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Ye Chen is sitting in the office of Gangxiong in Qingchuan. At this time, the He family has exerted pressure from all directions. Before and after, dozens of lobbyists sent by major forces visited, but they were all blocked by Jiangshang Huazhi.

In the office, Qingchuan Sayuri was holding a document, frowning and said: "Master, according to the spy's return, the old man of the He family has already left to visit Lin Biluo Lin Tianshi, do you really need to send someone to intercept?"

Ye Chen yawned and said lazily: "Without that need, what if Lin Bi fell out of the mountain? Master, I still beat him to find his teeth."

With that said, he knocked on the table and said lightly: "How is the capital of Qingchuan Enterprise taking over?"

For other people, Qingchuan Enterprise is enough to struggle for a lifetime and even manage a few generations of treasure, but for Ye Chen, it is a bit troublesome.

Most of this company's capital and real estate are in the island country, and even if it is the chairman of the company, Gangchuan Gangxiong, it is very difficult to control all of them.

So Ye Chen made a decision that no one else dared to think about, that is, to sell and transfer Qingchuan enterprises into cash, and then hit their own accounts.

This kind of liquidation is the same as the sale method. The loss is calculated in tens of billions, and even the stock market is turbulent. I don’t know how many guys who have lost their stocks in the past few days have been forced to the roof.

But Ye Chen didn't care about these things at all. Every Qingchuan enterprise sold it and sold it. As for money, it was a number, it didn't matter how much.

Qingchuan Sayuri said obediently: "Almost 50% of it has been sold, but the company's senior management has also reacted. It is estimated that we will not be so easy to adjust in the future."

Ye Chen shrugged and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, tens of billions of renminbi was also started, and everyone will be left to them."

Qingchuan Sayuri heard her eyes, suddenly widened her eyes in surprise, and persuaded: "Master, if all the remaining industries are also sold, it is also a large sum of money. Just spend more time... Ah!"

She suddenly lowered her head shyly, because Ye Chen had stood up at this time, patting her shoulder gently and smiling: "Look longer, don't waste time on such trivial things, the really interesting things come Come, make some good tea."

He said this and shouted to the outside: "Guests who come in a while, no matter how many of them are in."

Soon, the door of the office was opened, and three people walked in successively. At this time, Ye Chen was already sitting on the meeting sofa, and the tea table was filled with steaming tea, just like an expression of hospitality.

The three men looked uncertain, but they still gathered their courage and sat across from Ye Chen. Qingchuan Sayuri stood behind her master and peeked out, only to see one of them was He Yuanzhi who had a little relationship with Ye Chen, and the other was He Caiwei, who was pale and trembling, but the last middle-aged person did not know.

Ye Chen's mouth smiled and spoke lightly; "Several, please use tea."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man opposite showed a surprised look and said, "Your Excellency knows that I am coming?"

Ye Chen leaned on the sofa and calmly said: "Since He Cheng has gone to Lin Biluo, I think the war book should also come."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said: "It is the person who defeated Qiu Lingyun, and it really deserves the reputation. In the next Han Tianshi, he sent the war book for Master Lin Biluo. Although his old man had retreated from the rivers and lakes, he no longer ignored the world affairs, but This time you are too aggressive, he can only choose to face the challenge, otherwise it would not make people underestimate the warlocks of Aodao."

Ye Chen smiled and waited for Han Tianshi to finish his speech before saying: "I understand your Master's mood very much, but you seem to have done something wrong, that is, I can challenge any cat or dog, he challenges Me, it does not mean that I have to fight."

Hearing this, Han Tianshi's face changed in vain, and he sneered: "Ye Wusheng, shouldn't you be afraid?"

Ye Chen didn't get inspired by him, and said lightly: "Go back and tell Lin Biluo, if you want to challenge me, just bet on the life of your family and He, a person's consciousness of being killed is not done well. kill?"

Han Tian Li left happily, but he didn't have the courage to agree to Master. He had to rush back to ask Lin Biluo and He Cheng before he could give an answer.

After dismissing this guy, Ye Chen turned his head and looked at the two surnamed He in front of him and said, "So, what is your intention?"

He Yuanzhi smiled bitterly: "I was invited by the cousin to be a lobbyist, although I don't think I can say anything in front of you, but... look at her like this, I can't just sit back and ignore it."

Ye Chen only looked at He Caiwei at this time and said, "What are you looking for me for?"

He Caiwei shivered, looked up at Ye Chen with terrified eyes, and bowed his head, said: "Ye, Master Ye Xian, I really tried hard to win the jewel for you, but Grandpa did not agree, please, please be kind and free Me."

Ye Chen was keenly aware that she was saying "let me go" instead of "leave home", he smiled silently and said, "So, what is the price?"

A trace of absoluteness flashed in He Caiwei's eyes, decisively saying: "Everything, everything is OK."

Ye Chen's mouth twitched lightly, she snapped her fingers, and pressed a finger on He Caiwei's forehead. At this moment, the woman's soul shuddered, but soon she collapsed.

From her eyebrows, a burning blue flame appeared, but after the flame appeared, it made the air a bit cold.

On the side, Sayuri Aokawa looked at the flames, and she felt infinite awe, burning frozen flames, but it was a fusion of two completely different elements, even if it was difficult for the Holy Prophet, it was easily done by his master. Use it.

"What a tough adult this is."

Qingchuan Sayuri had a flush on her face, and her heart was churning, but He Caiwei had only fear in her heart. She crawled out a few steps in a row, looking at the flame in Ye Chen's hands with horror.

This was Ye Chen's soul-searching fire that could only be exhibited after he became the Emperor's glazed body. Even when he exhibited it at the moment, it was quite annoying. If He Cheng had not violated his bottom line, Ye Chen would not use it in anger.

He raised He Caiwei's chin with one finger and smiled evilly: "Now, let me tell you what you will pay."

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