The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 253: Double Saint of Martial Arts

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Soon, an explosive news spread on the island of Australia and even the whole of Asia-Wu Sheng Ye Chen, will fight with Lin Biluo Lin Tianshi on the platinum beach.

In addition to the lives of both parties, the bet also has amazing wealth! One side bet on tens of billions of dollars, the other side bet on all the foundations of He family!

This gambling is even more troublesome than the previous decisive battle at Henglan Mountain. After all, this is not only the victory of two people, but also the gambling of two realms.

The two sides of the game, one is the world-famous Wu Sheng, and the other is the collision of the two people with the magic technique. The collision between the two martial arts circles and the magic world also means that there are countless people who come here.

Perhaps on the island of Australia, Ye Chen's rising star's reputation is not that great, but Lin Biluo has long been famous, and is known as the first sage. His status in the entire island of Australia is even more than half that of the Governor.

At the beginning, many warlocks disdain. In their eyes, even if Lin Tianshi is not a **** realm, it is almost the same. It is absolutely impossible to lose to any warrior.

But there were also people with good deeds who gave them a detailed introduction to Ye Chen's deeds to let this group of people know that the other side of the gambling battle is not easy.

All of a sudden, everyone was excited. Many people flocked to the Platinum Beach ahead of time. They would rather spend the night eating and sleeping, but they must first occupy a good position to witness this terrifying battle.

After all, the warlocks mostly hide their shadows and avoid the world to practice. The magic world hasn't happened for such a long time. Everyone has different opinions on whether it is high in skill or strong in martial arts, and it is difficult to achieve reunification. Even before the start of the war, many people were already angry and fought privately.

This night, I don't know how many people have tossed and turned to sleep.

A pinnacle martial arts master, a spellcaster, and bets totaling hundreds of billions of assets, how can there be no external markets for these big scenes?

I don't know how many people have overwhelmed all their net worths, as if the moths are fighting the fire, and I still don't regret it even if I die.

Finally, it was dawn...

Ye Chen pushed open the door of the office, waiting for Jiangshang Huazhi and Qingchuan Sayuri outside, and immediately greeted him, and then they were all surprised.

The man in front of him, I don’t know when he became a rich, handsome, noble and arrogant blue-haired fairy like a god, making them feel ashamed as women.

"Ye Chen is out!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people received the news, and I look forward to it.

Soon, Ye Chen took the two daughters to the Baijin Beach, and seeing his appearance, many young girls could not help but scream.

Other warlocks were also amazed. They thought that the person who challenged Lin Tianshi, no matter how young, even if he was a middle-aged man with pale hair, did not expect him to be so young.

Ye Chen's expression was calm, and she walked all the way to the innermost part of the Platinum Beach. It was originally a private site of the Ho family. It was not open to the public. But today, with so many warlock warlocks coming, can the Ho family dare to stop it?

The further you walked in, the more masters you saw, and finally Ye Chen even saw several martial art masters and real practitioners.

Finally, he saw He Cheng.

It was only a few days later, but He Cheng’s spirit at this time had already decayed for the most part. These days, there is a blood relative who is burned to death in front of his eyes, even the heart-warming people can’t resist.

The most desperate thing for He Cheng is that this spell cast by Ye Chen cannot be cracked by Lin Biluo Lin Tianshi, so he can only give the pearl jade to Lin Biluo, hoping that he can win in the gambling battle, looking forward to killing After dropping Ye Chen, he can make the blood curse he set invalid.

However, at this time, He Cheng saw Ye Chen's true appearance as a god, and the momentum of the world, but he suddenly felt guilty. Originally full of confidence in Lin Biluo, he had a hunch that he could not win.

He Cheng looked at Ye Chen and said tremblingly: "Ye, Master Ye Xian, I have served the family. I am willing to dedicate all my family property and only ask you to spare our family's life."

Ye Chen coldly said: "Late, the guy who dares to threaten my family with his family will only be the end of the genocide, there is no chance of being spared!"

Hearing this, He Cheng seemed to have been pulled away from the last pillar. He, who had just barely crutched and stood, stumbled and collapsed on the wheelchair, sighing heavily.

Ye Chen didn't even bother to care about this guy, and continued to move forward, and finally saw an old man in the deepest part of Baijin Beach.

Although he is an old man, his hair is black and there are not many wrinkles on his face. He is believed to be believed in his thirties. Only those calm and wise eyes who have seen the wind and frost of the world can make people feel deeply. The power of years.

"You came."

Lin Biluo carried his hands behind his back, looking at the coastline, his figure reflected in the sun, emitting a tremendous light.

He said this and suddenly shook his head: "You shouldn't be here."

Ye Chen said lightly: "There is a Lin Biluo in every area. I haven't put it in my eyes, why shouldn't I come?"

His spiritual consciousness is outstanding, and he can clearly feel that although Lin Biluo is powerful, he is purely cultivating, even lower than Qiu Lingyun by more than half a point. Not an opponent.

Hearing this, Lin Biluo was not angry, and he smiled and said: "The old man alone is certainly not Ye Xianshi's opponent. After all, you are a demon and martial arts, and no matter how martial arts, you have reached the sanctuary..."

Hearing this, watching the crowd around me, I was shocked. Someone in this world could practice martial arts at the same time, and both reached the Holy Land?

But Lin Biluo will not lie. Since he said that, Ye Chen must be a double saint of martial arts. Only in this way, can Master Lin really be able to beat him?

As if to answer everyone's doubts, Lin Biluo chuckled and said: "Ye Xianshi, you are indeed a rare wizard for thousands of years. The old man asked himself to show his cards, and he is by no means your opponent, but your arrogance, but Also doomed to failure!"

In this way, a black mist rushed from behind his body, showing a green-faced fang, a blue ghost fire burning in his eyes, and a ghost head with a pointed long nose.

As soon as the ghost appeared, Sayuri Qingchuan and Huashang Jiangjiang exclaimed together: "Master Wutengou!"

The ghost head didn't pay attention to them, but stared at Ye Chen with his eyes burning with ghost fire, and said coldly: "Little devil, you are the Huaxia Fasheng who destroyed my projection and killed my believer?"

Ye Chen glanced at Wu Tiangou, but ignored it at all, but looked at Lin Biluo faintly: "It turns out that your hole card is this thing, which really disappointed me."

Lin Biluo snorted coldly and said, "Ye Chen, you must be crazy. Although the Wu Tiangou Dao You have no entity, as long as they are parasitic on me, our erupted strength is an absolute divine state!"

"Even if you are a double saint of martial arts, facing the divine realm, there is no chance of winning. You are dead!"

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