang Yan firmly, almost overwhelming him. This made him palpitate, this group of ice fog women, really should be the true winter goddess.

She has reached the point where I am the law and the law is my point in the control of the ice law.

Unlike S-class strongmen like Wang Yan, the rule is just a preliminary foray into the rules. The gap between the two cannot be counted.

The reason why Wang Yan was able to refine the power of the ice principle in the cold lake was because the power of the law in the cold lake was just a hint of no one controlling it.

However, the coldness that the winter goddess is willing to display at the moment, if Wang Yan wants to break free, he must have a violent momentum to go all out.

After only a slight delay, the unconscious three-legged Jinwu continued to say: "It's not that the **** is blowing, and when the peak of the **** is then, the winter goddess is just a little girl. Forget it, say If you are too much, you should be the god. The thing we are going to do now is to take advantage of the winter goddess not paying attention, slap her a few more breast milk, and then quickly flash people. "

When it comes to milk ~ juice, in the tone of the green-hat bird, there is an indescribable sense of triviality.

This makes Wang Yan feel embarrassed, how could he be confused with this green-hatted bird mate? It is no wonder that these two goods will be cuckold by the corpse Miao Yi.

"Ah ~ These two goods are finished." In Wang Yan's eyes, there was a hint of gloating.

It's not that Wang Yan has no sympathy for him, but that the green hat bird's insignificance is so strong that even Wang Yan feels that it is really beating.

As expected, a strong chill suddenly covered the entire Hantan.

The three-legged Jinwu, who was still bragging about himself, seemed to be a bald pheasant pinched by his neck, with a sharp mental wave, and the elders and elders in the neck, and a pair of flaming pupils almost from Staring out of his eyes, he stared at the ice mist woman who suddenly appeared in front of it.

"Winter, winter ..." Its spiritual fluctuations were intermittent, and the roots of feathers that were like flames exploded, terrified to the extreme.

The succubus blinked with charming eyes and stared at the scene for a moment. The appearance of the winter goddess naturally surprised her, but as a female creature, at this moment, she would like to see the wretched green hat bird. How did it die.

Only the hairy crab claws have no intestines, and the intestine sons are kind-hearted and stretch out two large claws to cover their eyes. It seems that they can't bear to see this tragic situation. By the way, it still trembles the other eight legs, and quietly moves a few steps back to show the line with a bird.

A bird.

A woman.

The atmosphere is so strange and awkward.


A seemingly inconspicuous ice mist drifted away, and the drifting waves seemed to be slow and fast, and the three-legged golden black clouds were enveloped in an instant.


The three-legged Jinwu, almost composed of flame elements, was instantly frozen into a mass of ice sculptures under the haze of ice. All movements came to an abrupt end, yet the feathers and eyes were extremely vivid.


The ice-like three-legged Jinwu fell into the already shallow shallow pool and made a popping sound.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan took a breath.

It's really a powerful force of ice.

Although the three-legged Jinwu is insignificant, its strength has recovered to above A level, and the essence of its rule of law is extremely high-end. However, the incarnation of the winter goddess didn't even move much, so he directly frozen the three-legged Jinwu into an ice sculpture.

It is indeed a legendary deity, and it should not be taken lightly.

The succubus and the hairy crab are also silent, watching the incarnation of the winter goddess in horror.

The winter goddess who finished tidy green-hat bird didn't even have a glance of interest, and his invisible and substantive eyes turned to Wang Yan.

Although her face could not be seen because of a layer of ice and mist, Wang Yan could still feel the deep coldness on her pretty face. It seems to teach the three-legged Jinwu, but it is just to wipe away some dust from her body, and her real goal this time seems to be Wang Yan.

Wang Yan shuddered slightly in his soul, and felt that the stupid bird was not a big deal during Shennian exploration. Apart from the deity, he protected the succubus and hairy crab behind him, and honestly arched his hand to the winter goddess. When I opened my mouth.

Suddenly, that cold and quiet voice sounded in Wang Yan's consciousness sea: "Zhu Rong, we haven't seen you for a long time."


Wang Yan was shocked, and there was an incredible look on his face.

This time he "listened" clearly, it should be Zhu Rong. This is not the first one, confess your own existence.

Previously, the ancient Flame Demon in the Forbidden Flames admitted himself wrong. And now, the winter goddess has mistaken herself again.

Is it true that you have some connection with the legendary Zhurong? Did that drop of liquid meteorite really come from Zhu Rong's inheritance? Wang Yan couldn't help but immerse himself in thinking.

From the surface of all kinds of signs, the adventures that I encountered in that year are already related to Zhu Rong with great probability.

It's just that Wang Yan still can't understand where Zhu Zhu's inheritance came from. As for meteorites, most of the meteorites falling on the earth come from two places.

One is the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, and the other is the Kuiper Belt.

If the asteroid belt is better, after Wang Yan ’s spacecraft is built, he is ready to explore Mars and the asteroid belt. But if the liquid meteorite came from the Kuiper Belt, it would be very troublesome.

The Kuiper Belt is too far away from the earth, and it is extremely expansive.

Of course, the source of the liquid meteorite is very likely to come from the asteroid belt. Regardless of the information I got from the Temple of the Three Eyes, or some hearsay, it shows that between Jupiter and Mars, there has only been a fierce interstellar war.

Even the entire planet that exists between them has been transformed into countless fragments and become an asteroid belt.

Perhaps, the **** of fire at that time, Zhurong, fell on the planet called "Unconvincing".

After his spaceship is built, he must go and see, Wang Yan secretly made up his mind.


The clear and quiet female voice sounded in Wang Yan's mind again: "Zhu Rong, are you still blaming me? At that time, I didn't accompany you to fight to guard my hometown, there are other reasons."

She speaks an inexplicable language, but like the spirit fluctuates, after it sounds in Wang Yan's mind, it naturally becomes a meaning that Wang Yan can understand. This is mental communication, which is clearer and clearer than language without obstacles. Many different races can also communicate through mental fluctuations.

Wang Yan was agitated and came back. After a little of what she had expressed, her thoughts fluctuated: "Senior, you admit the wrong person. The junior is called Wang Yan, not Zhu Rong."

"Wang Yan?"

The cold voice seemed slightly unexpected.

After more than ten seconds of silence, her voice became clear and quiet again, "Yes, your Vulcan bloodline is still very immature, blaming me for acknowledging the wrong person. Wang Yan, is your master good?"


Needless to say, Wang Yan also knew that she was definitely not asking Uncle Gun, but Zhu Rong, who had never met him, and answered honestly, "Senior, honestly, I have never met Senior Rong Zhu. , Got this inheritance. "

Wang Yan is almost certain that the existence of this communication with himself should be the goddess of winter and hunting. Of course, it cannot be her complete consciousness, but should be a ray of her soul.

At this level of strength, Wang Yan can already barely divide the soul into a few strands and condense the flames to fight. At the level of the gods, I dare not say that there are millions of incarnations, but it is normal to have a few more souls.

When encountering things, the gods rarely dedicate themselves to the horse, and they put on a vest. It is convenient and safe.

Just like the avatar of the **** demon **** that Uncle Gun and Aunt Gun had killed. The death of the avatar is at most a loss of a soul, plus a hard-working body, and it will not bring danger to the deity.

In the face of such high-end existence as the winter goddess of hunting, Wang Yan did not dare to casually rap, and every answer was a matter of fact and honesty.

However, in these fragmented messages, Wang Yan even vaguely felt. It seems that there is some other kind of relationship between this winter goddess and Zhu Rong.

If it was really like Wang Yan's guess, then things would be too cool. Maybe the winter goddess will look at Zhu Rong's face and give herself some unimaginable benefits.


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