The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 273: Natural Green (Part 1)

This is the city that guards the Glory Academy, known as the Shield of Glory, which is the city where he will live for a period of time next? Juss raised his head and looked at the far-reaching sky.

The sky is as blue as before entering the city, but there seems to be something different.

Huh...what's there... Juses blinked. He didn't know what it was, it was looming. But there is something in the air where there should be nothing.

Like the branches of a big tree, and like a spire overlooking everything. In short, it is the kind of ethereal, vertical feeling, as if directly connected to a certain place in the sky, free from the hustle and bustle of the world.

However, when Juss really stared, he could no longer see it. That thing suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only the blue sky.

Is it wrong? Juses rubbed his eyes and looked again. Unfortunately, as before, he never saw that strange thing again.

Strange, what the **** is that? Is it really there? Juses stood up and walked in that direction unconsciously. He didn't wake up until he encountered something-it turned out that he had already walked into the corner of the square without knowing it.

In front of him, there are six artistic fountain girl statues. If he went further, he would have to plunge into the spring water.

Beside this fountain, several little girls are staring at the statue of a girl holding a water bottle above the fountain. The clear water continuously flowed out from the water bottle in the girl's hand, and fell into the pool below, making a pleasant sound.

The style of this statue is the ancient body art style, that is to say half-naked, the plump upper body symbolizes harvest and joy. The water flowing from the water bottle she is holding symbolizes the source of life, eternal.

But it is obvious that these symbolic meanings are not understood by these children, they are just curious.

"Sister!" After discussing for a long time, one of the little girls walked to Juss's side with her friends around, and looked at him with longing and longing eyes-there was no one else around here.

"Ah... Sister?" Euses was stunned for a moment, not figuring out who the children were talking about.

He was once called "eldest lady", "daddy" "little lady", but no one called him "sister", and it was only natural that he could not react for a while.

"Sister." The little girl taking the lead came close to Juss naturally, and then shook her hand, as if he was really her sister.

"Can you tell us why the water keeps flowing out? It's amazing."

"Really, it's strange, is there so much water in that bottle?"

"Why is the sister of that statue so big? The front is still sharp, different from ours."

"Where is the falling water? Why hasn't the water in the pond increased at all."

Once someone started, these curious children couldn't stop, and they surrounded Juss and asked him a lot of questions.

Probably, when these children come, Juss, who looks virtuous and stable (...), must be a kind sister who will answer these questions.

"Uh... let me think about it... this is actually..." Juss couldn't bear to refuse, looking at the innocent children whose eyes were shining with the brilliance of seeking knowledge. I had to desperately recall the books I had read and find the appropriate answers, so much so that I forgot to say that I was not a "sister".

"The reason that the water can flow continuously is because there is a backflow device for water pressure in the statue."

"There is not much water in the water bottle, because the water is always flowing."

"The falling water will go underground and then flow back through special pipes. In fact, the total amount of water has not changed much, so it can be sprayed out continuously, which is a kind of recycling device."

Juses can still explain clearly how the fountain works. This is not a complicated project.

However, the problems caused by the artistic style of the statue left him at a loss. To be precise, I don't know where to start.

"This statue... the chest..." Although he knew the answer, the embarrassed Juss couldn't tell.

How should he explain to these children who don’t know anything about why the statue’s **** are so plump, and the front is pointed...Speaking of which, why is this artistic style statue hall upright on the central square of this city? !

There are many statues of this ancient body art style in the world, and it is not impossible to put them in the square, but most of them are statues that express the beauty of male fortitude.

This kind of female statue is still a half-naked fountain girl statue, which is generally decorated in places like hot springs. In a city where many girls live, putting this on the central square, it seems, a little bit strange...

Even Euses, who knew the harvest and the endless philosophy that this statue wanted to express, would blush when he looked at her.

Because the artist who sculpted this statue particularly highlighted the part that represents "bundance" when carving this statue. It can be said that the most delicate part of this statue is there. Not only is the shape beautiful, but the curve is soft, and there is no stiff line.

The more you look at that part, the more you can see the preference of the artist who sculpted the statue for that part. Almost all the essence of this girl statue is concentrated on the pair of plump breasts. Probably, the artist who sculpted her has an extraordinary love for this symbol of abundance and the location of spring water.

"Breasts?" The innocent girls looked at Juses with innocent eyes, eager to get answers from him.

They have not been in this city for a long time, and today is the first time they have time to visit the city center together. Among all the fountain statues, this one is the most curious of them. The water bottle and **** are the focus of their attention.

"The that will know when you grow up." Juss, who was stared at by so many innocent children with so innocent eyes, really couldn't give a suitable answer. Can be perfunctory with such an ambiguous answer.

Obviously, Juss's answer can't satisfy these curious children at all.

"Really? But my sister is already an adult, why doesn't she have such big breasts?"

"Neither did my mother. I saw it when I took a bath with my mother."

"My mother is too, and it's not sharp and beautiful at all. It's completely different from this statue sister."

"My sister's **** are very beautiful, but they are not so big. Last time I saw her reading a book, her **** became sharp. But my sister didn't lend me that book, I just peeked When it comes to the name of the book, it seems to be called (Kissing that petal)."

"What book is that? What does it mean to kiss the petals?"

"I haven't read the book. My sister hid it after that, and I couldn't find it no matter how I looked."

The girls who completely regarded Euses as a "kind sister" were around him talking about the topic of **** and their sisters without any notice.

Just because they are children, they can say that they don't know what to say and what not to say. So that Juss beside them suddenly heard a lot of things that shouldn't be heard.

After ten minutes, he could even remember the breast rankings and characteristics of the sisters of these children. (Of course not the original intention...)

"Cough...cough...that...this kind of thing, it's best not to say in the square..." The excessively irritating content made Juses cough several times, wanting to tell these children some necessary precautions.

Although he himself doesn't understand this aspect very well, in any case, this does not seem to be a topic that can be talked aloud in the central square of the city.

"It doesn't matter, my sister is also a child of the Ana family, that's our sister, and there are no men here." The leading girl looked at Juss in the white robe with admiration.

She felt very comfortable with this sister, so she leaned in naturally.

Now most of the girls in this city are girls from the Ana family, and they have a little blood connection with each other. Therefore, it is only natural for her to regard Euses as her "sister".

Some, some, right in front of you! Seeing the girls' innocent eyes, Juss couldn't tell.

It seemed that they really regarded him as their "sister". However, why, he just answered a simple question, why seemed to be accepted by them all at once. Are ordinary human children so receptive to strangers?

Forget it, it will be separated soon anyway, so don't say it. Juss sighed, his overly gentle personality made him unable to refuse the kindness of these children. And knowing that he is not a "sister", these children might be scared and upset. Harming the heart of an innocent child is one of the most unforgivable crimes in the world.

These children are really cute, and they will all be beautiful girls in a few years.

Unexpectedly, even the children in this city are so beautiful, but why are they all girls...

Juss's heart suddenly moved amidst such and other inconspicuous fantasies.

There was no sign, but the body turned around involuntarily, as if attracted by something.

Then he saw, saw a girl, a girl with long light green hair that almost fell to the ground.

In a corner of the square, the green-haired girl in a simple short skirt was walking among the crowd.

At that moment, the world seemed to stop. In Juss' eyes, there were no other people in sight except her.

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