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Seeing his son like this, Xiao Yijie showed a happy smile on his face and shouted loudly, "Ye Chen, come on!"

Ye Chen faced with respect, and replied loudly, "Okay!"

In an instant, he rose up with his sword and shrouded himself in a blade storm. Like the same sword and mandrel, he rushed towards Xiao Yi. At the last moment, Ye Chen gave up the idea of ​​using a water column to attack and turned to a sword to show his respect for the swordsman.

The fierce sword gas was not yet reached, but it was already stirred into the air, and all sounded cracking, as if even the space was ascending and breaking.

Everyone was horrified, but the old man Xingxie was close to him thousands of years ago. I am afraid that is not the case.

Ye Chen is an immortal emperor, and the skill of the royal sword is brilliant. How can people on earth imagine it? His sword ring danced across the sky, traversing the sun and the moon, carrying Dao Dao in a vertical and horizontal sword spirit, and rushed towards Xiao Yi, and Hugh said that he was already running out of light at this time, and when it was in the best state, he could not bear it. .

At this time, Xiao Yijue showed a smile on his face.

A white ray of light came out of him. As if he couldn't hold back anymore, his entire body began to swell. Even in the nostrils of the eyes, there was sword gas shot out, and the entire head instantly turned into snow.

However, Xiao Yijie still laughed happily: "After raising the sword for nearly a hundred years, I can finally shed a sheath, Ye Chen, and take me a sword of mysterious fairy!"

After that, a sword rainbow that runs through the world and rises in shock!

One hundred years of hard thinking, one hundred years of insight, one hundred years of practice...

Xiao Yi was absolutely sealed in the sword mound and worked hard for nearly a hundred years. In the past hundred years, he has been thinking of ways to transcend the commonplace and step into the legendary mysterious realm.

But Xuan Xian was too difficult, it was Xiao Yijue's stunning beauty, and ultimately, it was just the strength, and the realm could not enter. The cultivation environment on the earth, and the aura, are not enough to push him into the Xuanxian.

He could only suffocate in a stone chamber, with a sword in his chest, the deeper the deeper, the more condensed, like crystal jade. If it is on other cultivation stars. With this sword, Xiao Yijue can go straight into the period of awakening, and even ask Yuan Ying. But on the earth, he can only be stuck at the peak of the divine realm, never ending the realm of mysterious immortals.

"Oh, uh--!"

A series of thin swords of light shone thinly from Xiao Yijie's nostrils, ears, and eyes. In the horrified eyes of everyone, his entire body released white swordsmanship from the inside to the outside. In the end, the whole body seemed to be gradually broken apart. From the internal organs to the outer skeleton, spine, blood vessels, muscles, skin, etc., all are broken.

"this is……"

After watching the battle, everyone was completely silent.

"My God, this is the true sword god. He even abandoned the flesh and used the **** of the gods to guard the sword!" Looking at the gorgeous sword light, the war wolf king couldn't help but discolor.

"Xiao Yijue's sword, combined with his centuries of skill, is enough to be comparable to a real sword of mystic fairy!" The high priest of Eaton also looked solemn, even with his arrogance, he couldn't help but praise.

Even Lu Xinghe, who admired Ye Chen very much, couldn't help but look down, frowning and saying: "I don't know Master Ye Xian, can you take this sword?"

As for Qin Hongshuang's daughters, her almost tense heart seemed to be gripped. Even Sayuri Aokawa, who had the most confidence in Ye Chen, couldn't help shrinking her pupils.

"Good! Good!!! Good!!!"

Faced with this sword, Ye Chen repeated three good words, and his fighting intentions skyrocketed.

He made a move, and in an instant, the endless Canglan River boiled violently, and finally, the entire Canglan River roared up and rushed towards Huashan Mountain.

"Oh my God……"

Looking at the huge waves of hundreds of meters high in the Canglan River, when they came across the sky, even those gods could not help but change their colors. If this trick is really placed on the battlefield, I am afraid it will be enough to destroy a Country!

Ye Chen's feet are on the ground, beside him is a huge water dragon formed by the congregation of the thousands of miles of the Lanjiang River. He proudly said: "Xiao Yijue, this is my great magical power to destroy the world. I will use this trick today to meet you for a while. Xuanxian Sword!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Yijue finally spit out a word, and the whole person was overwhelmed by Jian Qi. The monstrous sword gas rushed into the night, the rain curtain in the air was dispersed, and even the dark clouds were cut open, showing the faint sunlight.


At that moment, Xiao Yi's flesh was completely decomposed by Jian Qi. The spirit of his whole man was thrown into the spirit of sword, and he controlled this sword awn, dashed into the long sky, cut through the night sky, and slammed into Ye Chen.

The white sword rainbow is as long as a hundred feet long, like Changhong running through the sun and comets hitting the moon, unstoppable.

Even if it is hundreds of kilometers apart, everyone feels that the sword is blowing at the face, and the cut face is full of life. Many swordsmen were trembling with excitement, and some people burst into tears, kneeling on the ground:

"This is the real sword god! This sword can be seen in this life, enough!"

Even the strongest of the realm of the gods, with his eyes fixed to the extreme, paid close attention.

As for Qin Hongshuang and Liu Bingyao, all the women have closed their eyes and secretly prayed for Ye Chen.

"go with!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, and the gigantic surging water dragon rushed straight to the white sword rainbow across the Tianyu, and...

Just like the mud bull entering the sea, the sword rainbow rushed into the water dragon, and there was no interest at all.

"Just, that's it?"

"Ye Chen, has he swallowed the sword of Xuan Xian?"

"Just kidding!"

Many people looked horrified, but Joyce said with a stern look: "No, what really matters is Ye Chen!"

The people hurriedly turned their heads to see, but they saw that Jianhong was rushing among the water dragons. In a flash, the huge water dragon, the interspersed fragment, and the massive amount of water were poured down like a twelfth-level storm.

But the water dragon is not a vegetarian. It can be clearly seen that the speed of Jianhong is getting slower and slower due to the interference of the water dragon. It was originally a hundred feet long, but it is slowly reducing.

Now everyone can see, now it depends on whether the water dragon consumes lightsaber gas first, or that sword gas breaks through the water dragon first...

"Wow, wow—!"

The big water splash of the bullfight fell down in large groups. Although Ye Chen's hand only extracted the aura of the Canglan River, after all, he also brought a lot of water with him. At this time, he hit the Huashan Mountain and it was suddenly in a mess.

Gradually, the white Jianhong became slower and slower, and seemed to be exhausted.

Seeing this, Xiao Yao couldn't help shouting loudly: "Father, come on, don't lose to that Ye Chen!"

The young man soaked in the honey pot, when he really grew up, he didn't think about his private enmity with Ye Chen, but only hoped that his father could win.

Originally, the surroundings were silent and everyone was watching this stunning matchup intently, but when he shouted like this, Xiao Fu jumped up and cried wildly: "Master, come on!"

The other six swords couldn't help but shouted, "Master, come on!"

Gradually, more and more people became infected and shouted loudly:

"Mr. Xiao, come on, don't lose to that surnamed Ye!"

"Sword God, Sword God you will definitely win!"

"Xiao Wushen will not fail!"


At first, only ordinary people were shouting, but then, more and more warriors also joined in. At the end, even everyone in the magical art world who hated him so much could not help but shout and cheer.

Listening to the sound of cheering like a tsunami in the surrounding mountains, it seemed that Ye Chen was a villain, but this time it had nothing to do with personal gains and losses. It was purely Xiao Yijue's performance that moved them!


At this time, the thirty-foot-long white sword rainbow has been wiped out by twenty-nine feet, leaving only one-foot-long sword rainbow still, and at this time, the dragon tail lying in front of the sword rainbow is in vain. Changed into a narrow sword.

Original Water Excalibur!

Ye Chen took hold of the sword in an instant, and slashed fiercely towards the last section of the sword!

Everyone's heart suddenly mentioned his throat, and everyone could see that the last Jianhong was already the end of a strong crossbow. If it was hit in this way, I am afraid it would be completely dissipated directly.

But at this moment, the last Jianhong, spread out like flowing water, bypassed the original water Divine Sword, and then snapped together. Jianhong was reorganized, and the white light was dazzling, dazzling than the 30-foot swordmans before, and even Xiao Yijue could be seen faintly in it.

"Yuanshen Yujian, it turns out that this is the real sword of Xuanxian."

Joyce shouted suddenly.

Xiao Yi's sword energy that he has worked hard for over a hundred years is basically concentrated in the last paragraph. The previous twenty-nine feet is just a guise. This is the real trick.

Everyone can even see that in Jianhong, Xiao Yi's expression is like a pilgrimage.

"Ye Chen, eat my last trick to ask about swordsmanship..." Xiao Yijie laughed with unprecedented pride on his face, as if he was a child who got his beloved toy...

"What is love?"

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