The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 346: Sword God final battle

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"Oh, uh--!"

In an instant, there were countless bursts of sound between heaven and earth, and dozens of huge water columns shining with blue light. When the sky fell, it was like a spear of the sea god, covering the entire Huashan.

The place swept by the water column is just like being hit by satellite rays, and then falls apart under high pressure. Even the Huashan Mountain after the rejuvenation of the aura can't bear the magic method exhibited by the sea emperor's glass body.

In an instant, there were already seven or eight water columns sweeping towards Xiao Yi, and the water column called out by the fairy law was as bright as a sapphire, and the true element was surging.


Xiao Yi's white hair is horizontal, like a swift dragon, and the white robe is flying in the wind. Although the wrinkles have already covered half of his face, his eyes are still fighting.

In his hand, Hao Tianjian immediately wiped out and picked up, exhibiting ingenious tricks. Each sword was attacked from a tricky point of view, and the sword went slanted, showing its old age.

The blood awns ran into the air and collided with the water column. The power of half mysterious fairy and the power of burning spirit treasure actually split those water columns.

"Boom Boom--!"

Xiao Yi shook his body in shock. Although he cut off the water column, he only felt that his Haotian sword was hit by a ten-million-pound sledgehammer in a flash. Zhen's wrists were numb, and he almost took the sword out of his hands. As a result, the middle door opened wide, revealing huge flaws.

"not good."

Xiao Yijue's pupils shrank, his heart screamed, but it was too late.

I saw Ye Chen's hands clasped together, forming an annual ring-like mark, and gently pressed it to his chest.

Guarding around Xiao Yijue, the remaining seven or eight spiritual charms. In front of this mark, it was like a crisp glass, as if it could not withstand a blow. Ye Chen punched hard with a punch, crushed many Xuanxian charms, and printed it on Xiao Yi's chest.

"Xian Fa·True Tree Buddha Hand!"

This blow, with the help of his own Jindan power and the nourishment of the Shanghai Emperor's glass body, has the magical power of aquatic wood, and the erupting power is simply amazing.


I saw him spit out blood, and his body shot backwards, flying out like a sharp arrow.

Xiao Yijie instantly crossed a thousand kilometers of void, and slammed into another mountain. The mountain shook violently and was directly hit by a huge humanoid cavity. I don't know how many meters deep or even a boulder the size of a house has been crushed by a hard impact.

"Xiao Yi never lost?"

Those who saw this scene shrank their pupils.

Qin Shuang and the killing wolf and other people changed their faces. However, everyone in Xiao's house was like a funeral examination and could not believe it. Xiao Yijue, who is invincible in China and has reached the pinnacle of the gods, has lost? How can this be?

"Brother Liu, you are wrong."

Qin Silong carried his hands on his back and looked at his old opponent with pride.

Liu Lao's face was blue, and he said nothing. And everyone in the Liu family was uneasy and trembling in their hearts. Although the marriage between Xiao and Liu has been destroyed, after all, the wedding has been held after all, and Xiao Yi is defeated, how can the Liu family be spared?

The other Yanjing patriarchs also looked ugly, if Ye Chen won. By then Yanjing had to tremble under his feet. Many patriarchs and patriarchs lived on the breath of Ye Chen and the Qin family. As for Xu Duo, he knelt on the ground in shock and shivered.

"Hey, Ye Chen is going to be invincible in the world." Countless powerful people from all over the world shook his head.

Although Xiao Yijie started out, he showed a power that was far superior to the general divine realm, and he controlled the heavens and the earth as well as the mysterious immortals. However, Ye Chen is a real combat force, incredible and powerful. Actually, the world is shaken with one person's strength.

But at this moment...


Only hearing the sound of falling stones, the figure of Xiao Yijue appeared again in front of everyone.

"Great, father you can..."

Xiao Yao shouted, and there was no sound in half of the shouting. It turned out that Xiao Yijue, who appeared in front of everyone at this time, was terribly bad.

He was like the face of a young man in his twenties or thirties, and now he had completely turned into a dry and white hair. His chest exploded to reveal his bones. The Haotian sword in his hand was full of cracks. It seemed that the next second It's about to break apart.

Everyone can see that this Xiao Yijue... is obviously the end of the crossbow.

There was a trace of respect in Ye Chen's eyes. He waved his hand gently, and the huge water column around him leaned over again, but at this moment...

"Ye Wushen's mercy!"

Only heard a cry, Xiao Fu, a loyal servant, rushed into the battlefield of Xuan Xian level with the body of Wu Sheng. He lay down in front of Xiao Yijue, fell to his knees, and desperately directed to Ye Chen Kowtow cried:

"Ye Wushen, please be merciful, and let go of my lord, my Xiao's clothes, my Xiao's clothes..."

Hearing Xiao Fu's cry, everyone around him, and a sadness of rabbits and dead foxes surging at the same time, who can imagine that the dazzling Yanjing Xiaofu actually fell into the field like today?

At the same time, other seven dragons of Canglong also flew over and knelt down to the ground. Among them, Xiao Yao cried most loudly: "Ye Wushen, it's my fault. Please beg my father, please kill me." Please kill me!"

When everyone saw this scene, they all couldn't bear it, but Ye Chen's pupils were still as calm as iron. Those who saw it couldn't help but shudder.

What a pair of eyes that are determined, as if the whole world is blocked in front of them, and they must be crushed!

At the same time, Xiao Yi absolutely spoke slowly, his old voice, although the breath was extremely weak, was clearly passed into everyone's ears:

"You... withdraw, this duel...I haven't lost yet."




Everyone in Xiao House screamed together, but the answer to them was still two words: "Retreat... Next!"

They just got up with tears and returned to Fu Feng. At this time, Xiao Yao was already falling into Xiao Fu's arms, sobbing, and he didn't want to raise his head again.

But at this moment...

"Look up."

A low voice suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone in Xiao House. They suddenly shivered and raised their heads. They saw the scarred War Wolf King standing beside him.

However, this warrior, who has always been full of pride, was full of solemnity and respect on his face at this time, and he said slowly in a cynical tone: "Look carefully, it is a warrior, a generation of masters, one A swordsman...This is the man named Xiao Yijie, the last battle of the sword god!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yao only felt a tear in his eyes, but he immediately wiped it clean, staring at the battlefield deadly, and replied loudly:


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