Do I love her? I don't understand, but at least I don't have that kind of eager expectation for Xier. Maybe I've been treating her as Xier's shadow? It's really shameless to think like this, but I really have this feeling in my heart. I don't know whether I love her or whether she is just the replacement of Xi'er!

I avoided her eyes and felt guilty. I said with a smile, "I'm not an irresponsible man, but I'm really not sure about it. Since we returned home, I've been thinking about a problem all the time..."

"Gu Yang, I understand! I know what you mean She looked at me and said, "I didn't ask you to register with me right away! I will not force you, I know the time is not mature, I will give you time, you will be willing to marry me one day! Gu Yang! You have to know how many people want to marry me in Binhai city! "

I looked at her and said with a smile, "of course, of course..."

Lin Xi'er's heart suddenly jumped. When she saw Gu Yang on the bed, how she wanted to open the door of the ward, rush in and rush to the edge of the bed!

But when she heard her sister Xi'er's voice, her steps stopped. When she heard the conversation between Gu Yang and her sister Xi'er, she hesitated. Her heart beat faster!

In fact, her heart was filled with amazement, pain and bewilderment!

How she hopes to sit beside the bed to comfort Gu Yang and make him happy. The person who feeds him is herself!

Xi'er likes Gu Yang. She noticed it from the beginning. She just didn't expect that their relationship was progressing so fast that they I slept together!

So Gu Yang didn't go back to his hometown last time, but really went abroad with Xi'er? She should have thought of it! She knows about her sister's going abroad. During the time when her sister went abroad, Gu Yang's mobile phone couldn't get through. After her sister returned home, Gu Yang's mobile phone got through!

She should have thought that Gu Yang was going abroad with her sister. A week before and after this, I didn't expect that their relationship had developed to such a degree!

Lin Xi'er's heart seemed to be pulled by something, and the look of extreme pain passed in her eyes.

Blame yourself? Blame yourself for giving my sister a chance? If she doesn't let Gu Yang and his sister go abroad, will their relationship go so fast?

But so far, she still can't understand why Gu Yang ignored her, didn't answer the phone, didn't send a message back, and said those strange words to her in this week! Has sister Xi'er told Gu Yang about her and Ouyang Ze?

In a week's time, they have developed to the point of talking about marriage!

Lin Xi'er's heart can't help but pain, accompanied by a strong pain!

The door of the ward is half closed. From her point of view, you can see Gu Yang on the bed and Xi'er sitting beside the bed. They look very intimate. Xi'er is patiently feeding Gu Yang. They talk and laugh, just like a loving couple!

My heart hurts! It really hurts! Nose sour, eye socket uncomfortable up, hot liquid from the lacrimal gland overflow!

Lin Xi'er stands at the door of the ward, looking through the door and looking at the loving people in the ward!

Seeing the medical staff coming from the opposite side, Lin Xi'er raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes. Then she suddenly turned around, left the door of the ward and walked quickly to the elevator.

Unable to wait for the elevator, she ran straight to the stairway and trod down the stairs.

The steps under her feet are so long, as if the pain in her heart is overflowing continuously. Her vision is more and more blurred. The steps under her feet are hazy in her vision. She steps on the steps high and low and continues to run downstairs.

Because her vision was blurred by tears, she couldn't judge the actual distance of the steps under her feet. As soon as she didn't pay attention, the tips of her high heels sprained out. She instinctively screamed and rushed downstairs like losing her center of gravity

Fortunately, she grasped the handrail of the stairs in time to stabilize her body.

But her ankle was severely sprained, but she didn't feel much pain, because her heart was more painful than any form of injury! The pain in her heart is more unbearable than the pain in her ankles!

Lin Xi'er didn't know how she dragged her sprained ankle to the hall on the first floor, walked out of the emergency department building, and walked to her white car parked in the parking lot.

She opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, tears suddenly like a burst of flood, surging, like driving in the street in heavy rain, rain sliding through the windshield scene.

She raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes. She couldn't accept the fact for a moment. She didn't know why things suddenly became like this? All this is totally different from her expectation! She didn't expect that Gu Yang would become so fast!

Hate Gu Yang? No hate, no hate at all. Hate Xi'er? No hate, no hate at all. Hate yourself? yes! I hate myself! She realized that it was her own reason that the fact had come to this point. She should hate herself!

Gu Yang probably ignored her after he knew what happened between her and Ouyang Ze. Sister Xi'er may have told Gu Yang about her relationship with Ouyang Ze, otherwise how could Gu Yang know? If she didn't know, why would he ignore her this week?She asked herself again and again, why, why, why didn't God let her meet Gu Yang earlier? Why did God arrange Gu Yang to appear after she was with Ouyang Ze? Why? Why?

It seems that all the bitterness should be tasted by her alone, and all the sins should be borne by her alone. If she doesn't meet Gu Yang, her heart may always be calm. She will listen to her father's arrangement and go into the palace of marriage with Ouyang Ze, and then spend her life with Ouyang Ze smoothly.

The days with Ouyang Ze may be calm, there will be no exciting waves, but her heart will not suffer the pain of love. Ouyang Ze is five years older than her. He is very kind, cares about her and takes good care of others. Before she met Gu Yang, she always acquiesced to her father's arrangement. She always thought that Ouyang Ze was a warm harbor, a harbor suitable for the soul.

However, after meeting Gu Yang, everything changed!

She fell in love with him hopelessly. She fell into his world hopelessly. Sometimes she even thought that she was really crazy!

However, after being with Gu Yang, she suddenly realized that the feeling of being with Ouyang Ze was not love! Or not the kind of love she wanted!

And she will experience the real love in Gu Yang, she will laugh for him, cry for him, and feel sad for him. She has been with Ouyang Ze for two years, and she has never had such a strong emotional experience! Like many mature men, Ouyang Ze is very good at taking care of a girl's feelings and is very considerate of her!

She knew that she should not fall in love with Gu Yang, but this process is uncontrollable! In fact, after meeting Gu Yang, she soon fell in love with him! She can't list any reasons for falling in love with him, but any one can be the most powerful evidence of falling in love with him!

She really fell in love with him!

She knew that she shouldn't fall in love with Gu Yang. At the beginning, she struggled in her heart, but no matter how hard she struggled in her heart, she couldn't resist Gu Yang's cynical smile. Her heart has been very tangled, on the one hand immersed in the guilt of Ouyang Ze, on the other hand immersed in the extreme emotional experience Gu Yang brought her.

Sometimes she doubts whether her personality is split or not!

Every time she meets Gu Yang, she is completely immersed in a new and extreme emotional tide. She can completely give up her guilt for Ouyang Ze, and this pure happiness will last for several days. Only after a few days, when the happiness Gu Yang brings to her fades, will her guilt for Ouyang Ze have a chance to spread.

However, as long as we see Gu Yang again, her guilt for Ouyang Ze will disappear again. Gu Yang's whole world is full of her, her world is full of Gu Yang.

She had been sitting in the car until it was getting dark, until it was time for the city to shine again.

Tears on her cheek had dried up. Her eyes were fixed on the conch on the front desk of the car. This conch was given to her by Gu Yang as a gift when she went to the market! When she came back from the city, she always took this conch with her in the car. When she was driving, she would turn her face and look at it from time to time. When she was free, she would put the conch in her ear and listen to the sound of the sea.

Every time she heard the sound of the sea in the conch, she would think of the two happy days with Gu Yang at the seaside. She will think of Gu Yang wearing a pair of beach pants, naked symmetrical and strong upper body, running and jumping on the beach volleyball court. She would remember that evening when he stood on the rocks and said to her, "I love you.". She will think of her back she walked on the beach under the stars, she will think of him playing guitar duet that "read you" affectionate appearance.

At the thought of these, tears blurred her eyes again. She was sitting in the car. The car was as dark and cold as a sunken ship. She was at a loss like a lost child. She didn't know where to go?

After dinner, Xi'er helped me out of the ward, took the elevator down to the first floor, went out of the hall of the emergency department building, and walked to the small garden of the hospital, on the side of the emergency department.

At this moment is the beginning of the lights, the streets outside the hospital are still full of traffic, pedestrians, walking in a hurry. There are neon lights flashing on the signboards of shops and restaurants on both sides of the street.

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