The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 274: Natural Green (Medium)

It was a short white sleeveless skirt that was so simple that there was almost no decoration. Except for the black ribbon on the chest, there is no other color. But she doesn't need the embellishments of those colors, the natural green breath that she exudes is the most beautiful decoration.

She is like a white flower with green branches and leaves, blooming on the earth, breathing with the world. Show the beauty of life inadvertently, just like a green elf.

No one saw how she appeared, or even noticed her presence—except for Euses. There were many people around her, but no one looked at her, as if she was not there at all, close at hand.

Obviously she was walking in the middle of the road, but beside her, there seemed to be an invisible wall that blocked everyone from approaching. Many people passed by her, but naturally avoided her, but those people themselves did not realize this.

She is like a ghost, walking among the noisy crowd, looking at everything around her with those calm and indifferent eyes.

The eyes that were supposed to be full of youthful vigor, but as if seeing through everything, no longer have any feelings, lost the color that they should have.

What a pair of sad eyes. That kind of look seemed to have given up on this world, and was also given up by this world. Just simply watching, without the slightest fluctuation. Whether it was the people walking by her side, the white square, or even the world, there seemed to be no way to attract her attention.

What a pair of beautiful eyes. The faint green is the most natural green like a sprout that is struggling to send out from the cold ground just after winter.

How could such a girl not be noticeable? It's just that the beautiful long green hair and eyes have given her enough charm. But the people around her didn't seem to notice her existence at all. There were so many people in the square, but there was not even a glance at her, as if she was not there, not in this world.

She didn't care about the ignorance of the people around her, because she seemed to ignore the people around, just walking in the crowd casually and leisurely. Where she walked, an unnatural path appeared. That trajectory seemed to be separated from this world forcibly, and no one set foot on it.

"Sister? Is there anything weird in there?" The girls around Juss looked over there curiously. They didn't find anything weird.

"That girl... that girl with long green hair... why everyone didn't seem to notice her walking by." Juses stared at the mysterious girl walking in the crowd with a confused expression.

"Long green hair? Rarely, where is it?" The girls showed curious expressions.

"There..." Juses pointed to the location of the mysterious green-haired girl. She has reached the edge of the crowd and has become more eye-catching than before, and the gap left by her after she left has begun to be gradually filled.

"There? Sister, there is nothing there." The girls looked at each other, they didn't see any girl with long green hair. The place Juss was referring to seemed to them blank and there was nothing.

Moreover, I don't know why, just looking at that location gives them a strange feeling of cold behind their backs, and they instinctively don't want to look more over there.

Of course it wasn't that there was nothing, but when they looked over, some special force affected their eyes. So they can't see there, and they don't even want to see it.

"Can't you see?" Juses looked at the girls next to him in disbelief. That girl, the girl who possessed a unique temperament, like a green elf walking out of the forest, was clearly there.

"Sister, there really isn't anything there." The girl who took the lead resisted the strange feeling of anxiety and looked at the location again, but still couldn't see anything.

It wasn't a realm that ordinary people could enter. She was just a child, and she showed great courage just looking at it. And the children around her didn't even have the courage to look there.

Children are sometimes more sensitive than adults. Although they don't know where the anxiety comes from, they instinctively feel something terrible, so they are more reluctant to see it than ordinary people.

"Really..." Juses didn't think these kids would lie.

Apparently, it wasn't that everyone turned a blind eye to that girl. It's the girl, which ordinary people can't see.

It seems that he is the only one who can see her.

ghost? Juses thought of this unconsciously.

But here is the guardian city of the Guanghui Academy, around the Guanghui Academy which is famous for cultivating outstanding priests. In the daytime, there will be ghosts. Moreover, it seems that he is the only one who can see it, which is really weird.

Look, look again, look carefully, look hard, no matter what Juss looks at, the girl is there and there is no sign of disappearing.

This kind of ghost appearing right in the Great White Heaven Hall seems to be very strong!

"?" The girl seemed to notice Juss' gaze, turned around a little, and looked at the location of the fountain.

In an instant, the eyes of the two met. Just like before, the feeling that the world seems to have paused appeared again.

"..." The green-haired girl looked at Euses with curiosity and interest. Her eyes were no longer the same feeling that she had no feelings anymore, giving up the world and being abandoned by the world.

It seems that a ghost that never existed suddenly became a real human being.

"Ah..." Euses was dumbfounded. He did not expect that his secret observation was discovered. It seemed that the ghostly girl had found him looking at her.

Ice Phoenix's mother had taught her a lady course, and it was very rude to keep looking at women she didn't know. However, he didn't know why, he just couldn't leave that girl alone. If she hadn't found him, maybe he had already passed by.

As for what to do when he walked over, he himself didn't know. I always feel that I can't just leave that girl alone.

Seeing her eyes that seemed to have given up on this world and everything, his heart was slightly painful, as if he had touched some hurt...

When Juss was confused by his inexplicable distress, the mysterious green-haired girl walked over to where he was.

The air seemed to be frozen, and the people on her way forward unconsciously stepped aside, seeming to welcome the arrival of an invisible monarch.

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