Facts have proved that Lothar's worries were unnecessary.

Although the orcs were overwhelmingly attacking Khaz Modan, the situation reversed when the dwarves and gnomes all retreated to the main city.

Orgrim knew that the dwarves were the more powerful of the two races, so Doomhammer commanded the army to attack Ironforge with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, this main city was not as easy to conquer as other places in Khaz Modan. Almost all the residents in the city took up arms and resisted desperately. The dwarves knew that if they lost this battle, they would definitely suffer the fate of annihilation. They would rather die in battle gloriously than surrender.

In addition, this main city is completely located in the mountain. In order to build it, the ancestors of the dwarves almost hollowed out a large mountain. The only connection between the entire city and the outside world is a tall and heavy gate. Taking advantage of this dangerous terrain, even though the tribal army attacked fiercely like a city-breaking hammer, they were still unable to attack for a long time.

As city defenders, the dwarves defeated the orcs one by one against ten.Seriously injured. Seeing this, Doomhammer had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

After all, Ironforge is not his main target, and there is no need to spend a lot of troops here. Now that Khaz Modan and the rich mineral resources are owned by him, the Warchief's basic purpose has been achieved.

In fact, the orc army did not let go of Gnomeregan, but fortunately they failed.

Dwarfs are extremely intelligent and use advanced science and technology to defend their homeland.

They laid hidden mines in the forests and mountains around Gnomeregan, and a large number of orcs died in confusion before even seeing the dwarf's main city.

Gnomeregan also has an impenetrable steel gate. After weeks of bombardment with siege tanks, Doomhammer ordered a retreat. When the battle in Ironforge came to an end, he ordered the Bloodring Clan to control the dwarves within the city and had no intention of continuing to attack the main city. Gnomeregan thus escaped the wrath of the Horde.

On Lothar's side, after learning that the dwarves and gnomes had successfully defended against the orcs' attack, they finally gave up their plans to rush to support and waited honestly for the armies of various countries to gather before considering a battle with the orcs.

However, what happened to the dwarves and gnomes was not without its consequences for the Alliance.

The orcs captured Khaz Modan so quickly, once again proving to the world how powerful they were, and further exacerbating the alliance's panic. The rulers of various countries all seized the time to integrate their troops in an attempt to establish a coalition as soon as possible and bring the alliance to an end. The orcs' troops were blocked from the country.

At the same time, in Stratholme, Archbishop Fao also accelerated the training of the first six paladins. He planned to recruit a second batch of qualified priests and warriors as the successors of the Silver Hand immediately after the initial success of several paladins. The new recruits will train with several first generation paladins - of course, according to the agreement, these recruits will include some members from the high elves.

According to the current situation, although the war is gradually becoming tense, there is still some time before the real second orc war begins. The orcs need enough time to gather grass, while mining minerals and forging weapons in Khaz Modan - no The capture of Ironforge resulted in a much longer process.

The alliance also needs time to train the paladins and organize the troops from various countries.

According to Ye Ting's prediction, this process will last about half a year.

For Ye Ting, these six months were not free time, and he also arranged tasks for himself.

That is, find a way to eliminate the potential allies of the orcs in the continent of Lordaeron and the threats hidden here.

There are two threats, one is the orc Frostwolf tribe that has escaped into the Alterac Mountains, and the other is the Amani trolls living in the jungle of Zul'Aman.

The former is a dissident among the orcs. He upholds a different philosophy from other orcs controlled by evil energy. Therefore, he hid in the mountains of Alterac. It is impossible to help the tribe in a short time.

The latter is Ye Ting's biggest enemy.

In the original history, Orgrim did contact these trolls, and the similar tribal culture and the same enemies made them hit it off. Orgrim later even rescued Zul'jin, the leader of the Amani trolls, from a prison camp near Hillsbrad Foothills.

The addition of the Zul'Aman trolls to the Horde has indeed brought huge trouble to the Alliance. With trolls who are familiar with the terrain leading the way, the orcs can often raid the rear of the Alliance, and even once caused huge chaos in Quel'Thalas. The families of the three sisters suffered heavy casualties in this war.

Now, of course, Ye Ting has to take precautions before they happen.

Of course, he had no intention of killing Zul'jin, who was in a prison camp - even though the troll leader had great popularity among the Amani trolls.

Although the prisoner-of-war camp where Zul'jin is being held is within human territory, it belongs to Quel'Thalas. This is also a rare cooperation between humans and high elves - they have always been consistent in their stance on trolls.

As the leader of the Zul'Aman trolls, Zuljin's hands were stained with the blood of the high elves, and he was regarded as the high elves' mortal enemy. However, due to strategic considerations, the high elves never executed him after capturing him. , but let him live in a prisoner of war camp to contain the Amani trolls.

Although Quel'Thalas is now far more powerful than the Amani trolls, due to the slow reproduction rate, it is basically impossible for Quel'Thalas to attack Zul'Aman at the cost of huge casualties. After all, the trolls reproduce faster than the high elves. Much faster. And if they can keep Zul'jin alive, then the Amani trolls will be in chaos for a long time. The dispute about redeeming the leader, rescuing the leader, or fighting has divided the entire Amani trolls, and Quel'Thala This can keep them weak for a long time.

On the contrary, if Zul'jin is killed, the Amani trolls who have lost their leader are likely to re-elect a new leader and then unite under the banner of revenge for Zul'jin. In that case, Quel'Thala Si may fall into a new war, which is inconsistent with the interests of the high elves.

In Ye Ting's view, if there were no orcs, the strategy of the high elves would indeed be brilliant. After all, the trolls' powerful reproductive ability makes them like rice, one crop will grow again the next year.

Anyone familiar with biology knows that the reproduction curve of species is related to the capacity of the environment. When the number of species is scarce, the growth rate will be greatly increased - because the environment can accommodate more numbers. But when the number of species is too high, the rate of reproduction will gradually slow down to zero because the environment is not large enough to accommodate such a large population.

The same goes for the Amani Troll. No matter how hard the high elves wipe out the Amani trolls in the Aman jungle, their population will quickly recover. On the contrary, the high elves themselves cannot afford to consume them - for the specific reason, please refer to the Vietnam War in the Lighthouse Country.

However, the number of trolls that Zul'Aman Jungle can accommodate is limited. When the high elves let them go without eradicating them and instead weakened them through other means, the number of trolls would stop growing after reaching the limit, and generally speaking, it would not have any impact on the elves. What trouble is caused.

But now, the appearance of the orcs has caused the high elves to shoot themselves in the foot, and they haven't discovered it yet. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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